We all have our favorite words of wisdom that help motivate and inspire us to push forward in business, especially in times of difficulty. So with that in mind, I have again reached out to the fabulous CarolRoth.com contributor network of entrepreneurs and experts to find out their favorite business-related motivational quotes. Their answers are presented below in no particular order.
You may notice that some of the same/similar quotes were inspirational to multiple people. I kept them separate for emphasis, but grouped them together at the end. *Please note that the quotes are written in the words of the submitter and may not be exactly as stated.

1. Shake Off the Snake!
"Shake off the snake and live your life with maximum impact."
I didn't have to think twice about this one. It was sent to me by a friend during a particularly trying time with a client who was wearing me down.

2. It's Better on the Outside!
When I was leaving my job as the marketing director for an accounting firm to start my own marketing firm, the Sr. partner pulled me aside. He thanked me for what I had done while at the firm, and then dropped these pearls of wisdom, "You'll find that it's often better to be an expert on the outside than an expert on the inside." Truer words have never been spoken! I rarely felt appreciated, and sometimes felt downright disliked, inside the firm. Now, I'm having a blast and feel valued!

3. Show Me the Money
There are no better words of wisdom that best motivate and inspire me to push forward with my businesses than "show me the money". While effort and commitment are absolutely necessary, actions and results mean everything. If results are realized, "show me the money".
Thanks to: Jason Frank of

4. Failure to Plan
If you fail to plan, you may as well plan to fail.

5. Avoid the Perfection Obsession
"When you are 80% done, then move. The final 20% is dysfunctional."
Alan Weiss, http://www.contrarianconsulting.com

6. Spend Your Time Wisely
"It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan."
— Eleanor Roosevelt

7. Advice from Shakespeare
"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt."
- William Shakespeare
Every business owner should scrawl this into his/her brain. It inspires me to be bold and brave in every venture.

8. The World Changes, You Don't!
One quote that always rings true for me!
"The world changes constantly, and so does business. The only thing that remains the same is your innate abilities."
- Anonymous

9. Funny and Motivational
When I start to doubt myself personally and professionally...I say to myself...
"Who better than you?"

10. Can't Go Wrong with MLK
"The ability to lead a happy life is made, not found".
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our responsibility to ourselves and our businesses to be proactive instead of reactive is something we all need to remember. The happier we are, the better we work... and happiness needs to motivate all of us to move forward with positive business decisions.

11. How to Avoid Being Criticized
Many people with otherwise great ideas and great opportunities for growth fail to take action because they are afraid of criticism. According to Elbert Hubbard, there is only one way to do that...“To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.”

12. The Essence of Leadership
The true leader recognizes that he must inspire his charges to overcome obstacles that at first may seem insurmountable. He mentors, encourages, and draws out the strength in each member of his team. He acknowledges that any failures are the result of flawed leadership. Yet when the team achieves its objective, he is wise enough to let it become their own individual success story. A leader does not simply lead; he inspires through unwavering word and deed.

13. My Favorite Business Quote
Maya Angelou says it best, "I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as 'making a life'."
I live by this quote everyday- but it took me a long while to practice it. I love things like shopping, fashion and looking good. But what I found was by loving all those things, I forgot about the "things" that really mattered the most. Spending time with my kids, relaxing on a dock watching the sunsets at the lake-these things make my life full and I can still make a living by actually living.

14. Networking Nugget
If you are shy or uncomfortable about introducing yourself to people you don't know at networking events, pretend you are a golden retriever! Then walk up to someone, and as you introduce yourself, imagine saying to them, "Hi there! I'm your new best friend. Wanna play? Gotta stick? A ball? Let's pla-a-a-a-a-y!" You'll find yourself smiling, feeling much more confident, and having more fun in the process.

15. I Never Lose
My favorite saying and theme for 2011 is "Either I win or I learn, but I never lose!"
Melinda F. Emerson

16. The Incredible Need for Speed
"If you are having everything under control, you're not moving fast enough." ~Mario Andretti

17. "Sell People What They Want...
...not what you think they need."
I wish I could credit the author, but I read too much GREAT marketing material to keep track of it. It will most likely have come from one of these sources:
Michael Blandvold (Marketer for KISS, U2, and many others.)
Steve Harrison (Marketer behind "Chicken Soup" books, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and others)
Derek Sivers (Founder of CD Baby)
Bob Baker (Author of "Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook" and others)
Carol Roth (you may have heard of her)

18. You Know What You Should Do?
As an entrepreneur, designer, inventor, change agent, and manufacturer, (I have ideas and I get them done), there are always the well-meanings who offer, "You Know What You Should Do?" to which I reply, "There's nothing to it if you don't have to do it." (From Dan Rushing - but not sure of the origin.)

