Sometimes, entrepreneurs and small business owners can get so discouraged, frustrated or bogged down in the day-to-day tasks of running a business that their mindset might need a boost of positivity to keep moving forward. With that in mind, we reached out to the motivational contributor network of business owners, experts, advisors and entrepreneurs and asked them to share their favorite quotes for cultivating a positive mindset in business. Their quotes are presented below in no particular order.
*Please note that the quotes and attributions are written in the words of the submitter and may not be portrayed exactly or as originally stated.

1. Determination & Hope
For me personally, this quote always brings a sense of determination and hope that even on the toughest of days, I can find some form of progress in my day. Keeping this quote at heart helps drive my positive mindset, which in turn keeps me motivated to keep striving for success.

2. It All Matters
This quote is one of my favorite quotes that help cultivate a positive mindset in small businesses. I think it resonates with many entrepreneurs because it speaks to the importance of taking pride in all aspects of running a business, even the most mundane tasks. It encourages us to take ownership of every detail and believe that it all matters and that, in turn, everything we do can make a difference.

3. Make the Best of What You Have
Challenges, obstacles, and even failures are inevitable parts of every business. If you focus on them, you will never be able to keep moving your business forward. But if you see every challenge as a new opportunity, it drastically changes your perspective and mindset.

4. Focus on What You Can Control
I love this quote because it reminds me to focus on what I can control, which is how much effort I put in. These words by Mike Rowe inspire me to maximize my potential and not worry about what I'm lacking.

5. Never Lose Enthusiasm
Entrepreneurship is undeniably about maintaining a forward stride and momentum despite obstacles. This quote is a great reminder to continue despite the pitfalls and challenges that come with the entrepreneur’s journey.

6. Small Things in Great Ways

7. From Hockey to The Office
Let me start by saying that I am not a sports fan. However, this is a quote I feel that everyone should live by. It encourages us to both take risks and not be afraid of failure. If we stand still and don't take action, we will lose, and even if we lose some of the shots we take, at least we have a chance now, and knowing and believing we have that chance can help to cultivate a positive mindset.

8. Shoot For The Moon!
Rarely when I have set a goal in my life or business did it turn out exactly like I planned from the beginning. Goals shift and change as do the circumstances we find ourselves in. But that doesn't mean we should set lower goals. Aspire to great things and even if it turns out differently than you first thought, if you really put in the effort, you'll probably land somewhere still pretty cool.

9. Just Keep Swimming...
"Just Keep Swimming" sung by Dory, the irrepressible sidekick in Finding Nemo. It may be a kid's movie, but Dory's positive attitude and refusal to give up keeps Nemo going when he's ready to quit. Plus, she's hilarious and oh-so lovable. Dory may have short-term memory loss but she never forgets to stay positive. A great lesson for us all.

10. Be A Champion!
In life, and especially entrepreneurship, there will always be setbacks, discouragements, and failures. What we do when those things happen determines whether or not we will be successful. Champions don't settle for mediocre and don't give up when it gets tough. We keep going until we get it right.

11. The Glass
It is instead. . . REFILLABLE!"
- Ben Baker

12. Get Tough
Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. It is guaranteed that there will be times that are very difficult. So make sure you have a clear goal and a reason why it's so important for you to persevere. This "why" is what will help you be tough enough to persevere through the difficult times.

13. Yes You Can!
The story teaches children the value of optimism and hard work; whenever I need a boost, I can still hear that powerful phase in my head helping me find the strength to push ahead. If I can stay focused and positive, it helps me be creative so I can channel my energy to get the job done. I am a big believer in the power of positive thinking.

14. Believe, Become, Empower!
A near-death experience due to an 'irreparable broken neck' brought two visions to me while on a stretcher awaiting admittance to the hospital. The first vision presented me with becoming a speaker, which I wholeheartedly embraced. The second pointed to a high-life report card, but 'community service' was blank. Instantly, I pledged to begin giving back. Service became my life differentiator; accordingly, I achieved far more than ever imagined. 'Believe, Become, Empower' - to serve well.

15. Work from Joy!
I found so much joy in the process of writing my first book, I had the realization that anything I did from a place of joy could only result in greater joy. Guess what? My first book, Crappy to Happy, wound up being featured in the movie, Eat Pray Love. Julia Roberts holds it up and buys it in a bookstore scene!

16. Starting Over Again
Every past mistake has a positive spot when you start something new. Keep it going. And look up when you are down. See the sky not the limits.

17. Positive Mindset: Let's Go
This simple but powerful phrase captures how success often boils down to hard work, dedication, and perseverance in the face of adversity. It reminds us that there is always room for self-improvement and that we must be willing to make sacrifices if we’re chasing after something meaningful.

18. Desk Buddy
It reminds me to always go above and beyond for someone. To that one person, it could make their day.

19. We Create Our Tomorrows By...
In the 1970s, I found a yearly wall calendar with those words. The quote still motivates me to dream and vision no matter what.
It's simple, easy to remember, and gets the heart of things, that visioning is so important to our mindset and growth.

