Since there’s no shortage of negativity online these days, in honor of Thanksgiving, we thought that it was important to shine a light on the positive aspects of our businesses lives. No matter what your situation is, there are always things that you can find to be grateful and thankful for.
Thus, the incredible contributor network of business owners, experts, advisors and entrepreneurs have shared what they are most thankful for in their small businesses this Thanksgiving. Their answers are presented below in no particular order. We hope that this list will inspire you to focus on what you are thankful for, too!
You may notice some similar ideas listed, but I kept them separate, as something in the way one is framed may resonate differently with you.

1. Super-Dad to the Rescue
Starting your own company from scratch, keeping it going and growing it are huge challenges. There are many unforeseen obstacles and cash blocks that can cause the company to crash. Several times during the initial years, when all seemed lost, it was my father's financial and emotional support that got us through. I am most thankful to have a selfless father who has never asked for anything in return. We have grown a lot since then, but I will never be able to repay his care & support, ever.

2. It's Simple
What I am thankful for is Carol Roth this year!

3. Thankful for My Clients & Team
I'm most thankful for my clients and the wonderful people who have come to work for us to serve our clients. It's an honor and privilege to help people with their financial goals.

4. Executive Boss Coach
First of all, let me put this into perspective. I am grateful and thankful that God has blessed me to be able to sustain the business for the last 12 years. I am thankful for family and my team. I am also thankful for the great clients and for my community that supports us. Most of all, I am thankful that I am blessed to be my own boss and have the flexibility to do what I want to do, travel when I want to travel and then meet, serve and Transform Lives of amazing people throughout the world. Legacy!

5. My A-Team
I am most grateful for my employees, who have become my family. They pour their hearts and souls into making this company the best it can possibly be, sometimes taking on added responsibilities merely because they feel it is in the best interest of the company to do so. For them, it is not just a job, but a passion. We are there for each other in the good times and in the bad, and it is because of my great team that I look forward to going to work each day.

6. Partnering With My Husband
I am thankful to be partnering with my husband as we travel the globe helping managers get breakthrough results-- without losing their souls. It's an incredible gift to be able to work and grow together on this journey doing work we find so meaningful.

7. Freedom
I took an early retirement in 1997 and started my own business. I wasn't mentally or financially ready to retire. Without a doubt, this was the best decision I ever made in my professional life. Owning a business puts you in the driver seat and provides the freedom that working in the corporate world would never permit.

8. ONE Thing That I'm Thankful of
One of the things I am so thankful for is media in the marketplace. Because of the industry of media (traditional - TV, radio, print, podcasts, blogs), I am able to help so many individuals through the work of my business as a boutique PR firm. Media outlets help provide awareness and credibility like no other kind of platform to people. It is one of the most powerful relationships a business owner can have.
My personal mission is to provide solid content and people for media professionals.

9. I'm Thankful I'm Not Alone
Being an entrepreneur could feel lonely because you're working alone, but I'm so grateful the small business community has so many opportunities to connect with each other, mastermind and share platforms (like the Carol Roth community). We have so many possibilities: coaches to teach us, platforms for publicity and networks to share. I'm so glad we have each other. We may have never met in person, but we still have the ability to be connected with each other in so many ways. Thank you SBO's.

10. Family First!
I’m most thankful for the opportunity to work with my family. No one watches out for our business better than my husband, Dick, & son and daughter. David and Linda are not only my children, but trusted partners. They watch our back when I'm on the road giving training sessions or when we take vacation and disconnect. I have full confidence that the business is in great hands. And, when stuff does hit the fan, they handle the situation effortlessly. We know the business is in good hands!

11. The Boldness to Change
I'm so thankful for the people who honor their time and contribution in a way that makes them willing to try new things.
These are the ruckusmakers – the ones who never say that’s the way we’ve always done it. The folks who get bored with what’s worked and move on to something new.
They are the people I treasure – the people who treasure themselves and their coworkers enough to say - hey let’s try this.
Thank you! You grow everyone around you.

12. Conquering Confidence
ONE thing that I'm most thankful for in my business is the ability to help amazing women overcome their fear of sharing who they are publicly. To watch someone change from a cowering mess when it comes to delivering their 30 second message to a powerful foot stomping, fear conquering, confident woman brings a tear to my eyes every time. Getting to watch my clients deliver their message with confidence and true belief in themselves is a blessing I am thankful for each and every day.

13. The Client Who Made My Sales
My biggest sale was made... by the client himself! To himself! On my behalf! I am most grateful to this aerospace executive who scolded me as I was leaving after my final training program: "Why aren't you stopping by my desk to ask about future needs?" he asked. "To sell me more training programs? Your problem, Marlene," he chided, "is that you have only excellence. But excellence is not enough. You need hype and you have none. If you want to succeed in business, you need equal amounts of both!"

