Have you ever thought to yourself that you just need to push yourself harder to get something done? Of course you have. We all have. But sometimes you are able to make something happen, and sometimes you just aren’t able to get it finished – or maybe even started.

Sometimes, by pushing harder all you’re doing is beating yourself up. 

Oh yes, your inner demons might be having a field day telling you how lazy or stupid you are for not being able to get whatever it is that you are working on done. 

But maybe pushing harder is not the right strategy. 

I loved this short video, “Why Pushing Yourself Too Hard Makes You Shut Down,” by licensed therapist Dr. Scott Eilers. He walks you through the counterintuitive advice that giving yourself some slack might be the better (and kinder) response. 

I think it’s important for us to acknowledge and talk about this, given that the startup and entrepreneur community often stresses pushing on and pushing through. It’s a grind! You have to hustle! 

Or do you? 

At some point, pushing too hard may cause you to shut down, as Dr. Eilers says.

Sure, you will have to work hard in your business. I don’t think anyone would say that you won’t, but working in ways that support you will be better over the long term.

It’s trite, but worth repeating: Entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. 

Photo by Jorge Rosales on Unsplash