20. Your Reputation is a Magnet!
The more you repeatedly deliver value, the more people seek you out for that value.
Your reputation is a magnet. Once you become known for something, relevant opportunities come to you.”
- James Clear

21. A Nobody Can’t Run a Business

22. What Will YOU Decide to Be?
Mindset drives success in business. You don't succeed unless you shrug off the naysayers and take control of your own destiny. This quote appeared in Bet on You, an amazing book on How to Win with Risk by Angie Morgan and Courtney Lynch. Risk is not something to fear, it's the second essential key to success. By managing both it and your mindset, you win.

23. Keep Your Perspective

24. Keep Moving Forward!
Although this quote is widely attributed to Theodore Roosevelt, he credits it, in his Autobiography, Chapter IX, to Squire Bill Widener of Widener’s Valley, Virginia.
This keeps me from becoming discouraged when things don't work out as planned after a ton of work. It was a godsend during the pandemic as well. I try to focus on what I CAN do in my business, not what I can't.

25. Success is Linked to Thoughts
I saw this quote on a sign in an office many years ago and it has stayed with me ever since. Looking online, I can't even find a specific person to attribute this quote to, but it really made an impression on me.
Our mind controls all, including our perspective on things and I truly believe that our personal successes (and failures) can be traced directly back to how we think. That's what makes this quote so powerful for me.

26. Fail Greatly
"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." - Robert Kennedy

27. My Positive Mindset Quote
This quote resonates with me because it reminds me that the only thing that can hold me back from achieving my goals is my own doubt and lack of confidence. It encourages me to push through any self-doubt and believe in the possibilities that the future holds.

28. This Above All

29. 90% is Perfect
“90 percent perfect and shared with the world always changes more lives than 100 percent perfect and stuck in your head.”
It relates to everything in business. Perfect is holding you back - just get it done!

30. Risks Are Success Triggers

31. Make Money While You Sleep
Why it motivates me: This quote serves as a powerful reminder that success in business requires hard work, dedication, and innovation.
I'm motivated by this message because it encourages me to think outside the box when creating new sources of income. It also highlights the importance of diversifying my revenue stream to achieve greater financial security and freedom.

32. Road With No Obstacles
It's ridiculous to expect a problem-free existence in this world. Some may imagine a road with no obstacles or challenges as the ideal, yet without opposition, development is impossible. These challenges help us mature as people, force us to think outside the box, and teach us to take things in stride.

33. Opportunities Are Like Buses
This quote motivates me because I have learned that as an entrepreneur, you should never be passive. An entrepreneur should never give up when you miss an opportunity. Instead, continue working hard and look for other ways. It may not be what you expected, but what's important is there are other paths to success. Don't lose your fire and continue moving forward.

34. Planning Beforehand
Of all, right and wrong are concepts we've created; it may seem simplistic to say that avoiding bad decisions and focusing on good ones will pave the way to a better future. However, in business, avoiding a bad choice is just as crucial as choosing the correct one. Planning beforehand can help you avoid making poor choices.

35. Plans Are Meant For Change

36. Quitting - An Unknown Word
Every person reaches a point in their lives where giving up seems like the better option. You've been going nonstop for days. The challenges appear overwhelming at this time. Those who are able to push past the temptation to give up and draw on an inner resource of strength, however, are the ones who ultimately succeed.

37. Money Shouldn't Be Your Driver
Many small businesses and startups primarily focus on financial gain from the beginning. This approach often leads to failure.
Don't let the pursuit of financial gain be the primary motivation for your business. Instead, follow your passions and let financial success come as a result of doing what you love.

38. Complacency
This quote drives home the point that the gravest sin is one in which one allows themselves to get complacent. Doing the right thing isn't enough; you still need to constantly push yourself to grow and learn, which can be challenging at times. Should you fail to do so, your competitors will eventually triumph over you.

39. Take Action, Build Your Future
This quote emphasizes that, as entrepreneurs, we need to take control of our own destinies by setting goals and taking actionable steps toward achieving them. It also encourages us to think critically about our business and take risks in order to make progress. By staying focused on what we want to achieve and taking responsibility for our actions, we can build a successful future for our businesses.

40. There's No Overnight Success
When there's a success story, people only look at the success and the glamour that comes with it. They don't know about the sleepless nights, exhausting days, and countless mistakes. As an entrepreneur, you should stay determined to work harder even during the toughest times because those who don't give up reach the finish line.

41. Take Courage
This quote motivates me because it tells us that no matter how impossible we think our dreams are, they will be possible as long as we are willing to go for them. We should take action to turn our dreams into reality. There will always be obstacles along your way, but you'll never know what you can achieve if you never try.

42. Positivity Requires Purpose!
Money and prestige are not enough; rich and famous sad people are common. At CPR Education, we train people to save lives in an emergency through CPR and first aid.
Would you prefer to be a cleaner in a hospital or the CEO of an irrelevant or damaging organization?

43. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Leadership is a team effort. You are not alone and cannot lead alone. Business is not about ‘I’ it is about ‘we’ -a group of people with a shared purpose. Today’s leaders are those who take their people with them into the future by empowering them to realize their full potential. Teamwork makes the dream work after all.