19. Are You "Hanging"?
"In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted." So says Bertrand Russell. So, too, says Peter Drucker, the Father of Modern Management Science, who asserts that "Leaders know how to ask questions." He adds, "The right questions." The whole basis of continuous improvement is the willingness to ask these questions, listen to answers, research possibilities, and then start improving.

20. See if it Sticks
Throwing something against the wall to see if it sticks is not a commitment to your market. If this is all you're willing to do, it's foolish to expect a full commitment in return.

21. It's Not Always About You
I find that some business professionals think that they can talk about what they do all the time. If you show that you are genuinely interested in what your customer wants, then they will feel important and that you are truly listening. Listening is the key to customer satisfaction. Ask them what they want and then hear what they say. Work with them. The saying "The customer is King" is like saying ... "It's not always about you."

22. Just Say "Yes!"
"The answer is 'Yes.' What's the question?" Therein lies a guiding principle for truly creative problem solving in any business that serves...wait...isn't that ALL businesses?

23. Solve the Biggest Problem
One of my mentors was Frits Segers, then President of Citibank California. He told me early in his career he was given the 3 worst branches in all of Citibank. Other people thought Frits was on his way out of the bank. Frits never gave up. He worked hard and turned those branches around and got a reputation as a manager that got things done. He told me "Look for the biggest problem and solve it because therein lies your greatest opportunity." Today Frits is the Co-CEO of Barclays Group.

24. Wipe Out Your Fear!
“When courage, persistence, faith, and action meets, they wipe out the fear that holds us back from achieving our greatest level of success.” Karlene Sinclair-Robinson

25. Screw Your Career Path
The full quote is, "Screw your career path, live your story." It started as a blog post title; it's turned into a rallying cry.
If career paths worked as advertised, then hiring mistakes would never happen, the best people would always rise to the top, and no company would ever fail because all employees would be perfectly matched to their individual jobs.
You don't need a new job or more pay; just stop waiting for others to give you permission to be you.

26. What are You Waiting for?
"People get good gigs because they stand up....You don't get picked. Reject the tyranny of picked. Pick yourself." ~Seth Godin

27. Face Your Fears and Act
I hate to quote myself, but here are two quotes from my career advice book Success Tweets...
Tweet 44: Be an optimist. Believe things will turn out well. When they don't, don't sulk. Learn what you can, use it next time.
Tweet 45: Everyone is afraid sometime. Self confident people face their fears and act. Look our fears in the eye and do something.

28. Never Give Up
"Where there is faith, there is hope. Where there is hope, there is life."
Doug Collins
Philadelphia 76ers

29. A Sign from Above
I was driving in rural South Carolina and came upon a lone billboard that read "There's No Heavier Burden than a Great Opportunity." Isn't that the truth of the entrepreneurial journey! If it were easy, everyone would do it.

30. "We Have an Opportunity"
The late Buddy Lee was president of the Board of Directors of the Charleston, South Carolina, Speech and Hearing Center. I was the President/CEO of the organization. When I would call Buddy and say, "We have a problem," he would always answer. "No Mitch. We have an opportunity." His optimism never failed to inspire me and caused me to adopt his philosophy as my own. I no longer have problems. Thanks to this wise counsel, I only have opportunities.
Thanks to: Mitch Carnell of

31. Safety v. Risk
Safe is risky.
-Seth Godin

32. Paddle Your Own Canoe
Love everyone, trust a few, and paddle your own canoe.

33. An Immutable Truth
The sooner we realize that the world has changed, the sooner we can accept it and make something of what we've got. Whining isn't a scalable solution. --Seth Godin

34. Best Business Quote
I have always used these two quotes of my own:
Be the Best You Can Be
Discipline and Persistence Equals Success

35. Quote-able
My favorite personal quotes:
"Have a clutter-free day!"
"If it's not on your list, it WILL be missed."
"File it, don't pile it."

36. Favorite Business Quote
To me, having a goal is vital to achieving anything in life. That is true whether it is business or personal. Along with a goal, you need a plan to get you there.
One of the many quotes I have on my wall is about goals and plans.
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there."
Simply put, if you don't have a goal, you don't need a plan.
If you want success, you must decide what it looks like and then plan for it.

