Busted! That was my first reaction when I saw my friend Barry Moltz’s new book cover. I have never felt so seen, and not in the good way. More like the how did he get inside my head way.
I am guessing you need to make some changes in your business. I know I do. In fact, I created a whole marketing plan that I haven’t followed through on at the end of 2021. I don’t feel great about confessing this, but apparently I am not alone.
Here is why Barry said he wrote the book:
“I wrote my new book, “ChangeMasters: How to Actually Make the Change You Already Know You Need to Make,” to figure out why small business owners do not make the changes or take the actions that they know will help them reach their goals. Where is the gap between the sincere intent to make these changes and the actions to actually do it? What holds most people back and keeps them stuck on the same path over and over again? Why are they still so comfortable not making any changes and staying on the path that clearly does not work for them—one that is not adding to their happiness or feeling of success? What steps do they need to take to slowly break free and start to make those changes today that will help them in the long run?
In this book, I reveal much of the psychological research around why change is so hard for so many people and the real-life strategies that every small business owner can employ to make the changes they need to make in their companies right now.”
I wrote a post a long time ago, “The Consultant’s Dilemma: You Care More Than They Do.” It is so incredibly frustrating to work with a business client, identify the changes they need to make, get them to commit to the changes, and then have them not follow through on the changes they agreed to make.
As the consultant, you want to pull your hair out, scream, or belly up to the bar.
Maybe all three.
Here is how Barry describes his experience:
“I’m often asked by many companies and small business owners I don’t know to help them. They are referred to me, hear me speak at an event, or find me online. Typically, they’re feeling stuck by a problem, and their companies can’t move forward. For example, their business growth is stagnant or worse—they’re either losing money or not making enough to grow their companies or be motivated to keep going. After analyzing the situation, if I agree to work with them, we mutually decide on a go-forward strategy. I help them assemble a detailed plan to make any changes and the critical success factors and actions that need to be completed. They agree that taking these specific steps will help them solve their issues, grow their companies, and make more money.
And then, almost nothing happens.”
It’s the worst, and yet I find I am doing this myself in my own business! Doh!
I ordered my copy of this book and you probably should, too. You can do that here.
Or, if you are one of the first 1,000 people to sign up for this webinar, you will get a free copy.
Either way, you should probably get a copy of this book.