44. Just Keep Going!

45. Intensity Vs Consistency
James Clear's book 'Atomic Habits' really helped me to see the value of being consistent.
Sometimes running a business stresses me out; I take on too much and try to do everything all at once.
This quote from James summarizes how consistency over a prolonged period of time is of far more value than a short burst of intense work; it also makes for a far healthier relationship with work.

46. Quote That Inspires
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

47. Complacence That Inspires
“Everything that can be invented has been invented.”
Enterprising small-business owners have thankfully disregarded such observations. Their indomitable spirit has brought innovative and exciting products to humankind.

48. Profit Is a Habit

49. Only One
"One word, one action, or one thought can reduce another person's suffering and bring him joy. One word can give comfort and confidence, destroy doubt, help someone avoid a mistake, reconcile a conflict, or open the door to liberation. One action can save a person's life or help him take advantage of a rare opportunity. One thought can do the same, because thoughts always lead to words and actions."

50. Build Your Dream
If you are confident in your ability to create a successful business, assisting someone else to do the same is a very kind act. However, it won't enable you to achieve your own goals. One of those motivational business quotations that make you consider your priorities is this one.

51. Fire Comes From Passion
There are many business statements that encourage you to pursue your passions. If you aren't having fun doing what you're doing, how can you really thrive? Don't be one of the employees who constantly checks the time. Your work will show if you are passionate about what you are doing.

52. Quality Entails Performing
The above business quotation serves as an excellent reminder to keep things in check. You should put your attention on surprising and satisfying your customers. Your firm is built to have a top-rated product, and having one will inspire you to succeed. But also take joy in those unimportant, minor accomplishments. Strive for excellence in all facets of your business, not just the obvious ones.

53. Martin Luther King Jr.- Wisdom

54. Get Moving!
This is my favorite quote because it tells us that life doesn't come to us, but rather, if we want something to happen, we must take action. It's really that simple.

55. Of Course You Can!

56. How I Stay Focused & Present
This is a pretty popular running mantra that I have adapted to all areas of my life, including my business.
As an entrepreneur, it can be easy to get caught up in doing "all the things" or chasing the next idea. Just like when I run a marathon, I know the full distance but I get there one mile at a time. In business, you know the goals you have but you get there one task, one day and one project at a time. This helps me focus to ALWAYS be moving forward.

57. Use Creativity to Fight Worry

58. Positivity From Harvey Mackay
Once you take your life into your own hands, see things positively, and pledge to do something about it, you'll have endless possibilities. The world owes you nothing and you should never feel like you're owed anything.
The moment you decide to see an opportunity and do something about it is the day your life begins.

59. Positivity Leads to Innovation
This quote encourages me to change my mindset when I’m stuck in a rut. Positivity leads to innovation. When you’re in a negative headspace, you can’t create and innovate. But when you let positivity flow through you, you’re able to achieve things you wouldn’t have thought possible.

60. Keep Trying Something New
This quote has been my motto since I started my filmmaking business. It motivates me to take chances, try new methods and take risks that I wouldn’t have taken before. Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed, I look at this quote and it gives me the motivation to keep going.

61. Action Destroys Fear!
If I second guess myself or allow fear to enter my mind, I recall this and other inspirational words from my Dad's favorite book the "Power of Positive Thinking", by Norman Vincent Peale.

62. Don't Settle
This quote resonates with me because it emphasizes the importance of passion in one's work. When you truly love what you do, it becomes more than just a job.

63. Perseverance Means Success
This quote is extremely poignant for me as an entrepreneur, because it has legitimacy to it. I too believe that in order to succeed as a business professional, the biggest thing you need is constant self-motivation. It's what sets you apart from other entrepreneurs, as if you keep pushing, you eventually will get what you want.

64. Turning a Loss Into a Win
In business, you never really lose, but instead learn valuable lessons along the way. This is a very important mindset to have when going into any business venture, because you will experience a lot of obstacles that can cause some setbacks. However, if you think of these obstacles as learning opportunities, you will never be disappointed and always be ready for the next challenge and you will use what you learned along the way.

65. Reaching For the Stars
Risk taking and dreaming big are two characteristics of a business professional that all entrepreneurs should strive for. When you do these things, you are more likely to get more than you even imagined because you are willing to go big. Risks and big dreams might be scary, but they reap the most rewards at the end of the day.

66. Unleash Magic in Your Kingdom
As a small business owner, we know a lot about "impossible". From the moment we are inspired to take a risk, people tell us every step is impossible. But we press on anyway. We ignore the naysayers, creating opportunity from a vision uniquely our own. We dream big and that means sometimes moving impossible mountains. I have this quote hanging in my office. It's a reminder that Walt had it right - it IS fun to do what others won't attempt.

67. Love This quote From Jim Rohn
This quote is something that connects me with me and really means a lot to me for a variety of reasons.
The quote speaks for itself in its ability to evoke positivity, the ability to do the work, and the importance of putting in the work to be successful.
Don't hang onto negatives. Do the work and create your own positivity and success.