37. Do What?
Staying ready, so you won't have to get ready!

38. Do You Have a Great Dream?
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." ~ Harriet Tubman

39. Think BIG!
My favorite quote is the inspiration for my website!
You are what you think. So just think big, believe big, act big, work big, give big, forgive big, laugh big, love big and live big. --Andrew Carnegie

40. Why Family Matters
"If you can raise a family, then you can build a business." - Michael Port

41. Complaining is Not...
Complaining is not an action step.
One morning, I was at my desk complaining about how much work I had to do, how dissatisfied I was with my income and a few dozen other things, and this little thought crossed my mind. I put it on a T-shirt and my coffee cup and use it any time I get stuck complaining instead of doing something about what I'm not happy with. It works surprisingly well.

42. Let Your Light Shine!
Marianne Williamson wrote my favorite quote, which I use in all my presentations: You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to manifest the glory that is within us. And as we let our light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

43. Building Cathedrals
A woman asked a construction worker, what are you doing? He said, "I'm laying bricks." She asked another worker nearby and he said, "I'm chiseling stone." She asked a third worker and he said, "I'm building a cathedral." This is a story that was passed on to me by a colleague and I don't know who originated it. But it inspires me to remember that building a business is important work and to keep my eye on the big picture, even when I am doing what seem like mundane, insignificant tasks.

44. What You Can't Measure Matters
In a metric-driven world, it's interesting to remember that the things that matter most can never be measured: loyalty, integrity, optimism, inspiration, respect, empathy -- just to name a few of them.

45. Win-Win Situation
"The absolute fundamental aim is to make money out of satisfying customers." – John Egan
This is something I try to never forget! Without satisfied customers you do not have a business.
Your business makes money (win) & the customer is happy (win). What more could you ask for?

46. Take Action
Success in business does not depend on what you say, what you hear, what you feel, what you see. It depends on what you do.

47. Advertise with Quality
I always thought that one of the best quotes in business that has impacted what we do here is what Milton Hershey said back in the day. "Give them quality, that's the best advertisement." And on that note, the company really didn't begin mass advertising until the 1970's when they had to adapt to TV and their competition. But when Hershey began, the quality of most chocolate was both poor and very expensive. He really did change all that and did come up with superior products at that time.

48. If You're Going Through Hell
If you're going through hell keep going. Winston Churchill

49. Esoteric and Practical
This is the one quote I rely on repeatedly: "The field is the sole influence of the particle." Albert Einstein.
It's a bit esoteric, but always serves to remind me that my thoughts (the field of thought) create my experience (the arrangement of particles).
Thoughts > feelings > actions > results > thoughts.....
When I see that note up on my computer, whether I'm in a funk or not, it serves to remind me how powerful my mind is, and that, yes, I really can be/do/have just about anything.

50. Creative Destruction
Sometimes you have to let go of something to gain something else.

51. Fav Business-Related Quote
Here's the quote that keeps me pushing on -
You Were Created to Succeed!

52. He Who Hesitates is Lost!
My favorite business-related inspirational tip of all time, the one I return to again and again, was actually a fortune cookie. Here it is:
"Man wait, for long time, with mouth open, for roast duck to fly in!"
Many times I have nudged myself into a great business decision by reminding myself of this simple visual tip! I give my business decisions a quick once over with my left brain, and if it still seems like a great idea, I hasten to "seize the day", as another great quote says.

53. Balance Family and Career
"I have running a business while raising a family down to a science. Every day is an experiment."

54. Always Be Closing - ABC
I love this quote because it's getting to the fundamentals of business which are to make the important deals, frequently. If you're all about talk and aren't doing a good enough job making important things happen, your business is doomed, so always be closing.

55. For Things to Change You Need
"For things to change you need to change. For things to get better you need to get better. The good news is you can change, you can get better and you can start right where you are at and you can go as far as you want to go." Jim Rohn

56. Move Forward or Rue the Day!
When I need inspiration, I think of the quote by George W. Cecil, then picture this scene in my head: "On the Plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of Victory, sat down to wait, and waiting-died!
I feel driven to do my best in my business and this quote reminds me of the consequences of inaction and complacency.

