When you run your own business and have the option to work at home, you may initially feel the urge to do the happy dance, work in your pajamas, and shower at lunchtime.
Or, you may feel motivated and start working even as you are drinking your first cup of coffee.
In the beginning, you may feel energized and get a ton of work done in a very short time, but over time, you may find that you are getting distracted just like you did at the office. It’s just that there are different distractions.
Instead of the chatty coworker stopping by and talking your ear off, it may be a neighbor in a crisis. Or a child home from school unexpectedly. Or a friend who wants to go to lunch. Or the plumber (since you are going to be home anyway). The distractions can be endless. And these are just the potential distractions from people.
What about the potential distractions of being in your home? Messy office to clean? Laundry to do? Dishes in the sink? Now it may seem like the noisy cubicle farm was actually less distracting.
Here are some ideas to consider to maintain your productivity while working at home:
Try a different venue. If you’re having trouble getting started and don’t have any calls scheduled, can you go to a coffee shop for an hour or two with the goal of accomplishing a specific task (writing that blog post, newsletter, expense report, client call summary, etc.)?
Dress for success. Need to feel professional for a phone call you are taking from home? Get up, shower, and get dressed in work clothes. You will be amazed at how your tone of voice and language change. You just upped your game!
Change locations. Could your desk benefit from a bulldozer? Try working at the kitchen counter or dining room table for a change of pace if your home office is really messy and distracting. (And then schedule time in your calendar to straighten up your office after work hours.)
Connect with someone. Feeling a little lonely? Schedule a lunch date on a slow day. A good conversation and a change of scenery can make for a productive afternoon.
Schedule fun time. Spending too much time at your computer? Make sure you schedule in time for a walk or for some stretching at least once (and preferably twice) a day. These breaks boost energy and creativity even more than a cup of coffee.
Assign time blocks. Can’t get something done? Try adding additional constraints as work tends to expand to the amount of time allotted. If you only have two hours to accomplish something, you will have an easier time getting it done than if you have all day. You may have heard the saying, “If you want something done, give it to a busy person.”
Eat that frog. Do you have something on your to-do list that you really don’t want to do? Do it first thing in the morning. The rest of the day will be much more productive because that dreaded task won’t be hanging over your head.
“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”
~ Mark Twain
All work environments have challenges, but I hope these ideas will help you stay focused and on track while working from home.