A new book to deal with your toughest customers
In a down economy, consumers are more aware than ever of their power. They are more demanding, have higher expectations and are more sensitive to service issues than ever before. Sound familiar? Well, now there is a book to help you serve this new genre of customers (aka the “Gladys”) to maximize your sales.
Marilyn Suttle and Lori Jo Vest’s new customer service book, Who’s Your Gladys? that can help you manage this new breed of consumer. As a special incentive, when you order Who’s Your Gladys?now, you get a special package of 40+ electronic bonus gifts in customer service, sales, marketing and professional development. Since I believe that customer service will be the key to business survival in the next decade, I have offered a bonus gift as part of this package- my whitepaper From the CCA to Firing Your Customers: Five Customer Strategies to Grow Your Sales and Profits. Get your copy of Who’s Your Gladys?and all the goodies (including my whitepaper) at www.whosyourgladys.com