57. My Favorite Business Quote
The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity. – Peter F. Drucker

58. Favorite Inspirational Quote
I never realized that being an entrepreneur would confront me with some serious doubt about ever embarking on this journey in the first place. This quote from Van Gogh keeps me going when I start to wonder why I wandered from the shores of stable employment into entrepreneurship.
"The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore." - Vincent Van Gogh

59. Kamloops
In times of uncertainty, the leaders who stand out are the ones who remain certain of their decisions.

60. Initiative
“Successful people are always thinking about what they can do to move to the next level. Initiative is the drive to do it – to take the first step, and then the next step. The great thing about initiative - is that it’s free and available to everyone.”
Maria Bartiromo
Author, Host WSJ Report, and CNBC Anchor

61. Luckiest Cat on the Planet...
"I dreamed impossible dreams. And the dreams turned out beyond anything I could possibly imagine. You know, from my point of view, I'm the luckiest cat on the planet." -Hugh Hefner

62. This One Works
"Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes."
I use this one every time I'm feeling stuck.
It's simple enough to work.
The Franchise King®

63. Never Give Up
"Never, never, never give up" - Winston Churchill. It's a quote that has absolutely nothing to do with business, but inspires me on those days that are more challenging than others. I like this quote because as a business owner and solo entrepreneur, I'm one of those people who truly charts his own course every working day. I succeed or fail based solely on my own efforts, and on those days that are more challenging than others, Churchill's quote keeps me motivated to keep forging ahead.

64. Is This Door in Your Way?
"If the door to your dreams is locked, Kick It Open" - Kevin Jimeno

65. Failure is Not an Option
I am a relatively successful entrepreneur/author and have lived by and through a collection of "BELIEF SYSTEMS" that kept me going against the numerous disappointments inherent in being an entrepreneur. These "BELIEF SYSTEMS" were and are inspirational and often repeated by me like a prayer; such as:
"NEVER, NEVER, GIVE UP" (Winston Churchill)
"Knock down eight times get up nine" (Japanese proverb)
"Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead" (Farragut)
"I have seen the enemy and it is me" (Pogo)

66. Jump-Start Your Sales
The way to get started in business is to stop talking and just start doing!

67. Wisdom to Win
Hope is not a strategy!

68. Temporary Defeat
Regarding temporary defeat...
"When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal. If you give up before your goal has been reached, you are a “quitter.” A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits."
-Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich)

69. My One Best Word of Advice

70. Become More to Have More
Ok. One of my favorites from Jim Rohn: "To have more than you've got, become more than you are. Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got".

71. Where's the Value?
"Don't Confuse Efforts with Results" (TM)

72. For the Perfectionist in You!
I'm not sure how "inspirational" this is, but it's good, practical, sound advice that I've leaned on many times.
"Done is better than perfect!"
Richard Newkold

73. Adequate? NOT!!
"If all you want is "adequate" and your standards are low enough, there's a pretty good chance you can get there without a technical writer. If your goal is to have your users not associate your product with memories of cursing and skinned knuckles, that might be another story." -- Gene Kim-Eng

74. Success and Giving
Giving is not an afterthought to success, but rather the foundation. To be successful is to be aligned with our unique creative expression in service to the world.

75. Positive Attitude
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
Winston Churchill

76. Singular Sensation
"Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic." -Dave Barry
As an entrepreneur, you don't need a lot of tools, money or people to ultimately be successful. In fact, it's just the opposite. Follow your gut and let your talent speak for itself.

77. Explore... Dream... Discover!
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
~ Mark Twain
For a variety of reasons (far too lengthy for discussion here) we hold back, and limit the pursuit of our goals and dreams. Twain's quote is incredibly moving, and inspires us to take a chance where we might not otherwise do so.

78. The Father of Hollywood
My great-grandfather, H J Whitley, the "Father of Hollywood" always said, "Those who say they can and those who say they can't are both right. Be the one who says you can." He definitely followed his own advice and changed the world.

79. Dreamweaver
Henry David Thoreau- If you advance confidently in the direction of your own dreams and endeavor to live the life that only you have imagined, you will meet with a success that is unexpected in common hours.
Thanks to: Charlie Wachtel.

80. Change is Good!
My favorite business quote is: "Remember that six most expensive words in business are: We've always done it that way." - Catherine DeVrye
I believe with everything, you must examine a new, out-of-the-box way of thinking in order to improve. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Change can be a great thing! In business, you need to be open to it every day!

81. "Imagine That!"
"Imagination is better than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create."
Albert Einstein

82. Are You Really a Good Listener
"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply." (Stephen Covey). This is my favorite quote because it reminds me of an important point -- most people don't really listen to others; they simply wait for others to finish speaking so they could go on with their own agenda.