14. Opportunity
We are all thankful for lots of things in our lives, but the thing that I am most thankful for is opportunity.
I wake up each and every Monday morning, not knowing what the week will bring. A new client, a new speaking opportunity, a new way to mentor or be mentored, or just the ability to connect or re-connect.
It is being open to opportunity and the ability to ask the question "Why Not" instead of just "Why?"
Take the time to listen to what the world is offering you.

15. Making Love All Day Every Day
I'll be 78 in April. I'm blessed to be 58 physically, 48 mentally and 38 in spirit! I've worked 40-70 hour weeks since I was 14... Yes, a lot of numbers, but here comes the bottom line: What I am most thankful for is that I love what I do and that I do what I love all day, every day. I create and motivate... Words. Images. Brands. Sales. Leadership. Teamwork. Content. I bring entrepreneurial thinking to old and new business tables with my podcasts, Nat'l-award books, coaching & training.

16. Flexibility in My Time
My business is running a personal finance blog, which affords me a lot of flexibility in when I do my work. I'm not confined to working during the 9-to-5 period, so I'm able to go on field trips with my kids, visit them in school, run errands or go to the gym when those places aren't packed. I'm always thankful for that flexibility.

17. Thankful for Transformation
Coaching can lead to transformation and change the future of my clients. When I receive a text such as "I look back and see this as a pattern that's affected me since childhood. I'm truly indebted to you and your coaching brilliance." I am thankful that I spend my day changing lives that will impact the future of everyone my client is able to touch. I'm truly thankful that I look at coaching as necessary; whether an elite athlete or a business owner, coaching makes a difference.

18. Helping Others With Quality
One thing I am very thankful for in my business is when I come across gracious clients that just want the job done right. Many times, clients come to me after failing with others in the digital marketing space. Bosses realize that ROI comes down to more than social media and blog posts and working with a business like mine that gets KPI goals makes them very comfortable.

19. Thankful for Thankfulness
Knowing how much of ourselves we pour into our clients' books, it is everything when a client says "Thank you", and truly means it. Incivility and discourse are such a stain these days that I am deeply touched when one takes the time to say, "You guys did a great job" or "Thank you for all of the extras."
Whether it's a B2B deal or a family doing their own family history, I love that our publishing staff takes ownership, and then is acknowledged.
I guess I'm thankful for thankfulness.

20. And the "Band" Played on
My "band" is made up of my family, new friends and shoppers who have stayed the course with me and helped me to persevere through the ups and downs of this journey.
We have been moving the needle forward to connect to as many people as we can by attending new venues and reaching out to new connections, far and wide.
We are determined to make sure that customers' clothes shopping experience will positively change and help to boost their time with their kids outside the clothing store.

21. Lesson Learned from a 4 Yr Old
At a conference, the 4 yr-old son of a presenter networked. He said: My business is drawing pictures that you can put on your refrigerator with magnets. Give me $10, $20 or $100. I said: What can I get for a dollar? He thought for a second then replied: Nothing! This child knew his value and his worth and he stuck to it and would not compromise. An extremely valuable lesson I was thankful to learn!

22. My Rockstar Team
The number one thing that I am most grateful for in my company is my staff. The team that I have is incredible! They work extremely hard, they care about our customers and they treat our customers like family. Our staff is truly a blessing and they are the reason we continue to grow!
Thanks to: Christopher Carter of

23. Squash Network Works!
Our squash network means the world to me. From bashing a little black ball around, what emerges is a diverse community. We celebrate victories, lament losses, and form solid friendships on and off court. So, whatever feeds your soul, be it sports, arts, crafts, or cars, shared passion can build a strong social bond and trust. More often than not, when helping others connect, I can always count on a squash friend. I am most thankful in my business for my squash network. #whyweplaysquash #gratitude

24. My Business Partner!
I am most thankful for my business partner Rob Smithson. He knew nothing about women's health or pelvic pain conditions, but he believed in me and shared my dream to help women all over the world who needed help. He advised me on how to startup my business and has guided me every step of the way. We have now helped over 15,000 women because he invested in my idea and believed in me. I'm forever grateful for his faith in me and my company.
Thanks to: Tara Langdale-Schmidt of

25. Community, My Secret Weapon
Community is vital to all Small Business. Anna's Pizza & Pasta is in the wonder small Community of Winnebago, IL. To understand and to be understood by your community is to be active, not just as a business in town, but an active member in town. I learned the value of Community in Winnebago a long time ago (23 years in town). Anna's has supported so many School functions, sporting teams, fundraisers, etc. Community is so important to Anna's and I attribute our success to being a MAJOR part of it!