68. Listen to Your Own Wisdom
You have to be your own cheerleader many times when you own a business. Not everyone will have your back, or want you to succeed, but you can't let that stop you. You can't listen to all the negative comments and opinions from other people because they don't live in your shoes. Nobody knows you better than yourself and you simply need to do what's right for you.

69. Wisdom Comes From Effort

70. Luck Favors Hard Workers
We've had incredible luck over the last 25+ years, but we couldn't have accepted those projects or opportunities had we not built the foundation of the business on hard work and preparation. Working 16 hour days towards your vision is hard, but eventually, things just POP! and next thing you know business is booming and you're simply along for the ride! Keep your eye on the prize!

71. Reframing Your Mindset
In business, a lot of people get fixated on the negatives in their current circumstances. Reframing that view with "What does better look like", causes us to identify the real sources of those negatives, and the opportunities to improve upon them.

72. Changing Perspective
I apply this advice to my career daily. It serves as a reminder that our biases affect our thoughts about the world - for better or worse. If we’re unaware of these biases in our individual perspectives, they limit us. When we push outside what we think is possible, it's surprising what we can achieve.

73. Outlook Affects Performance
Running a business and thriving alongside challenging competition sometimes makes me doubt whether the company will succeed and sustain itself in the market. Yet, reflecting on what Jeffrey Gitomer said, our outlook affects our performance. The quote reminds me that positivity begets positivity. I try to be optimistic about business performance and spread positivity when working with the employees.

74. Apply What You Know
This quote uplifts me every time I am faced with hesitations. It always reminds me that whatever knowledge I have, I must not keep them in my head but instead use it to be advantageous in the industry. Also, the quote reminds me that clients do not come flying toward our door. We must work hard to find clients and eventually earn their loyalty.

75. Don’t Worry About Success
This quote has always helped me to cultivate a positive mindset during my business. When you start your business, there are so many limitations and barriers, e.g., money, time, and energy. It can be easy to feel like your dreams and desires will never be realized. This quote reminds me that I should not worry about success but do my best, and success will follow me.

76. The Road to Success is Bumpy
Despite the difficult days of running the business and the challenges of hitting targets, thinking about the quote keeps me going. It reminds me that if I want to drive the company towards success, I must traverse through a tough road full of bumps and trials.

77. Refine Your Thought Pattern

78. Why We Started
There will be times when we want to give up and forget everything, especially when dealing with difficult challenges in business. This quote serves as a good reminder and energy booster because it reminds us of why we began in the first place. Nobody forced us to start a business; we did it because we wanted to, and the challenges are only there to make us stronger and better entrepreneurs.

79. Focus on the Long-term Goals

80. Dream It, Do It

81. Having a Positive Mindset

82. Consistent in our Efforts
This is a great reminder that success is something we can reach if we stay consistent and persistent in our efforts, no matter how small. It helps me to stay focused on the present and stay motivated to reach my goals. This quote helps to boost my positivity when I’m feeling overwhelmed or discouraged.

83. Quote by Lou Holtz
I find that, especially if you keep moving forward, things work themselves out. If you keep working and put in an honest effort every day, things will work themselves out for the better.
Is it always the path you had envisioned? No, but things always end up the way they should be. Just keep moving - and keep moving FORWARD.

84. Positive Thoughts
I love this quote as it relates to business and personal. It is all about letting your mind lead the way, and using it the right way to ensure you are on the positive side of things - and not the negative. Positivity is crucial to success and can contribute to different levels of success in many ways. Your mind is an asset of yours, but only if you can fill it with positive thoughts.

85. Never Dim Your Light
Following the path that is my unique fingerprint is something Oprah reminds me of every day. It isn't always comfortable or easy, but I love to inspire and motivate others.

86. Positive Money Thoughts
"Your income can grow only to the extent that you do" - T. Harv Eker
A positive mindset and hard work with your sights set forward will help you achieve success, personally, professionally, and in your bank account.

87. Effort: The Path to Success
Although this perspective is humorous, it overlooks the fact that success is not a given but rather something that we must work for. We have to make an effort in that direction. It's not in the genes to do well. What we do with tremendous fortune, power, and prestige is what ultimately matters, not whether or not it is bestowed on us.

88. Seizing Opportunity
There will always be certain forces that are outside of our control, but there will also always be some forces that we can exert some control over. This quote, in my opinion, highlights the idea that, if opportunities are few, one must be well-prepared to take advantage of them when they do arise. Even while something doesn't technically qualify as luck, it sure seems like a lucky break.

89. Positive Vs. Negative Thoughts
“It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.” – Robert H. Schuller
In my experience, I've seen what a positive mindset can do for you when you're too busy focusing on the negative. An immediate shift in focus can change everything for you, especially when faced with challenging business decisions and goals.

90. Slow Down
Entrepreneurs need to hone in on using strategies that bring them closer to meeting their goals. Slowing down in order to analyze allows this focus.

91. Make Your Own Rules
As a designer, there’s a fine line between what’s trending and how to give a space your own touch. You don’t need to follow the rules, you can make your own, add your own touches and be the trend setter rather than the follower. This applies to how we do business, how we come up with new ideas and how we stand out from the competition.