83. Bill Them
"Generate so much loving energy that people want to just come and hang out with you. And when they show up, bill them!" -Stuart Wilde

84. Persistence
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."
Calvin Coolidge

85. Vernon
"A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business." - Henry Ford

86. Quotes to Live and Die By
"If you don't have daily objectives, you qualify as a dreamer."
Zig Ziglar

87. Negotiate Reality
"Most of the reality of business is negotiable, if you're willing to put up with the discomfort."
This is slightly altered from a Tim Ferriss quote that says: "Most of reality is negotiable."
This quote helps me significantly to look for what I wouldn't have otherwise identified, had I not been deliberately trying to negotiate something.
It's a way of pushing past limiting thinking, toward creative outcomes and reminding myself that, in many cases, discomfort brings results.

88. What Hope Really is
Hope is a state of mind, not of the world. Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously heading for success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good. - Vaclav Havel

89. Accelerating Your Success
Every moment is a new creation.
Messed up?
Start again.
And again.
As many times as you need to get it right.
The only way to fail is to give up.
Now Go For It! Succeed and Prosper!

90. All Genius is Simple
"All genius is simple. It involves close observation and a momentous act of self trust." Howell Raines, Fly Fishing Through the Mid-Life Crisis

91. The Secret of Success
Success is like pumping an old well handle. You have to pump a very long time before you get water. But don't give up or you will have to start all over again. Zig Ziglar

92. Management Success Secret
What's the most important qualification for management success? Super vision!

93. Choice- Success or Failure?
The words of wisdom that best motivate and inspire me to push forward in business is a quote by George R. Kirkpatrick which states, "Nature gave man two ends - one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since then man's success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most."
This quote says to me you have to get up and put your best foot forward if you want to succeed in business and in life. No success will come if you keep sitting on your rear end.

94. Stop Blaming Others!
The quote I love and find most useful is under the letter U in two of my books. The A2Z of Inspirational Marketing and The A2Z of Success! "Understand that your accomplishments or lack there of is totally up to you and not who or what happened in the past!" Stop blaming others for what you become. Everyone is responsible for what happens to them whether it is business or personal. When we stop looking for excuses and stop blaming others we can accomplish anything.

95. Go Ugly Early!
"Progressive improvement beats the hell out of postponed perfection."

96. Unique Quotes
Business Execution Quote
A great idea in head, worth $100, a simple idea well executed, worth $10,000,000.
HR Quote
Which is stronger? A pack of lions led by a sheep or a herd of sheep led by a lion?
Idea Quote (Something that I practice which has made me successful)
The Future belongs to those who can spread ideas. ~ Guy Kawasaki

97. Deep but Worth Knowing in Biz
"The conquest of karma lies in intelligent action and dispassionate reaction." Decoded by me - The key is the 'dispassionate reaction'. Far too many business people get bogged down in emotional responses, when moving on and mastering "intelligent action" is the key to success. To master this simple sentence is to begin to see the beauty of karma and its positive effects on business relationships.
Thanks to: Lisa Ditkowsky, CFP(r).

98. Keep it Simple
“Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” Albert Einstein. When we get away from keeping things simple in our business, our life our energy becomes drained with the excess. Everything you have and plan to do takes up space in your brain. Along the road to success, remember the charge from Albert to baffle the world with simplicity. KISS - Keep It Simple Sweetheart.

99. Motivating Business Quote
"Find someone who you want to be just like...then be better than them." Joylynn M. Jossel

100. Business Words of Wisdom
"Be nice to everyone on your way up, because you'll see them again on your way back down."

101. Building People/Building Value
The only thing worse than losing well-trained people, is having people who are not well-trained, and keeping them.

102. Bad Day at Work?
Whenever I think that the boss is a jerk, I know I have only myself to blame ... I'm self-employed.

103. Plan the Work, Work the Plan
My inspiration is very simple: Plan the work, then work the plan.
There's such an impulse to just launch into one (or several) projects ... but that's how people, steps, emails, etc. fall through the proverbial cracks. Slowing down to create a plan for every project, and using that plan to guide the execution, is what works best for me. It might for you, too!
Plan the work, then work the plan.

104. Creating Long-term Security
I keep this on my desktop and look at it every morning, "In the long-term, security comes from an asset you create or acquire, not a position in someone else's asset." ~ Chris Guillebeau

105. A "Gem" of a Motivator
My favorite quote is "Pressure makes diamonds." A diamond is a piece of coal that has been subjected to pressure from all sides. Those of you "young" enough to remember recall the scene from the movie "Superman" where he squeezes a lump of coal into a diamond for Lois Lane.
In business, you can be squeezed from all sides, feeling intense pressure for days on end. Finally the deadlines are met, the pressure eases, and you emerge shinier, more valuable, and more knowledgeable than ever.