26. An Employee Makes Me Better
I am fortunate to have a trusted employee who is so committed to the well-being of the business that I think of her more as a partner. She is dedicated to ensuring that each patient’s experience is outstanding and that we exceed expectations. She works for the good of the patient and the health of the business much more than for a paycheck. I seek advice from her and trust her implicitly. Meanwhile, her work ethic raises the bar for everyone in the office, including, and particularly, me.

27. Helping People in Need
The one thing I'm most thankful for in my business is the opportunity to help people on a one on one basis, who are truly in need of it. From my earliest childhood, I could remember an earnest desire to want to help others and with my Family Law Litigation practice, I truly am able to help others in a time of need. The people who come to see me are not just clients, they are like brothers or sisters reaching out for help, and I am uniquely positioned to be able to do that.

28. Out of Tragedy, There's Thanks
I am always grateful when people say thanks and send notes of appreciation. As someone who regularly encounters situations where people are at their worst - after a family tragedy - I am consistently impressed (and flattered) when people send a note of thanks. We have a wall of 'thank-you's' in our office that is a great reminder that our work has a real impact on the lives of families.

29. Their Legacy Lives On
My grandparents didn't get to see my business turn 20 years old. Can you imagine anyone allowing a 13 year old to cross the ocean alone in 1913? Or, what it must have taken my other 3 grandparents to leave their families to venture to Ellis Island. Both of my grandfathers started their own businesses, as did my Dad. If times were different, I'm sure my mom would have started a business, too. Their tenacity and their stubbornness lives in and through me for sure! Thanks!

30. Acknowledge Those Who Try
I’m always grateful to reward & recognize those who are trying. None of us are perfect, but each of us can improve a little to make the workplace better, the clients happier, & our knowledge broader. It’s these small steps that we take each day that cause us to grow by leaps & bounds throughout our life. Creating moments of recognition in the workplace & planning for the future with that team member helps make that vision a little clearer & more enjoyable along the way.

31. Angry Clients Become Friends
In our business, we ship tile all over the world. Not all deliveries go as planned. Sometimes, freight companies mishandle pallets of tile, weather causes delays, etc. Our customers are in the middle of home construction stress, so a mishap in our tile delivery can turn them angry. Over the years, we've learned to see this as an opportunity to solve someone's problem. When we approach the situation from a place of "helpfulness", we've been successful in turning anger into lasting friendship!

32. Thankful for a Clear Direction
I'm thankful for our employees first and foremost, but I’m also thankful that our owners had the foresight to compile procedures and processes for everything that we do. As a lawyer, we regularly have to touch so many different files and coordinate with a variety of outside parties that if we didn’t have this oversight and planning, we could spiral into confusion. These procedures free people up to do their job and provide continuity when folks move on to different roles.

33. Trust and Let Go!
I am most thankful for the trust clients place in me and my services as an Organizing and Productivity Professional. They invite me into their homes, offices, and the "stuff" that resides there. My clients know that I will guide them in deciding what to keep and what to release. Our work is confidential, nonjudgmental and allows them to be able to share their feelings and the attachment to things that keep them from living a clutter-free life. Their relief is visible and appreciated.

34. Haven't Missed One Yet...
Owning your own business can be bittersweet in terms of your time. It's awesome because I'm in charge of my schedule. It's tough because I spend many nights/weekends in my home office.
Overall, I am thankful for the time flexibility. My kids are 6 and 9 and have a lot of school activities. I never miss helping with the Dad's Club pancake breakfast, field day and the other kid's events. Even though I work much more than 40 hours per week, the ability to be there for my children is priceless.

35. Doing What I Absolutely Love!
Many small business owners do what they love and that's a blessing. I am overwhelmed with gratitude every time I think back to the time I worked in Corporate America. I'm so thankful that God led me out of a career path that I hated and into a passion that I love. I am overjoyed during the process of creating products that make women feel beautiful.

36. A Great Honor
What I'm most grateful for is the trust from every client I work with. I consider it a great honor and something sacred between us. They let me into their lives, businesses and careers honestly and authentically. I don't take that lightly. I learn from my clients daily. They've made me a better coach, a better leader and a better person.

37. Freedom to Create
One of the things about running a business is that you have the freedom to create and/or to build. Oh, you can't just run off willy nilly. You have to do things that make sense. And, you have a lot of customer-pleasing to do. But, you are your own boss and you have the freedom to create or build. There are few things as fulfilling as that.

