Since small businesses are such an important part of the economy and we often discuss the challenges they face, this time, we have reached out to the incredible contributor network of business owners, experts, advisors and entrepreneurs to find out what they think is the best thing about being a small business owner or entrepreneur. Their responses are presented below, in no particular order.

You may notice some similar ideas listed below, but I kept them separate, as something in the way one is framed may resonate differently with you.

1. The Small Biz Bond

There are a lot of great things about having a small business compared to my decades long corporate career but the ONE thing I cherish the most are the relationships I have made with others in the small business (really micro business) community. We have been doing a lot of local markets which we love. Our fellow small business owners are the most passionate, hard working and honest people I have ever met - helping and supporting each other. No BS, no politics and great products-SHOP SMALL!
Thanks to: Natalie Kuhles of Artistscent, LLC.

2. Freedom of Creation

I enjoy the freedom to create the business that I want from the structure, the policies, to the products and services to clients. I like being able to give freely and be myself without worrying about the corporate structure. As founder, I get to mold the company into an enterprise that is collaborative, intentional, and with a balanced approach. I have the ability to be creative in how I operate and to bring something fresh to the marketplace.
Thanks to: Tina Baxter of Baxter Professional Services LLC.

3. Adjusting Strategies Fast

One of my favorite things about being a small business owner is how easy it is to get things done. You don’t have to deal with layers of management or wait for approvals from higher-ups. If I have an idea or see an opportunity, I can act on it right away.

I've been running Inspire To Thrive full-time for 7 years, and this ability to move quickly has been key to our success. I can adjust strategies on the fly and meet customer needs almost instantly.
Thanks to: Lisa Sicard of Inspire To Thrive.

4. Adventures Around Every Corner

My favorite part about being an entrepreneur is that each day can bring new challenges, which I choose to see as new adventures. My curiosity is engaged as to how I will solve the latest problem or grab today's cool opportunity. There are chances to collaborate with my network of friends sharing setbacks, solutions, & celebrations. I have had countless opportunities to grow as a person while discovering new skills. Plus, unlike a traditional career, working for myself is hardly ever boring.
Thanks to: Maxwell Ivey of The Accessibility Advantage.

5. Flexible Schedule

Flexible schedule from my experience is the best thing about being a small business owner or entrepreneur. As a wife who runs niche content sites from home, I have freelancers who work for me remotely. This allows me to set my working hours, create a better work-life balance, have ample time for my family and also prioritize personal commitments.
Thanks to: Oma Nini of Homesnippets.

6. Impact on Local Community

The best thing is how rewarding it feels when your efforts have a positive impact on your local community. When you own a small business, especially in the travel industry, you're not just running a company — you're contributing to the success of your entire community. It's incredibly rewarding to see how your business can create jobs, support local causes, and boost the economy right where you live.
Thanks to: Jess Rodley of Andorra Escapes.

7. Loads Of Free Travel

The best part of being a small business owner is the free travel via credit card points. We run most of our company expenses through credit cards, racking millions of credit card points yearly. I use those points to take my family on trips we could never have dreamed of taking. This is all tax free as well! This is by far my favorite part about being a small business owner.
Thanks to: Matthew Meier of MaxTour.

8. A Flexible Future

The best thing about being a small business owner is the ability to turn your passion into a livelihood while being free to shape your business's direction. This autonomy allows you to create a work environment that aligns with your values, make impactful decisions quickly, and build meaningful relationships with your customers and community. Additionally, the journey of growing your business provides immense personal satisfaction and the opportunity to learn and innovate continuously.
Thanks to: Kristin Marquet of Marquet Media, LLC.

9. Relationships and Freedom

I’ve been an entrepreneur for three decades. My favorite part of being an entrepreneur is serving other small business owners and building authentic relationships that help them grow their business. Nothing beats celebrating the success of another business owner. Having the freedom to go where I want, when I want, is also a compelling reason to be an entrepreneur. Time is our most precious asset and allocating your time according to your values is worth the price of admission.
Thanks to: Royce King of 3 Waters Marketing, LLC.

10. Time Freedom: Take a Red Month

The best thing about running my own business is controlling when and where I work (time and location freedom). My wife and daughter and I spend 10 months of the year in South America, and visit family and friends in the US twice a year for a month at a time. I can work light hours when we're traveling - or take off entirely.