92. Everything is an Opportunity
"Everything is an opportunity in business. There is no such thing as good times or bad times to do business things, there are just different kinds of opportunities to capitalize on. So make sure you do exactly that."
Thank you, James!

93. Bumblebees and Business
Who wouldn’t bee positive after reading this quote layered with motivation? Bees are a magical gift from God. Bees work together for the common good of the community. Bees are well-organized. Thinking about these clunky flyers who defy the typical models for flight like winged superheroes is inspiring.

94. Thoughts are the Power
Hearing this was the first time I realized the influence my mind had on my actions. It helped me see the power of my thoughts. Better thoughts = better actions = better results.
Since then, I've worked hard to maintain a positive mindset. I'm careful about what I read, what I watch, and who I listen to. My mindset is the most valuable asset of my business.

95. Turn Frustration on Its Head
I love that Ralph asks us to change any negative energy/thoughts into determination. Business can be frustrating and taking a pause to see the positive works for me.

96. Get Up, Get Started!
This quote really resonates with me because it serves as a reminder to take action, no matter how small. Whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed or unsure about the direction I want to take my business in, this quote helps me find the motivation to keep going. It's a simple yet powerful reminder that progress can only come from action.

97. Keep Striving for Success
In essence, this quote teaches me that I am the author of my own story and that I have the power to define the outcome. It gives me the courage to keep striving for success and never give up. It is this type of positive mindset that is essential for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

98. Don't Let Others Ignore You
If you want to be taken seriously and to stand out apart from your competition, then be the best you can be. You should never diminish your own capabilities and always strive to be your best self to help you and your business be a success. If you do this, people will notice you and become much more familiar with your brand.

99. “If We Are Going to Be..."
No businessperson has achieved success or notched wins without their share of fights. In meeting challenges head-on, you find solutions, even leaving lessons behind for others. The quote reveals just how important it is to have a positive mindset in business, even when you’re up against a problem. Engage and eradicate it once and for all, so you can move forward with lessons learned.

100. “Life’s Too Short to Learn..."
These words don’t just apply to the mistakes an entrepreneur or leader can avoid if they have gained enough knowledge from those who have walked these paths before them. It also applies to learning from the wrong moves, operational missteps, and even developmental errors that competitors and other teams have made, and deriving your own successful formulae to steer clear of these pitfalls.

101. Be Undeniably Good
Being undeniably good, whether in life or business, indeed pays off. For one, when you’re a good person doing good things, you don’t really need any other advertising or marketing to sell your entity. Secondly, the approval of a good product is far more impactful than any traction a marketing campaign or social media effort can bring.

102. No Matter How Brilliant..."
A team can keep you going even in the toughest of times. Even as a solo entrepreneur, you must build a structure of people you can depend on. Whether it is those offering your business support services, connections in your network, or even your well-wishers, leveraging all that a great support team can provide you is the best way to achieve business success.

103. Stumbling Blocks
Who knows, maybe a hurdle in front of you can act as a launchpad for your success. Every challenge can serve as a lesson for you - there's always a rainbow at the end of a rainstorm.
If you see something challenging in front of you, do what you can to get the most out of it.

104. Sow Seeds for a Better Future
Running a small business is tough and takes a lot of sacrifice, and reminding yourself that the short term hardship will bring about a better future can keep you positive. Whether it's setting up your kids for financial stability or improving your community, work hard now to enjoy the shade later.

105. Always Bring Your Own Sunshine
Radiating good energy is contagious. Being happy is a choice. So no matter the circumstances, I try to seek happiness and bring my sunshine wherever I am. This quote has helped me cultivate a positive mindset and move my business forward.

106. Winning Vs. Losing
This quote has always inspired me. No matter how difficult it is, hard work always pays off. You have to keep trying and do what you genuinely love. I have this quote framed in my office, and it's a tremendous uplifting reminder for a positive mindset.

107. 10/90 Rule
This is my favorite quote for creating a positive mindset. You can't control some things. But you can change how you react to things not going the way you expect them to be. Changing my mindset and cultivating a positive attitude has been a game changer not just for me but also for my business.

108. Be Led By Dreams in Your Heart

109. Success Vs. Greatness
Most of the negativity I've encountered before becoming a business owner was from leadership that was more concerned with their own power and authority. To stay positive and cultivate a positive workplace, be humble and helpful instead!

110. An Uplifting Call to Action
It’s perfect for a small business because it’s a quick rallying cry symbolizing how loyalty, positivity, solidarity, and teamwork can succeed in the face of any challenge. There’s a greater chance of small business success when employees and management work together to reach common goals.

111. The Secret to Great Deals...
This resonates with me because if I had learned it earlier in my career, it would have helped me achieve a lot more, a lot faster.
The reality is, we rarely find an amazing deal just sitting there, so if we want to build a truly successful business, we have to learn how to take a poor or average deal, and make it great.