38. Thankful for My Community
I wouldn't be where I am without the help of so many amazing, wonderful, talented people who have come along for the ride on my entrepreneurial journey. You too can connect with top people online and build relationships with them. Then, when you need some help on a project, these people will be there for you. I was recently rescued from a catastrophe while traveling in New York City. My helpers were Rob and Denise who I still haven't met in person. Hoping I can do the same for them someday.

39. Helping Towards a Big Problem
I have a reputation for being obsessed with the science of oilwell safety and integrity. Spills and accidents are heartbreaking, but calling for the banning of fossil fuel is unrealistic at this moment.
Every day, I help others to understand fluid and cementing practices, so that longstanding seals can be applied to oil wells.
Properly engineered wells leak or blowout at vastly reduced rates. While we wait for alternative energy to increase market share, I devote my life to safety now.

40. Loyalty = Long-term Success
I'm thankful for my employees who have served five or more years at FreightCenter. The freight industry may not be the most glamorous or exciting and we're not immune to employee turnover. So, when you find a group of hard-working, loyal individuals, it's important to recognize them for their achievements and to promote them to the top. I owe all 20 years in business to the people who have stood by my side and executed my vision.

41. Writing Those Thank You Notes
I remember sitting at the kitchen table and my mother making me write those many thank you notes for birthday and Christmas presents. Today, some 50 years later, I still employ that expression of gratitude.
Believe it or not, that simple Thank You Note is so appreciated by clients, colleagues and centers of influence. I receive phone calls, emails and texts thanking me for the note.
P.S. These handwritten notes differentiate me from everyone else and that has made a huge difference.

42. We are Family
I love the family aspect of business. Working with a team where skills, talents and interests combine to make a profitable venture. Successes are celebrated together and challenges are overcome together. Business is much more fulfilling to me when it is accomplished as a family.
Thanks to: Scott Toal of

43. Creating Little White Smiles
Being a pediatric dental practice, we’ve developed a reputation for getting children to love going to the dentist, which many parents can tell you is a godsend. In addition to making an enjoyable space, we're very passionate about creating positive early dental experiences through our staff and the way we engage with the young patients, which we know leads to a lifetime of good oral health. It’s fun not only doing something we enjoy, but positively impacting the next generation.

44. Only Place to Go is Up!
I’m thankful for clients whose products & services are great, but whose marketing is bad. We audit every new client based on our checklist of successful digital marketing. If they don’t have an opportunity for improving, we have no chance of fixing it. I once told a client that they scored 2 out of 11 on our initial audit. They were disappointed. I said ‘No, that’s great news!’ because you’re getting 60,000 visitors/month now & we have 9 fantastic opportunities to improve on that.

45. I Learn From Each Client
I love, how in my industry, I'm able to meet, network, & learn from so many different businesses & owners. I feel like I'm an unofficial Chamber of Commerce, because we design websites for so many different industries. Aside from providing each client with a new site, it's amazing how learning about their sectors has helped me personally. I'm more familiar with a variety of topics & can understand service providers I hire with a level of understanding I didn't have prior to web design.

46. Thankful for My Network
The one thing that I am most thankful for is my amazing support network! I am so grateful to have the best mentors, family and friends always there for me and my business; whether it's through business advice, financial or emotional support, they have my best interest in mind. Their support has allowed me to have more business success than I ever thought was possible and in turn, now I can truly provide the same kind of support to ensure my students' successes.

47. My Private Bathroom
I am grateful for my private bathroom. On our floor we have a bathroom that's for the entire floor, and we have a bathroom that's only for me and my partner. Having to see your own employees in the bathroom can create an awkward situation, especially when they insist on talking to you. That's why I so appreciate my private bathroom. I can go any time and be sure that it won't be busy, and that I won't have to interact with anyone.

48. Is This Guy for Real??
Just under 5 years ago, I met my business partner in a marketing meeting for a local politician. Nice guy, but my polar opposite in every sense of the word. A year later, I needed his skills to grow my business and he needed a new career opportunity. Today, we are partners in OUR business and not a day goes by that I'm not grateful that we met in that random meeting and that while so different, we complement each other's skills so very well and together, have been crushing it!

49. A Dear Friend is All You Need!
Having a successful business is something I am totally grateful for. But, having a dear friend who was there for me every step of the way with her insights and ideas that totally transformed my company was priceless. Her sense of humor and creativity always inspired me to completely change our whole line, which totally transformed the company. Everyone should have such a dear companion in their life and in their business!

50. Men, Women, and Words!
As a copy editor-proofreader, I’m fortunate to work on manuscripts and business materials in many genres -- fiction and nonfiction, sci-fi, self-help, memoir, romance, travel, adventure, web copy, and more. I so value the trust writers place in me to edit their material. And, working with a diverse array of individuals adds to the pleasure. Whether one project or several, for a few weeks or a few years, it’s the combination of people and the written word that makes this work so special.