For instance, last year I took a "red month" and crossed through an entire month with a marker. We spent it traveling Patagonia in Argentina, and I loved every minute.
Thanks to: Brian Davis of SparkRental Co-Investing Club.

11. People Enjoying What I Created

The absolute best aspect of being a small business owner is witnessing something I created truly resonate with customers. There's a deep sense of satisfaction that comes from seeing people enjoy what I've poured my heart and soul into. It's incredibly gratifying and fuels my passion for continuing to grow my business.
Thanks to: Mike Ortiz of Canvas Monsters.

12. Empowering Success

As a long-time business owner of Moscova Enterprises, the best part of entrepreneurship is helping others succeed through our digital marketing and rental car services. Empowering other businesses to grow and thrive is incredibly fulfilling. This collaborative success fosters a sense of community and reinforces the true value of entrepreneurship—creating a positive impact beyond our own business. Visit Moscova Enterprises to discover how we can help your business achieve its goals.
Thanks to: Vickens Moscova of Moscova Enterprises.

13. Warp-Speed Wizard of Business

The best thing about being a small business owner is the ability to make and implement decisions at lightning speed. Without the bureaucracy and red tape larger organizations often face, small business owners can quickly adapt to changes, seize opportunities, and pivot when necessary. This agility allows for faster innovation, immediate responses to customer feedback, and the ability to capitalize on trends, all of which can significantly contribute to the success and growth of the business.
Thanks to: Devin Miller of Miller IP.

14. Seeing Your Work

As an electrician and someone involved in the construction field, I believe that the best thing about being a small business owner is the ability to turn passion into reality. I love solving complex electrical issues and constructing safe, efficient systems for clients. The freedom to choose projects, build personal relationships with customers, and see the direct impact of my work is incredibly rewarding. Every day brings new challenges and opportunities to innovate, making the job exciting.
Thanks to: Bobby Lynn of LiveWire Electrical.

15. Make Things Happen!

If you have a great idea, you don't have to answer to anyone else; you just do it! You make it happen. There's no need to get authorization or propose your idea through a committee meeting. You get to be you. It's all about the freedom to be, baby! Just do your thing!
Thanks to: Randy Peyser of Author One Stop, Inc.

16. Creating Your Own Legacy

I am asked often "what is the ONE best thing about being a small business owner or entrepreneur. My answer will always be "Freedom". Thus this, one simple word, does not really reflect the simplicity of starting your own business, it does explain why some of us do. It all starts from the core of passion, loving what you do. Then, one idea that can transform your entire life, you can see the future and what you really want in life. At the end, it will require strong commitment from you.
Thanks to: Wafa Kanan of Unique Image, Inc.

17. The Ability to Help Others!

The best thing about being a small business owner is using my experiences to help others. I've walked the path of understanding nutrition and wellness firsthand, and now, I get to share that journey with my community. It's incredibly fulfilling to see my personal insights transform into practical advice that genuinely improves lives. Empowering others with knowledge and watching them thrive is a daily reminder of why I started this business.
Thanks to: Elizabeth Nelson of Farm Fueled Nutrition.

18. Tests My Mettle

I love the autonomy, flexibility and the fact that I know every day the impact that I have on my business. When I worked at big companies, I always felt the ball would roll with or without me, that if I got hit by a bus someone new would be in my office right away. Now, my DNA is in everything we do and I can trace every decision and sale to something I did or a decision I made and that is incredibly gratifying and fulfilling. Building a business you start keeps you sharp.
Thanks to: Paige Arnof-Fenn of Mavens & Moguls.

19. The Ability to Pursue My Dream

The best thing about being a small business owner in my opinion, and based on my personal experience, is the freedom to choose how I want to live my life. I design my schedule, travel when I want, and pursue my passions without constraints. This autonomy allows me to create a lifestyle that aligns with my values and dreams. Every day, I wake up excited, knowing that my work supports the life I've envisioned. This freedom is priceless and the cornerstone of my entrepreneurial journey.
Thanks to: Danielle Hu of The Wanderlover.

20. Learning Everyday

For me, it's the constant learning that I really like about being a small business founder. Every day presents new challenges and opportunities to grow. Whether it's mastering the latest digital marketing trends, understanding client needs, or improving our services, the learning never stops. This dynamic environment keeps me engaged and inspired, driving innovation and excellence. The journey of continuous discovery is what makes this entrepreneurial path so rewarding.
Thanks to: Tom Richards of Adbetter.