106. Always Keep a "Young" Mind
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young." ~ Henry Ford

107. "Don't Lose Your Head!"
Mindset is the biggest factor in successful business. Sure, there are other concerns - but mindset is the defining factor. It's NOT the economy!

108. Inspirational quote
In my business of coaching and helping others succeed, Vision is a BIG, BIG part. So my favorite quote is: "Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it." Hab. 2:2 NKJV
It does not matter if you are talking about vision for a nation, a company or an individual. If your message is not clear, even you don't know where you are headed, how can you expect others (employees or customers) to follow?

109. Good Business is the Best Art
"Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art." ~Andy Warhol, American Photographer, Artist, Film Maker

110. The Risk of Insult
The best business inspirational quote I've ever heard is from Roy Williams, author of "The Wizard of Ads" series.
"The risk of insult is the price of clarity."
If you aren't ready to offend, polarize, alienate, or insult someone, you'll never be able to establish a clear position in the mind of your customer.
Great brands stand for something, and anytime you take a stance for something, you inherently insult someone else.
If you aren't risking insult, you aren't getting noticed.

111. Favorite Quote
The marketplace richly rewards entrepreneurs for the problems they solve. You will deny yourself of numerous possibilities if you do not try when the opportunity is presented to you. Life can only offer so much, you are the only one who can determine how much of that will be yours.
Quote from the book "The Business You Can Start - Spotting The Greatest Opportunities In The Economic Downturn". Victor Kwegyir

112. Don't Take Crap
"If you have a problem with someone you have to go after them, and it's not necessarily to teach that person a lesson, it's to teach all the people that are watching a lesson that you don't take crap, and if you do take crap, you're just not going to well" - Donald Trump

113. Happiness is an Inside Job!
”Each new day leads you through new doors – doors of ordinary miracles that lead to endless possibilities.”
Life as an entrepreneur is all about possibilities!
Susan Bock

114. Favorite Business Quote
Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space. Invite one to stay.
~ Maya Angelou
The quote is my favorite, because in two sentences, it encompasses everything a centered business executive would need to be successful.

115. "Just Do it Because..."
"Managers: Always do the right thing... even when those above you, and below you-- do not." There are always bosses, and subordinates (whether in the volunteer circles or corporate life) who do not behave ethically, even morally. Doing what ones' gut says is RIGHT, gives an energizing feeling; regardless of what's going on in the environment. Using PHP... purity, humility, and patience-- will bring ones' inner sense into play. You are doing the right thing. And the right result will emerge.

116. Fun and Legal is Truth
In Business, I have always believed that telling the Truth is the real deal. I see so many people not telling the Truth, nowadays. I get in trouble for telling the Truth. Not telling the Truth, brings the Truth out, anyway. My Motto is: "If it is not fun and (legal); I am not doing it." In Business, not telling the Truth will lose you customers and professional clients. News travels fast over the internet. Mark Twain said, "When you tell the Truth, you don't have anything to remember."

117. Go Big or Go Home!
"Go big or go home." This has taken me far! When others in business perceive your company as bigger and more successful than it may actually be, they treat you with an entirely different respect than if they think you're 'just a start-up.'

118. Manhattan Life/Business Coach
"Friends who don't help you climb, will want you to crawl right next to them. Choose your closest people carefully." -Julie Melillo

119. Do or Do Not - There is No Try
If you didn't catch the origin of the subject, it comes from Star Wars' Yoda as he is teaching a reluctant Luke Skywalker. But it is a great business quote too. So often we hear of people talking about starting or running a business - they are "trying". But what we need is to DO. Take some action every day to move your business forward. No action is action, of a negative sort. And for goodness sake, please don't strive for perfection. It's not going to happen. 🙂 Do or Do Not!

120. The Best Business Advice
1) "If you want to keep your clients, see them in person. You can't kiss their ass over a computer."
2) I run an ad agency. "If you don't schmooze, you lose."

121. No "Lemmon" of a Quote
One of my favorite business quotes is from actor, Jack Lemmon: "Failure seldom stops you. What stops you is the fear of the failure." I never allow myself to stop or quit out of fear. After all, if you never go through the tough stuff, you will never reach the highest points.