51. Timing is Everything
I’m thankful for having the good fortune of being present during moments of enormous change. I had the good luck to be surrounded by Whole Foods executives when news broke that Amazon had acquired them; I was present when Kraft Heinz’s launched Springboard, its incubation arm; and I was embedded with CVS’ Transformation team during its process of acquiring Aetna. To have front row seats to some of retail’s most important moments has been the highlight, so far, of my professional career.

52. "They Really Like Me!"
What am I thankful for?
There are so many coaches in this space, all with valuable experience and credentials. The fact that my clients chose ME as their mentor and confidante fills me with tremendous gratitude. They share their heart, soul (and sometimes tears!), and their vulnerability and bravery only makes me a better coach.

53. The A Team
I am thankful for our A+ performers. These are the folks who wake up in the morning and are motivated and dedicated to building our team and serving our clients. When you have a company of top-notch performers, you can achieve anything. Our clients demand and deserve the finest quality professionals and with our company, that is what they get!

54. Mentor in My Odyssey
I couldn't be more grateful for Dick Herron, a man who, for many years, has been a mentor to me. He has tirelessly invested time, energy and personal know-how in assisting me in achieving my objectives. I wouldn't have enjoyed as much success, nor learned so much from my failures, if it weren't for him.

55. A Partner to Be Thankful for
The one thing I am most grateful for in my business is my partner, the Royal in Decker/Royal, Stacy Royal. She is twenty years my junior, but so much more superior to me in ways that make a true difference in my life, the success of our clients and well-being of our employees. We celebrate our fifth anniversary in 2019 and I can say, she's still one of my best decisions ever.

56. Technology for the Win
As a small business owner and entrepreneur, this year I am most thankful for the advances in automation technology that allow me to multiply the efforts of myself and my team. We are able to offer a much better customer experience and customer service, while maximizing our efficiency.

57. Security for Family & Friends
Hands down the most thankful and grateful thing that has occurred within my venture into owning my own business is being able to help out family and friends with employment in a time of need. I was able to help a recovering cancer survivor work remotely and take the time needed to recover on her timeline, a former teacher with a newborn stay at home to handle health issues, and several others.
It makes me very proud of being able to offer them security of employment and has created much love.

58. Never Too Young for Mentorship
I’ve had several great mentors throughout my academic and professional careers, including Maynard Mack, George Lord and Yaroslav Pelikan at Yale, and Archibald Cox at Harvard Law. But, the most important mentor was Sister Clementine from my primary grammar school. What she did was true commitment: she spent a year of her life working with me and taught me the value of mentorship through the art of taking tests, and how to create long-term solutions to difficult problems.

59. Thankful for Our Customers
I'm thankful for our loyal customer base. From the first few orders that were placed on an unproven and untested website so many years ago to the slew of repeat business we receive each year during the holiday season, we could never have gotten where we are without our customers. It means the world to us that we've been able to build a reputation for ourselves as a company you can trust.

60. Love My Work!
The thing I am most thankful for as a freelance writer/editor is how much I love my work and how eager I am to start the workday every day… seven days a week.

61. Serving Others
I’d have to say that I’m most thankful for life and the opportunity to work with and serve others. Being in the World Trade Center on 9-11, shortly after I started my business, forged a grateful and security-first mindset that has made our business successful through ups and downs. Being thankful just to be alive has helped me to identify with customers’ problems and focus more on their business survival, rather than my profits.

62. I Love It -- and I'm Thankful
I am thankful that my business allows me total control over my life – I love writing and publishing, and with Faded Banner Publications, I can do what I want, when I want to do it. I can say no to demanding or unpleasant clients or customers, and choose those I wish to do business with and associate with!

63. Puppies Need Empowering, Too!
Training puppies to be model citizens and assistance dogs truly is a labor of love. The hours are long and days turn into nights and days again. But, when you see how much these little furry creatures can change a person or a family, you know that you have truly made a difference… how can you not be thankful?

64. Revitalized by Reviews
Without a doubt, the one thing that I am most thankful about when it comes to my business are my clients and the reviews that they leave on my site.
When I’m having a bad day and nothing is going right, I open up my website on my phone and look at a widget that scrolls over 200+ five star reviews.
By the time I get to the tenth review, I’m pumped up and ready to go again. Fifteenth review on those really bad days.

65. Clients are Part of Our Team
Of the many things I should be thankful for in my business, one of them is being acquainted with the best clients an SEO firm can have. In our industry, clients come and go fast for various reasons. So, when you bump into clients with whom you agree with and can work harmoniously with, that is a true gem in a business.