21. Networking

I think one of the major benefits to being a small business owner is the ability to meet new people and network. Every interaction, whether with clients, partners, or industry peers, opens doors to new insights and opportunities. Building these connections not only enriches my professional life but also fosters a sense of community and collaboration. Networking allows me to learn from others, share my expertise, and continuously grow both personally and professionally.
Thanks to: Christian Espinosa of Blue Goat Cyber.

22. Constantly Innovating

I love that there are always opportunities to continuously innovate within your own company. In the ever-evolving world of SEO, staying ahead requires creativity and adaptation. I thrive on experimenting with new strategies, tools, and technologies to deliver the best results for our clients. This constant drive for innovation keeps our work exciting and ensures we remain at the forefront of the industry, making every day a new adventure.
Thanks to: Henry Purchase of SEOSpace.

23. Creating Everyday Magic

My favorite thing about owning a small business is the fact that I get to work with a variety of people that are chasing after their passion and living their dreams.

Working with businesses and people in a variety of industries allows me to continue to learn and build my skills while doing my job. This also allows me to have a hand in developing someone else's dream. That is pretty magical.
Thanks to: Kelsey Stewart of Eleven89 Marketing & Design.

24. My Small Biz is Big Biz to Me!

When I started ScrubzBody, it was more of a wholesale business. But when we moved out of my house and into our first shop, we fell in love with the one-on-one relationship we gained with our customers and pivoted to full retail and party events instead.

I realized I am a Main Street type of store owner who loves the day-to-day of the customer experience. While we still do some wholesale, it is the people that make me happy.

That is big enough for this small business.
Thanks to: Roberta Perry of ScrubzBody Skin Care Products.

25. Leading with Heart

The single best thing about running your own business is getting to handpick your team. Over the years, we've perfected our hiring process, but it doesn't stop there. Once you've hired your dream team, that's when the real work starts happening. From ongoing training to making time for mentoring, our team is taken care of and as a result, takes great care of our clients. At Snackbox, we truly lead with the heart. It makes for a happier work environment for everyone!
Thanks to: Jenna Gruhala-Oltersdorf of Snackbox.

26. Discovery, Growth, Humility

The absolute best thing about being a business owner is the journey of self-discovery and personal growth. I've never been as humbled by anything, not even the most difficult critique, as I am by the demands of my business. My business has shown me when I am not visionary enough, not wise enough, not focused enough, not creative enough, etc. To continue forward, you have to be constantly learning, improving, and leaning on God.
Thanks to: Dasha Tyshlek of StratCraft.

27. Master of Your Destiny

The best thing about being a small business owner or entrepreneur is the freedom to create and shape your own vision. This autonomy allows you to make decisions that directly impact your business and life, fostering a deep sense of fulfillment and personal accomplishment.
Thanks to: Janice Wald of Mostly Blogging.

28. Control Your Destiny

The best thing about being an entrepreneur is your ability to control your own destiny. You live and die by your choices, but they are yours alone. Most people will have a lot more passion for their own dreams and visions than on the decisions made by whoever they work for. When you lose that control and have to do things that are not necessarily something you are in agreement with, it is demoralizing. Small is beautiful and as we all know, small can become quite big!
Thanks to: Craig Wolfe of CelebriDucks.

29. Entrepreneurship = Freedom

Being an entrepreneur grants me unparalleled freedom. I dictate my schedule, pursue my passions, and chart my own course. This fuels my creativity and drive, allowing me to innovate and grow without constraints. The ability to make impactful decisions independently is incredibly fulfilling and motivates me daily.
Thanks to: Galit Ventura-Rozen of Everyday Woman.

30. Time & Location Independence

The best part of being a small business owner of an online enterprise is the schedule and location independence. I can earn a living from anywhere at any hour. It's truly amazing to work around my life rather than live around my work!
Thanks to: Laura Gariepy of Before You Go Freelance.

31. The People You Meet!

As a business owner, the people I meet are amazing. Customers offer encouragement and support, some become friends. The online ambassadors that help promote our products are outdoors women who do amazing things. We connect with business owners all over the country that help with advice and encouragement. I know skin care makers and lavender growers across the country and the globe. It’s just amazing to meet new people and hear their stories and learn from them.
Thanks to: Cindy Jones of Colorado Aromatics.