122. Business Inspiration
I've got two:
1)True SUCCESS in life is measured by how gracefully you overcome obstacles. ~Junior Sanchez {LION}
2)I am impelled, not to squeak like a grateful and apologetic mouse, but to roar like a lion out of pride in my profession. ~John Steinbeck

123. Creativity is Magnetic
Creativity is intelligence having fun. John Maxwell

124. Long Lists
The day is short, but the list is long.
This is my original quote. I always work from lists and I always have a large list. I own 3 businesses and they keep me busy. But, I still sleep at night because using a list allows me not to worry about forgetting something.
I also made my own inspirational poster of this quote and hung it on my office wall.

125. Never Quit
"The best way out is always through" by Robert Frost.
This reminds me to always keep my head down and work for solutions to my business problems and not look for an easy way out or hope the problem will 'magically' go away on its own.

126. When the Going Gets Tough
Entrepreneurship is a spiritual journey and purpose seeking process. As a solopreneur, you are the soul of your business. Without you, your business wouldn't exist.
When the going gets tough, remember to rely on a Higher Power to order your steps and pull you through. This is my source of inspiration:
I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. (NIV) Phil 4:13

127. You Can Have What You Want
Or your reasons for not having it. Your thoughts create your reality. This is true for every aspect of your life from your body to your relationships to your business or work and even to your finances. If you argue for your limitations you will continue to experience them. You always get to be right. Always. My question to you is, "What do you want to be right about?" Pause, be clear and focus on what you want. Remember, "Yes, but." means "No." Just say "Yes," even if it scares you.

128. FOCUS
FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Successful.
It is easy to get sidetracked into other options, new products or services or partnerships when you are busy in your business. This saying alone has doubled my bottom line in one year and already doubled that in one quarter since I put it up above my computer monitor!

129. Rejoice and Trade Well
"Business means organization of capital and labor for the implementation of a project for the sake of profit."
Economic activity takes place for the production of economic goods either by exploiting the land or the conversion of raw materials into useful goods or activity engaged in the circulation of economic goods. Trade comprises goods capable of circulation and the mediation in their circulation. It is manifested through transportation, the undertaking of risk and the granting of credit.

130. Play 'Til You Win!
Playing 'til you win is about perseverance and sticking with a goal until you achieve it.
It is a reminder that success is achieved as a result of the little wins, to stay focused on the long term goal and be proud of progress... not perfection.

131. Wondering if You Should?
Just remember...
Well behaved women rarely make history ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

132. The Time is Now!
"Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along."
Napoleon Hill

133. Spirit Women Institute
"Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do." ~ Rumi

134. Reaching Goals
"The major value of reaching goals is not to acquire it, but it's the person you become while you're working to acquire it." - Jim Rhon

135. 3 Ways to Grow Your Business
Changing your mind-set to think like a millionaire is one of the best pieces of advice for an entrepreneur. Giving, Love and Faith are also included. As an entrepreneur myself, I listen and learn from a mentor who gives great advice. One of my most inspired quotes is "Everyone Can Have A Piece Of The Pie IF They Want It." - James Malinchak.
Another piece of advice is to build consumer relationships with a solid reputation through social media, publicity and online marketing.

136. For These Fast-changing Times:
In these unpredictable and fast-changing times, we need to be ready to move with the flow of the day. I found this quote some years ago which still hangs on my shelf in front of me. It has brought me a constant reminder to be ready for anything. I don't know who wrote it or where I got it from, all I have below it is (the Marines). The quote is: "Improvise, Adapt, Overcome."

137. Churchill and Woody Allen
An unlikely pair that has inspired my career for three decades:
"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." Winston Churchill
"Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." Woody Allen

138. Flexible and Strong
My favorite quote is from Johnny Shih, the chairman of Asustek, regarding his Buddhist approach to business: "Confront what is in front of you with a clear and flexible mind. That might be a hot day or your competition, but you accept it and do everything the best at that moment." Keeping a "flexible mind" reminds me to look for creative solutions when faced with challenges. At the same time, the term "confront" reminds me to stay strong in the face of those challenges.
Thanks to: Monique Salazar.

139. THE Quote That Drives Me...
The wants and needs of the many - outweigh the wants and needs of the one or the few... Mr Spock - Star Trek.

140. The Little Tugboat
A small business can be compared to a little tugboat and a large business can be compared to a luxury ship that holds hundreds of people. Who has the ability to turn around faster to get the job done? The little tugboat of course. Which type of company you choose can determine how fast a job can be completed on time.