66. The Ultimate Flexible Schedule
I'm most thankful for the flexible schedule I’ve created, where I see my Texas based counseling clients for online video counseling sessions while my kids are at school (bridging the gap between coaching and counseling!), and then spend time with my kids and husband in the afternoon and evening when they are home from school and work. Plus, so many people told me that an online private practice like this couldn’t be done. My motto, “Really? Watch me make it happen!”

67. Healthy Work/Life Balance
When it comes to business, I'm truly grateful for the flexibility of my schedule and the opportunity to bring my young daughter to work with me whenever it's necessary. Being a business owner and a mom means that a healthy work/life balance is the key to happiness, and for that, I'm thankful.

68. Helping People is the Best
I am the owner of a real estate company and by far, the one thing that I am most thankful for is the joy of helping people or families achieve their real estate goals. It is the best feeling to see how excited clients are when they achieve their real estate goals.

69. I Can Do Disabilities Advocacy
As the parent of a college student with a disability, I am thankful that over the course of his life – he was diagnosed when he was four – my job has allowed me to be an active disabilities advocate, both for him and for others, such as my support (since 1993) of The Legal Clinic for the Disabled, Inc. (, and regular participation in parents' listservs.

70. Grateful for Giving Up Control
Starting my business has taught me several life lessons, but one I am most thankful for is being able to give up control on things that cannot be controlled. Starting a business is certainly exciting, but nerve-racking. Between trying to make ends meet and worrying about the next deal that comes in, the stress can be endless. However, the longer I'm in business, the more I've grown in my faith that things will work out and to give up control on outcomes which inherently are unpredictable.

71. Healing the World
I’m so blessed to be able to help people get healthy. I have been in the health and fitness industry for 32 years. I help people struggling with depression, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure or if a person just wants to lose a few pounds. As a matter of fact, I had a lady come in my store crying telling me she lost over 163 pounds and is off all her medication.
Thanks to: Richard Kaufman of

72. Serving Looks Good on You!
There are multiple things that we are thankful for, however, the one that stands out the most is our ability to serve others. Serving others with a humble heart and spirit has been the success behind our business. Success is not about how much money you make; at the end of the day, success is how you have made an impact on the lives of others. An impact that is so great, people are motivated to take action and change. When we serve others, it brings about a gratitude that is indescribable.

73. Embracing Failure
I’m thankful my business failed, because that failure allowed us to pivot & create something new. After our boat rental business failed, we sold our boats & closed our shop, keeping the one thing that was working: our website. We transformed our business into a niche OTA (online travel agency) & recruited our former competitors as our new clients. After 5 years as an OTA, we enjoy not only monetary success, but the freedom of owning an online business, working from home & raising our 3 boys.

74. The Art of Fulfillment
The ONE thing that I'm most thankful for in my business... is being able to feel fulfilled doing what I love to do. I have a passion for helping youth, which is what led to the creation of my nonprofit. I am grateful for the opportunity to not only help improve the wellness of the youth we serve, but also to be able to create the organizational culture I want. It's immensely gratifying.

75. Thanks to My Awesome Mentors
I am most grateful to my mentors who took out time to encourage, appreciate and even grill me when needed. I look up to them because they were already there where I ultimately wanted to be. Any businessman can learn from books or personal experiences, but the mentorship of well-established businessmen is unmatchable. The gold nuggets they shared changed the game, which could have took 3X more time of mine otherwise. I can't return the favor, but I can make sure I pass on knowledge and the baton.

76. Flexibility
I'm very thankful for the flexibility my business allows me. I am able to work at all hours of the day and can fit my life very easily into my work schedule, which is something that I truly appreciate. I worked the typical 9-5 for several years and always felt drained, as it didn't allow for much flexibility.

77. Taking On Goliaths
There's a David & Goliath element of my career that I truly love: advocating on behalf of individuals who have been treated poorly & are seeking compensation from a third party, often a large organization. These individuals are mostly unfamiliar with the legal system & wouldn't know where to begin to seek a legal resolution. This is where I come in. I provide them with the voice, strength, & confidence they need to succeed. I will never tire of seeing their faces when they win their case.

78. Family Time it is!
This one is too easy for me! The time I get to spend with my family is undoubtedly the thing I am the MOST thankful for in my business. Challenging at times? Yes! But, it’s this precious time that I get to have now while my children are young that I would love get back otherwise. Being self-employed has afforded me this great benefit and I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

79. Thanks, Grandma!
I am most thankful for my grandma allowing me live with her for a full year without paying rent so I could get my business off the ground and profitable. I don't know what I would have done without her support and it is the reason I am able to live on my own thanks to my business today.
Thanks to: Stacy Caprio of

80. My Top Business Gratitude
The one thing I’m most grateful for in my business is the support of my husband Peter. He hefted tubs of products when I was vending shows while pregnant. When I dislocated my knee right at the beginning of the holidays a few years ago, he fulfilled orders that were in queue, including making huge batches of soap. He enjoys making certain products, putting his own touch to those. His involvement makes my business ours.