32. Making a Difference

As a small business owner, I have the power to make a difference. I can make changes within my own company and implement them quickly on a small team, allowing us to best serve the evolving needs of our students. I also produce our company’s mission, vision, and culture, giving myself the opportunity to make a bigger impact than I might on my own. At Breathing Deeply, I know my efforts help make yoga therapy more accessible to others, working toward outcomes I believe in.
Thanks to: Anna Passalacqua of Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy.

33. Living Life My Way!

The best thing about being a small business owner is that it allows us to embrace who we are and work uniquely to achieve the goals we desire but hold internally. With adherence to our unique personality and desires, we can transform all of it into a standout brand, bringing recognition for who we are and what we represent.

Ultimately, the best outcome for being a small business owner is living life without regret and proudly saying, ‘I did it my way!’—in the words of Frank Sinatra.
Thanks to: Elinor Stutz of Smooth Sale.

34. Small Business Independence

You must be tough and committed to create a business that turns a profit and endures. Small business owners are accountable for the ownership, execution, and management of their companies. Self-reporting is a significant perk of being a small business owner. You are responsible for and report to yourself as a small business owner. You can choose how much you want to pay yourself and the people you want to collaborate with. You might feel more confident in your business and yourself.
Thanks to: Adam Wood of Revenuegeeks.

35. I Killed A Rat Today

The best part of owning your place is having a different job every hour. There is not complacency. You have to assume all the roles when you own your place. Some days, I fix the toilet or sweep the floor. On other days, I'm the marketing director or H.R. guy. But every day is a step to ensuring the business is profitable and payroll is made. All the while, we make sure our shop is an asset to the community.
Thanks to: Rick Canale of Exotic Flowers.

36. It's the Economy Stupid

It's the economy Stupid. Those famous words spoken in 1992 by James Carville as he ran President Bill Clinton's campaign speak volumes. Of the many wonderful aspects of being a small business owner, the economic benefits hover at the top of the list. Rather than stressing under a single job and single paycheck, I am free to create as many revenue streams as I want. I currently have 4 clients and three different businesses, giving me the diversity of revenue portfolio I need for economic balance.
Thanks to: John Arms of Voyageur University.

37. The Impact You Can Make

As a small business owner, the best thing is the freedom to create a culture that aligns with my values. At Freed Marcroft, I love fostering a supportive, inclusive environment where our team thrives. This autonomy allows us to tailor our services to genuinely meet our clients' needs, providing personalized, compassionate legal support. The ability to innovate and directly see the impact of our work on our clients' lives is incredibly rewarding.
Thanks to: Meghan Freed of Freed Marcroft.

38. You Get Out What You Put In

One of the things I love about running my own business is that I get to reap the rewards of my own success.

When you work for others, you're usually just a small cog in a very big wheel. In some businesses, you could deliver 5x growth and still earn nothing more than your standard paycheck.

Running your own business is different. Everything you do matters. You get out of it what you put into it. And the assets you build are your own.
Thanks to: Adam Connell of Velocity6 Media.

39. Ability to Decide

My favorite part of being an SMB is the ability to decide on our path to success. I can fail fast and move faster to the next chance to create an incredible product for customers. I love the speed at which we can work and succeed rather than having 500 meetings of nothing to accomplish nothing.
Thanks to: Chris Carter of Approyo.

40. HR Business Owner

The one thing that I love about being a small business owner is that you get to build your team and cultivate your culture. In my business, every team member plays a crucial role, and it is incredibly rewarding to build personal relationships and see them progress in their careers. This feeling of togetherness increases not only the level of contentment of the employees but also the level of productivity because everyone is committed to the achievement of the company’s mission and goals.
Thanks to: Mitch Chailland of Canal HR.

41. Autonomy and Independence

As an entrepreneur, I like that I have complete control over the direction of my business. I can make decisions quickly and implement changes without having to navigate through layers of bureaucracy. It allows for a more agile business model, which can quickly adapt to market demands and customer needs. This freedom has also enabled me to build a business that reflects my values and vision and to use a more personalized approach to the business. It's incredibly empowering and fulfilling.
Thanks to: Jeffrey Zhou of Fig Loans.