112. Be Different. Be Valuable!

113. Richard Branson - Motivation
This positive mindset quote encourages me to keep moving forward and challenging myself to continue learning. I am never satisfied and I understand that I have to set new goals for myself to keep working toward.

114. Fortune Befriends the Bold
Although luck is seen as a crucial part of the entrepreneur’s journey, it helps to remember that the leaps of faith one takes go a long way. This quote reminds us of just that and encourages entrepreneurs to take more risks and be bolder to tap into their fortune and luck which will work hand-in-hand with their hard work to produce impactful results.

115. Create Endless Opportunities
More often than not, budding entrepreneurs rely on opportunities that come their way to move ahead. While patience can be an excellent quality to hone, this quote reminds us that it’s crucial to create the opportunities you wish to encounter. When in doubt, this quote can give an entrepreneur the motivation to go that extra mile and accomplish what they set out to.

116. Overcoming Fear
Entrepreneurship is about creating new things and taking risks. Often, the obstacle to putting them into action is fear. But if you remove fear from the equation, you can achieve greater things. At first, you won’t know what will work. You’ll just have to try everything. I’ve found that out of every 10 things our team tries, only 1 thing might benefit us. But that 1 thing is all you’ll need to make a breakthrough.

117. Wish first, Work Second
This quote is part of The Messiah's Handbook, which is part of the book Illusions. I read it and reread it and reread it again while in college and have never forgotten that quote.
It reminds me to keep mentally reaching, but never stop putting in the time. That is my definition of success.

118. Napoleon Hill Quote
When running a small business, you'll encounter many challenges, some of which will make you feel like giving up. But you've got to keep on going. One defeat plants a seed for equivalent success. So, you've got to take the lessons from every failure and have faith that you'll do better next time. Keep your focus on your main goal because failure is only temporary as long as you don't give up.

119. Think Positive, Take Action
This quote highlights the importance of taking action and being proactive in achieving success, rather than simply having a positive attitude alone. It encourages individuals to not only think positively but to also take positive actions towards their goals. A positive mindset can be a powerful tool for achieving success, but it must be combined with action in order to truly make an impact.

120. Keep Track of KPIs
This quote is so powerful because it helps me with the financial growth of my business. Using data and metrics to manage operations well is one of the hardest things to do in business. If you can't keep track of your company's revenue and expenditures, you will be in business for a short time. Many company owners ignore the KPIs that may give them an instant read on how well things are going, which leads to a loss.

121. Mind Your Mindset
Growing up, my family lived across the street from Ken Cockroft, a retired news photographer. When I took my first job out of college, that was the advice he gave me -- to keep a long fuse and a short memory. Nearly 20 years later, I still stand by those words! If you want to succeed in the working world, you have to be willing to work hard daily. And while you're at it, don't hold grudges. Be quick to deal with problems and forgive.

122. Energy and Persistence
You never know what challenges you'll face in a week as a small business owner. Instead of letting the unexpected make me feel defeated, I like to tell myself that with energy and persistence, I'll work it out and be better off in the end.
Knowing that good things take time and effort to accomplish helps me not to get tired. Hard work is worth it and no obstacle is too powerful to stop me.

123. Don't Stop Until You Take Off
This quote inspires me and reminds me that when I face troubles and problems in driving my business forward, that's normal and how it's supposed to be. It's part of the journey.
Then I realize that as long as I keep going on that runway, eventually and just in time, my business will take off and I'll be glad I persisted.

124. Criticism Helps You Learn
This quote helps me understand that criticism is crucial for the growth of business. We get scared, especially when we face unhappy customers, even though these are the customers who play an important role in improving our product. This quote also helps me deal with tough clients because whenever I deal with them, I think what they are doing is just giving me feedback, and feedback isn’t always positive.

125. Believe In Yourself
This quote is a powerful reminder to believe in ourselves and tap into our inner strength to overcome challenges in our small business. Trust your abilities and have a positive attitude to make better decisions, solve problems effectively and achieve success. Embrace the power within you to overcome obstacles and reach your goals.

126. Be an Empowerer

127. Helen Keller Is Timeless

128. Positivity Can Be Simple

129. Do the Important
This is a quote from my pastor, Pastor Lia. This is to remind us to do things that will last and not do the impressive things that do not matter or do not bring results in the long run.

130. Find Joy in the Journey

131. Make Personal Connection
This quote helps me maintain good relationships with my customers. First, I used to give gifts and incentives to convert my temporary clients into regular customers. After reading this quote, I started to make a personal connection with them; as a result, they prefer my services, and I consistently earn with them. It also relieves me of the time-consuming task of recruiting new customers.

132. Failure is a Part of Life
It reminds me that failure is a part of life, but it should never be a reason to give up. When things are tough and you are feeling discouraged, it also serves as a reminder of the importance of perseverance and hard work.

133. Keep Trying
This quote is incredibly inspiring and motivating because it reminds us that no matter how difficult things may seem, there is always the possibility of success if we just keep trying. It is a reminder that we should never give up and that if we just keep trying, eventually we will achieve success.