81. Fam Support Fuels Entrepreneur
The thing I am most thankful for in my business is the support of my family. We are a husband-and-wife team (my husband is our SVP of Sales) and we have four boys ranging in age from 1 to 12. Without his support and the support of other family members, such as my parents and siblings, we wouldn’t be a successful operation. The fact that my husband was willing to take this leap with me and support my dreams is the biggest empowerment.

82. Thankful to a Total Stranger
I have been making a living from affiliate marketing for the last 15 years. I am thankful to a stranger whose nickname is "rfung". In 2003 - 2004, rfung wrote about his journey as an online marketer and his goal to make $100/day in profit at (forum). I was a newbie back then and I did not make any money during my first 18 months. As a solopreneur, the thread was a great motivation and companionship. It kept reminding me that I was not alone and pushed me to work harder.

83. Speak Highly of Others
Getting testimonials from your clients that you can use on your website is one thing I am grateful for, but what is equally or possibly more compelling is when those people speak highly of you in their email newsletters, their blog posts, and in social media. I am so grateful when these things happen because others can genuinely see and hear about what a skilled, talented editor and writer I am! Somehow, praise from your clients seems to carry more weight than anything else!

84. Passion for What You Do
There is that old saying, do what you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life. I am one of those lucky people that have a true passion for what I do. I work with amazing people, both clients and colleagues, who are true partners in this journey. It is the perfect blend of relationship building, analysis/analytics and goal setting/achieving. There are a lot of challenges and hiccups along the way, but the passion for what we do is still here.

85. Freedom to Be With My Family
The thing I'm most thankful for in my business is that allows me to spend time with my family without having to get approval from any boss. Since I own it, I can decide when and where I work, which gives me the freedom to be there for my family.

86. Passionately Making an Impact
I am thankful that in my second career out on my own after 31 years in corporate America, I have the freedom to focus on the areas that I am the most passionate about. Working with clients in the diversity and inclusion and career development areas, I am excited to be able to be a positive force in people's lives and make a difference in the world.

87. Me & Mini Me
Serline is my second daughter and started to work for me as a business manager and helped to grow the business. Having Serline being part of the business was like having a mini me; she absolutely understood what the business model was and our clients loved her. When I fell ill, Serline was there to keep the business and the home running. Having the support of family has been important to me as a mother, woman and business owner, and that's something to be thankful for.

88. A Story Makes a Difference
“The little blue engine that could” opened up a world of possibilities to me, while sitting on my mum’s lap many decades ago, which have never stopped “I think I can, I know I can, I can” from reverberating in my mind hundreds of thousands of times over the years; they are comforting and a driving force.
I am grateful to have a mum, which was taught by her mum, a story of possibilities and determination that has been shared in our family since 1919.

89. Thankful for...
What am I thankful for in my business? Social Media. Social Media makes marketing more affordable. We can see trends, push products, access clients and customers, get feedback and advice.

90. Mommy Bosses are the Best!
As a single mom, I am most grateful that being a fashion entrepreneur and business owner allows me to spend more quality time with my son, as well as bring him along with me when I travel and work. He may be only six, but I consider him my most valued 'business' partner, my staunchest supporter and my best friend. Also, as a child model, he has quite the eye for fashion!

91. A Thriving Company
The one thing I am most thankful for in my business is having A THRIVING COMPANY. Having a highly-profitable, thriving company is a catalyst for everything else. It allows us to impact the lives of not only our employees, but of every single partner and client. Profitability drives everything – every employee, every partner of The 20 and their livelihood is impacted by the profitability of the organization.
Thanks to: Tim Conkle of
The 20.

92. Most Thankful for in My Biz
The biggest gift to me has been my wife and I am highly thankful to fate and God for bringing her to my life. She has been an unflinching pillar of support as I have gone through many difficult times while trying to build my startup. She is one of the smartest persons I have met and has an uncanny ability to look at any situation or facet from multiple angles. She makes me question my thoughts and even negates them when I cannot be convincing. I can never be short of words while talking of her.