42. Pursuing Your Passion

When you build a business around something you love, it never feels like work. This deep engagement can drive you to overcome challenges and push boundaries, which ultimately leads to greater satisfaction and career success. Passion-driven businesses often create more meaningful connections with customers, as the enthusiasm is palpable and contagious. It also provides a sense of purpose and motivation that goes beyond financial gain.
Thanks to: Axel Lavergne of

43. Flexibility and Balance

Flexibility is a significant advantage of being a small business owner. Unlike traditional jobs, you can set your own schedule and work at times that are most productive for you. This allows you to better balance personal and professional responsibilities. You can take time off when needed without having to seek approval from someone else. You can spend more quality time with family and pursue personal interests. This is a key factor in achieving long-term happiness and career satisfaction.
Thanks to: Reyansh Mestry of TopSource Worldwide.

44. Direct Impact and Results

As an entrepreneur, you can directly see the impact of your efforts. Every decision you make, every strategy you implement, and every customer you serve contributes to the success of your business. To me, this can be incredibly rewarding. It provides a tangible sense of accomplishment and progress and a greater sense of ownership. It also allows for continuous learning and improvement, as you can quickly identify what works and what doesn't.
Thanks to: Albert Kim of Checkr.

45. Building Personal Relationship

The best thing about being a small business owner is the ability to build personal relationships with customers, employees, and the community. You can offer a more personalized and intimate customer experience. This personal touch can lead to stronger customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals. You also have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of those around you. To me, this sense of community and connection is fulfilling.
Thanks to: Jonathan Feniak of LLC Attorney.

46. Freedom to Explore

The best thing about being a small business owner is the freedom to explore various options and niches. With fewer constraints than larger companies, I can pivot quickly, innovate freely, and tailor my approach to meet the unique needs of my clients. This flexibility allows me to carve out my own path, adapt to new opportunities, and continually evolve my business in response to market demands.
Thanks to: Amy Jam of Amy Jam.

47. Sculpting Dreams into Business

The best thing about being a small business owner is the ability to shape your own vision and see it come to life. You have the freedom to pursue your passion, make key decisions, and directly impact your company's growth. Unlike in corporate jobs, your efforts directly translate to tangible results. This autonomy allows you to create something meaningful while potentially improving people's lives through your products or services.
Thanks to: Mary Zhang of Dgtl Infra.

48. Data-Driven Success

The best thing about being an SEO entrepreneur is the power to directly influence a business's digital visibility and growth. By leveraging data analytics and search engine algorithms, you can dramatically impact a company's online presence. This role combines creativity with technical skill, allowing you to craft strategies that boost rankings and drive traffic. The constant evolution of search engines keeps the work exciting, offering endless opportunities to innovate in this dynamic field.
Thanks to: Debbie Chew of Dialpad.

49. Unlimited Earnings & Growth

The best thing about being a small business owner is the unlimited earning potential. Unlike salaried jobs, your income isn't capped by someone else's decision. Every strategic move and new client directly impacts your bottom line. This financial leverage lets you build wealth on your own terms. Plus, the tax benefits can significantly increase your net income. It's challenging, but the financial rewards can be truly life-changing.
Thanks to: Raf Pereira of Stocks News.

50. Create an Experience

The best thing really is being able to create an experience for you, your staff and your customers based on your values. It allows you to foster a workplace that aligns with your principles. This alignment extends to your customer interactions, creating a consistent and authentic experience that resonates with your audience. By doing this, you can contribute positively to the broader business community and society, driving change in the way you believe businesses and the world should operate.
Thanks to: Dr. Todd Minars of Minars Dermatology.

51. Creative Freedom

When you’re a small business owner, you have the liberty to innovate and experiment with new ideas without the constraints often found in larger organizations. This ability to think outside the box can lead to unique products and services that set your business apart from the competition. It also allows you to express your personal style and vision through your business. This can make your work more enjoyable and engaging.
Thanks to: Brooke Webber of Ninja Patches.

52. Financial Rewards

The potential for financial rewards is a compelling aspect of being a small business owner. While starting a business involves risk, the potential for profit is significant. Unlike salaried positions, your income isn’t capped. As your business’s value appreciates, your money can grow exponentially. You can enjoy greater financial security and invest in personal and professional growth. This financial independence can lead to a more comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle.
Thanks to: Shawn Plummer of The Annuity Expert.

53. Personal Growth & Development

Being an entrepreneur offers endless opportunities for personal growth and development. Running a business requires you to wear many hats and develop a diverse skill set. There’s constant learning and problem-solving. The responsibilities that come with it also help you develop better time management and organizational skills. And the challenges you face can build resilience, confidence, and leadership skills. These can have a positive impact on all areas of your life.
Thanks to: Michael Nemeroff of Rush Order Tees.