141. Soft Skills Bring Hard Results
"When people go to work, they don't leave their hearts at home. We may live in a high-tech world, but leadership is still a high-touch job." - Lee J. Colan

142. Good to Great Quote
"Managing your problems can only make you good, whereas building your opportunities is the only way to become great."
-Jim Collins, author of Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't

143. Shaking Things Up
"Begin challenging your own assumptions. Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in."
-- Alan Alda

144. Go get it. Period.
It comes from the movie "Pursuit of Happiness", in the shot where a father tells his son that the son would never become a pro basketball player & when the son sadly nods in agreement, here's how conversation continues:
Father: Hey! Don't ever let somebody tell you... You can't do something. Not even me. All right?
Son: All right.
Father: You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you, you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.

145. Cary Grant's Occupational View
I was so inspired by this celebrity quote that I put it in my book. What life formula did CARY GRANT put into place that motivated him in his work?
"My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can." -- CARY GRANT

146. Flip the Switch!
There are times when your business is in a dark place. Perhaps the recession has affected your industry. You may have witnessed others going out of business that have been in business much longer than you have, Your clients have cut back on outside sourcing and it has been difficult to bring in new clients. Keep your flame lit and you will never feel darkness. ~J. Parker
Remember if you flip the switch the room is no longer dark! Flip!

147. Favorite Quote
1. "We can do nothing to change the past, but we have enormous power to shape the future."
Walter Cornish
Founder of The World Future Society

148. Ayn Rand for the Introvert
"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me."
— Ayn Rand

149. Ben Franklin: Value of Money
"If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some..." - Benjamin Franklin, The Way to Wealth (1758)
This quote goes straight to the heart of the meaning of free markets. In the end, the value of any asset is the nexus price where there is both a willing buyer and a willing seller. Ben Franklin reminds us that the borrower does not set the price of money (as the interest rate is commonly known), but must accept an interest rate that is also agreeable to the lender.

150. 1 of 3 Henry Ford Quotes
What we accept as true: "Whether You Believe You Can, Or You Can't, You Are Right" - Henry Ford

151. 2 of 3 Henry Ford Quotes
I love the quote by Henry Ford, "Whether you think you can or cannot, either way you are right!" Believing has so much to do about feeling confident, feeling worthy, feeling like we can accomplish our dream. Having trouble believing? A trick is to "fake it 'til you make it."
We all have fear and self doubt, but don't sabotage your success along the way. Our mindset is THE MOST IMPORTANT factor in if we reach success and how we handle obstacles that get in our way. Believe in yourself...you CAN!

152. 3 of 3 Henry Ford Quotes
Your thoughts are powerful; whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

153. 1 of 2 Woody Allen Quotes
"80% of Life IS showing up"
Woody Allen
This is quite a quote. How we show up in Life is WHY we have positive or negative experiences. Life on a daily basis IS a grind. Yet it's the day in-day out scenarios that often determine HOW things turn out in the Big Picture. So, I chose in and decided that my project called Operation Just One Can WILL happen as long as I address things daily.

154. 2 of 2 Woody Allen Quotes
The best business-related quote is: "80% of success is showing up." - Woody Allen
Thanks to: Lara Feltin of

155. 1 of 3 Wayne Gretzky Quotes
When I changed careers at age 50 to become a life change coach, author, speaker, and all around social entrepreneur, I needed much encouragement to take risks. This quote from Wayne Gretzky always helped me keep it all in perspective: "You miss 100% of all the shots you never take." Also I liked the saying: "Ignore success. Concentrate on excellence!"

156. 2 of 3 Wayne Gretzky Quotes
Take risks: “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” - Wayne Gretzky

157. 3 of 3 Wayne Gretzky Quotes
You have to take risks. As far as achieving success in business, here is a quote to live by: "You miss 100% of the shots you never take." Wayne Gretzky

158. 1 of 2 Albert Einstein Quotes
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein
Thanks to: Robert Rippee of

159. 2 of 2 Albert Einstein Quotes
Way too many quotes, but Albert is my hero.
"We cannot solve today's problems by using the same kind of thinking we used to create them." We have to change our thinking in business on a daily basis.
"Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." There will always be naysayers, ignore them or use them as forward inspiration.
Both are posters on my office wall!
Thank you Albert Einstein
Do you have another inspirational quote that wasn’t included? If you do, please share it below. And as always, many thanks to everyone that contributed to this article!