134. Focus On Your Systems
Through launching my company, I quickly learned the importance of systems - especially when delivering streamlined care for patients. Healthcare is clunky and messy, so anything that removes friction, especially when your end user is not feeling well, is ideal. Whenever I’m developing a new service, I now focus on how this process simplifies life for patients and doctors.

135. Do It Right Now
This quote serves as a great reminder that you don't have to wait until you have it all figured out before you can take action. It helps me to focus on what I can do right now, instead of worrying about what I can't do or what might happen in the future.

136. Opportunity to Orow

137. Ability to Work Hard
This quote reminds entrepreneurs that success isn't a consequence of favorable circumstances, but rather the ability to work hard and persist even when things get tough. It also encourages you to step outside of your comfort zone and take risks in order to reach the next level in your business.

138. Dedication to Reach Your Goals

139. Believe in Ourselves

140. Success Begins With Belief
Massive success won’t fall into your lap. It doesn’t just happen to you. You must decide to go for it. Well-meaning naysayers will constantly tell you to be more realistic with your goals, but top achievers have always recognized that the size of your belief determines the size of your success.

141. A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats
I think this is a powerful quote because too often, entrepreneurs focus on what they get out of their relationships, and not enough on what they put into them. This quote reframes it to focus on creating win/win scenarios for everyone, and that's something I'm passionate about and it's how I run my business.

142. Dont Put a Ceiling on Yourself
This quote is a gentle reminder never to make excuses for your dreams or doubt them, just like Oprah, in the face of any obstacles you face. She demonstrated that anything can be achieved with passion, determination, and hard work.

143. Dream and Ask - Why Not!
This celebration of an idealist visionary kind of thinking allows entrepreneurs to visualize, dream and go where nobody else has ventured before. I love how this quote inspires us to question existing paradigms and lay a foundation for what could be! I believe that is where true innovation happens.

144. Small Things Matter!
I have always used this quote as an inspiration when overwhelmed with complex projects or the drudgery of everyday hustle. This quote has taught me the wisdom of taking small steps, focusing on continuous improvements, and moving forward, however long and distant the goals look. Doing small things can go a long way when you are focused on moving forward.

145. A Postive Chain of Results
This quote speaks a very simple truth — positivity is like a domino effect, creating a chain of good things happening. What we think influences our thoughts, behaviors, and interactions with others. Needless to say, if you're acting from a place of optimism and resilience, it bleeds into everything you do.

146. You Only Fail When Stop Trying
This is essentially true when it comes to marketing your small business. Google Ads not generating enough revenue? Try SEO or grassroots marketing or networking organizations like the Chamber of Commerce. There are hundreds of ways to market your business, keep searching for the right one that will help you grow!

147. Habits Enhance Motivation
Motivation fades after the initial boost of momentum to start whatever is in front of you. What keeps you grinding away and serves as the fuel for the marathon of running a business comes from dedication to healthy habits and accountability. That muscle memory you develop or the 10,000 hours honing your expertise. That's what will distinguish your business from competitors and standout among customers.

148. Leaving a Legacy
The quote highlights the importance of having a deep personal connection and passion for one's work, which lifts me up and motivates me to create a lasting impact and legacy. When I have my heart in my business and my business in my heart, I am likely to put in the effort and dedication necessary to make a meaningful contribution to the industry and community.

149. Growth Comes From Discomfort
This quote by Virginia Rometty, the former CEO of IBM, inspires me to step outside my comfort zone. This becomes harder as we get older, which is why it's critical to be mindful of. It's easy to fall into the daily routine and stay within your sphere of knowledge, but the best learning opportunities come from exposing yourself to novel ideas and experiences.

150. Don't Hope, Believe
This is one of my favorite positive mindset quotes because it's a good reminder that we're in the driver's seat. Our individual and collective group actions and ability to execute will play a big role in determining how far our company will go.

151. Make It Happen!

152. The Power of Authenticity
Embrace the Power of Authenticity in Marketing: A Moscova Enterprises, INC Perspective

153. I Am Unstoppable

154. Peele Shows Us Our Power

155. Positivity Can Beat Them All

156. Success Requires Hard Work
Success requires hard work and determination. You have to be willing to put in the effort and make sacrifices that others are not willing to make. It takes discipline and drive to achieve success.

157. Believe You Can
Positive thinking is a powerful tool in achieving success. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, you are more likely to put in the effort and make the decisions that will lead to success.

158. Make a Positive Impact
Make a positive impact in the world. Success is not just about personal achievement, it's about making a difference in the lives of others. Focus on making a positive impact, and success will follow.

159. Happiness Is the Key
Happiness leads to success. When you are happy, you are more motivated, productive, and creative. Pursue happiness, and success will naturally follow.

160. Don’t Watch the Clock
Keep pushing forward, no matter what. Don't let time dictate your progress. Keep pushing and working towards your goals, even when it feels like the finish line is far away.

161. Only Thing Between Success:
Don’t let self-doubt hold you back. Your thoughts and beliefs have a powerful impact on your actions and outcomes. If you believe you can't achieve your goals, you won't. But if you believe you can, you will find a way.

162. Decision to Try
Make the decision to take action. Success starts with taking action. It's not enough to simply have a goal or a dream. You must take the first step and make the decision to try and achieve it.

