From The Entrepreneurship Interview Series
With so many folks these days not only losing jobs, but also being underemployed or generally disgruntled with their jobs, I wanted to ensure the EI Series included a discussion about leaving your job to become self-employed. I had the pleasure of speaking with one of the foremost authorities on that topic, Pam Slim, who is a seasoned coach, writer and entrepreneur, not to mention that her Escape from Cubicle Nation blog is one of the top career and marketing blogs on the web.
Pam and I cover a number of topics around self-employment, including:
-Why cash flow is one of the biggest challenges facing the self-employed;
-The biggest risks and rewards of being self-employed;
-Why you need to have a viable business model (and test it out) before you make your leap;
-How the mindset of an employee and an entrepreneur differ;
-And more
You can listen to the player below (it may not show for some of you) or click here to download or stream the MP3 file.
You can connect with Pam at Escape From Cubicle Nation and can also find her Escape Workshop in a Box there too. Feel free to leave comments here as well and I will pass them on to Pam.
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