93. You Too Should Be Thankful for
Yep, I did it. I closed the door to an on-going paycheck! Stopped everything to turn my idea into a product and launched it. Today, my business consumes my life. This could easily derail a marriage and/or business. Not mine, thanks to my husband becoming my business cheerleader! I am extremely grateful to him. His words of support and endless encouragement while taking a back seat to my time is priceless. Have you THANKED your cheerleader today?
Thanks to: Kimberly Urosek-Honeycutt of

94. Thankful for a Chance
I am thankful for all the people that take a chance on trying my products. Our organic products use ancient ingredients that have been used for centuries to cure the body naturally, but they aren't main stream ingredients. It takes a certain level of trust in the brand to produce a sale.
In the competitive world of eCommerce and big brands, I feel as though every sale is a gift.

95. My Business is My Platform
I created a platform to do work I enjoy and feel energized by with and for people I respect. I love the autonomy, flexibility and the fact that I know every day the impact that I have on my business. I feel I have found my purpose because I used to work all the time and life was passing me by. I got raises and promotions, but I was all work and no play and I did not feel fulfilled. Now, I get to set my priorities, I have time to travel, hang out with my inner circle, and work out every day.

96. To Be Able to Just Be Myself
I am most thankful in my business that I am able to show self-expression and creativity. Being the owner of a Sub-chapter S Corporation, I have complete control over the content that I put out. This is not only content of written material, but also personal interactions with our clients/customers. Freedom of self-expression is much to be thankful for.

97. Breaking the (Dead) Mold
The ONE thing I am most thankful for in my business, Dying to Bloom, is that it is meaningful work that feeds my soul. Our eco-friendly products help break the current mold of how we handle our dead, while improving the environment. It fills my spirit with joy and purpose to value the sacredness of death and our planet.

98. A Customer Taught Me Marketing
In the earlier times of my online coupon business, I had to regularly talk with a customer over phone. Eventually, that customer had an online store of utensils. That man had advised me how to widen the market of my online business by reaching newer people. He had the practical experience to market his online business, which I didn’t have. His real life tactics had helped me a lot to build my online business and I will be thankful to him forever for guiding me.

99. An Effective Team
I’m thankful for an effective team. I have been guilty of falling into the trap many entrepreneurs do: Believing we can do anything and everything. As we build for our launch, I’m blessed to have a talented, capable and hardworking team around me. Team isn't just about having a group of people in a room. It’s about having the right people in the room, letting them do what they do best. Our product is exciting; our goal is clear. We’re ready to take it there. A great team makes it happen.

100. Flexibility to Be My Own Boss
So grateful to have a business that’s 100% flexible! Juggling chronic illness and being a busy mama of 2 school aged kids, the flexibility & freedom to build a business that completely suits my lifestyle and goals is a blessing. I’m thankful to create a business model that lets me serve the most people without exhaustion or overwhelm. Whether I’m picking my kids up from school, catching a flight to my next event or simply at my desk with my puppy Sadie by my side, my business fits my life.

101. A Crazy Customer Base
While you might have a great idea to start a business, you need a large audience ready to accept it. The one thing that I am thankful for, throughout the journey of building Mettl, is a colossal market and its readiness for online assessments and psychometric and cognitive testing. The market’s readiness is of the utmost importance to business success and depends on three factors which are- unaddressed need of the market, market size, and the willingness of the target audience to experiment.
Thanks to: Ketan Kapoor of

102. I am Thankful to My Team
I would have to say it’s our team. Owning a business has so many benefits – being in charge of your own destiny, the flexibility it offers, the excitement of exploring new opportunities – but none of these benefits would exist without having a great team on board. Without this, opportunities would become a burden, flexibility would be lost, and it would feel like you have no control over the destiny of the business. I’m most thankful for the fantastic team that we have.

103. Get Yourself a "Life Saver"!
One person I’m thankful for is my virtual assistant. Natalie has been my business “Life Saver” for over 25 years. She was my assistant when I was in corporate America. When I started my own company and business started to pick-up, I couldn’t handle everything myself. I had to delegate some of the administrative work. I contacted Natalie to see if she could help me for 10 hours a month. This allowed me to focus on business development and growth. I am thankful for my “Life Saver”!

104. Creating a Sense of Community
I am most thankful for the space my business creates for like-minded fairy garden enthusiasts and other hobbyists. Because this is such a niche interest, it's hard to find both quality products and quality spaces to interact with fellow fans. My business serves as a jumping point for these discussions, and for that I am grateful.

105. A Worthy Sense of Purpose
I'm most thankful for the gift of being able to help others who suffer from anxiety by providing them with soothing weighted blankets. The letters, reviews and testimonials that we receive from satisfied customers who tell stories of how our blankets helped calm their stress, their sick child, their frightened pet… this makes it all worthwhile and gives me a sense of purpose and renews my passion to work hard, even through difficult times.