163. Take Risks to Get Success
Take risks to achieve success. Taking risks can be scary, but it's often necessary to achieve success. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. The reward of success can be worth it.

164. Stay Positive and Focused
Stay positive and focused. Success requires a positive attitude and a laser-sharp focus on your goals. No matter what is happening around you, stay positive and focused on what you want to achieve.

165. Just Work Hard
Success is not just luck. It takes hard work, dedication, and purposeful action to achieve success. Don't wait for success to come to you; make it happen through consistent effort and determination.

166. Ask Better Questions
Ask better questions to get better answers. Successful people don't settle for mediocrity. They ask better questions, which leads to better answers and better results. Always strive to ask better questions to improve your outcomes.

167. Have a Sense of Urgency
Have a sense of urgency. Successful people know that time is precious and they don't waste it. They have a sense of urgency in everything they do and are always taking action to achieve their goals.

168. Be a Lifelong Learner
Be a lifelong learner. Successful people never stop learning. They are constantly seeking new knowledge, skills, and experiences to improve themselves and reach their goals. Embrace a lifelong learning mentality to achieve success.

169. Focus On The Solution
Focus on the solution. Successful people understand that problems and challenges are inevitable. But instead of dwelling on the problem, they focus their energy and attention on finding a solution. This mindset is key to achieving success.

170. Don't Give Up
Don't give up on your goals. Successful people have the persistence and determination to keep going, even when things get tough. Don't let adversity or setbacks get in the way of your goals. Keep pushing forward.

171. Focus On Your Strength
Focus on your strengths. Successful people understand their strengths and they focus on developing and utilizing them. Instead of wasting time and energy trying to fix their weaknesses, they work to become the best they can be in their areas of strength.

172. Take Calculated Risks
Take calculated risks. Successful people know that success requires taking risks. But they don't take unnecessary or foolish risks. They carefully consider their options and make calculated decisions that will bring them closer to their goals.

173. Have Confidence
Have confidence and a positive self-image. Successful people believe in themselves and their abilities. They have a positive self-image and are confident in their decisions and actions. Cultivate confidence and a positive self-image to achieve success.

174. Have a Strong Work Ethic
Have a strong work ethic. Successful people don't wait for opportunities to come to them. They work hard, consistently and tirelessly, to achieve their goals and make their dreams a reality.

175. The Power of Our Words
This is a nice quote that was told to me years ago in a presentation that stuck with me. Words are more than wind. Never limit the effect and value of your words!

176. What Would Michael Jordan Do?

177. Always Look Forward
This quote is a great reminder to maintain a positive mindset. It reminds you to accept that sometimes things may not work out as planned and to view the closure of a door as an opportunity for growth and new possibilities. By embracing this mindset, you can release negative thoughts and emotions associated with failure and redirect your energy toward finding the right path.

178. Focus On the Positives
This quote promotes a positive mindset by urging people to concentrate on their many positive experiences and outcomes, rather than dwelling on the negatives. This shift in perspective can lead to increased happiness, motivation, and success as people focus their energy on what they have, rather than what they lack.

179. Communication is Key
Though it requires massive resources and energy, communication keeps your business moving forward and drives a positive outlook. Welch’s quote is a great reminder that communication can never stop. There is always someone who needs to hear the message. By mastering communication, you drive employee motivation through purpose and a sense of belonging and a positive mindset because you let them know you care—about them and the business.

180. Voice Within You
This phrase has been especially helpful when I've encountered imposter syndrome in my leadership journey.

181. Learning Along the Way

182. Attitude Determines Altitude
It serves as a reminder to me that no matter the odds against success and how difficult things can get, so long as you remain positive and motivated, you'll be able to rise above any obstacle. Whenever stress and worry start to creep in, this quote come to mind serving as an integral part of maintaining my upbeat attitude in life.

183. Reach Out of Comfort Zone
Being in the business for 40 years, this quote encourages me to stay ambitious so I can carry out my plans even when times become difficult. It serves as a daily reminder that though there remains potential for peril associated with venturing into unfamiliar waters, greater prospects await those who are brave enough to explore its depths.

184. Excellence is a Habit
I find this quote particularly inspiring since it reminds me that excellence does not require extraordinary moments but rather continuing to strive for and implement small successes into my daily working life. This quote encourages me to continue striving for excellence in all aspects of my practice so that I can ensure that my patients are getting the best care possible.

185. Motivation and Innovation
This resonates with me as it emphasizes the importance of finding new and innovative approaches to fast-track business growth, no matter the challenges. Acknowledging that long-lasting, sustainable progress necessitates replacing old doctrines with fresh ideas to usher in progress has been tremendously helpful in staying motivated.

186. Conceive and Believe
This quote helps me with motivation and moving my business forward. There were times when I was about to give up—nothing seemed to be working. But even on the hardest days, you shouldn’t forget about the mission of your business. And if you fail, just keep trying, and eventually, you will achieve everything you believe in.

187. Don't Look Now!

188. "Hire Character. Train Skill."
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