54. Community Contribution

As an entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on your community. Small businesses often play a crucial role in local economies, providing jobs and supporting other local businesses. As you contribute to the community, you can build strong relationships and a loyal customer base. You can also use your business to support local causes and initiatives that align with your values. This sense of involvement can be incredibly rewarding.
Thanks to: Leigh McKenzie of Traffic Think Tank.

55. Building a Legacy

One of the most fulfilling aspects of being a small business owner is the opportunity to build a legacy. Creating and growing a business from the ground up allows you to leave a lasting impact. It also means creating something that reflects your values, vision, and hard work. You can create opportunities and benefits for others, extending your impact beyond your lifetime.
Thanks to: Roman Zrazhevskiy of MIRA Safety.

56. Customer Satisfaction

The best thing about being an entrepreneur is the ability to provide exceptional customer service and satisfaction. In a small business, you can offer a more personalized and attentive customer experience. And seeing the positive impact of your products or services on customers' lives can be incredibly rewarding. It provides a sense of purpose and motivation to continue improving and growing your business.
Thanks to: Mark Pierce of Wyoming Trust.

57. Innovation and Adaptability

Being a small business owner allows for greater innovation and adaptability. Without the constraints of a large organization, you can quickly implement new ideas and pivot when necessary. This ability can give your business a competitive edge and allow you to respond to market trends and customer needs more effectively. It can also help your business navigate challenges and seize opportunities.
Thanks to: Sergey Taver of Precision Watches.

58. Corporate Culture Independence

As a small business owner, you have independence from corporate culture. You’re not bound by the often rigid and impersonal policies of large corporations. This allows you to create a work environment that reflects your values and vision. You can prioritize employee well-being, create a positive and supportive workplace culture, and implement policies that foster creativity and innovation. It can also lead to a more fulfilling and enjoyable work experience.
Thanks to: Logan Mallory of Motivosity.

59. Sense of Achievement

There’s a unique sense of achievement that comes from building and growing your own small business. You can take pride in every milestone and success. You gain personal and professional growth for every challenge that you overcome. It reinforces the belief in your abilities and the value of your hard work. To me, it’s a significant source of personal satisfaction and fulfillment.
Thanks to: Michael Melen of SmartSites.

60. Share Your Customers' Why

We learn our customers' "why" as they create video books and I am inspired. They craft my "why this is my favorite thing" about being the founder. A customer shared her search for a meaningful way to preserve memories of her recently passed child. Directly connecting with many customers has become my "why". We learn the impact delivered inside every box. We dedicate a significant portion of our resources supporting our customer service team. Growing our impact is my favorite thing.
Thanks to: Ashley Kenny of Send Heirloom, Inc.

61. Decision Maker

I appreciate the opportunity to live and die by my own decisions.

As an entrepreneur, you will make dozens of decisions over a month, a year, and a decade. Those decisions will impact the growth of your business, your team, and your family.

In over three decades as a business owner, I have made many decisions. Some good and some bad. You learn and grow as you go. You must continue to study and educate yourself and your team. The decision-making process is key to your success.
Thanks to: Steve Turner of Solomon Turner PR.

62. The Ultimate Alignment

My favorite part of being a small business owner is how it aligns with my true self. For me, and others like me, entrepreneurship is more than a career—it's a calling. We're driven to create, innovate, and lead. The challenges and freedom to build from scratch ignite a deep passion. Watching an idea flourish into a thriving venture is fulfilling as it mirrors my vision and effort. It's about living a life that resonates with my core values and passions.
Thanks to: AJ Cheponis of Straightline Consulting Group.

63. Seeing Our Products

The best thing about being a small business owner is seeing our suspenders worn by real people in their daily lives. It's incredibly rewarding to witness our hard work and passion come to life, knowing we’ve created something that brings joy and style to others. This tangible connection with our customers is what truly makes the journey worthwhile and motivates us to keep innovating.
Thanks to: Josh Bluman of JJ Suspenders.

64. Impacting Our Community

I'm the owner of SouthernDry and the best part of this journey is the profound impact we have on our community by securing homes against foundational issues. Our supportive, family-like work culture has retained dedicated employees and attracted those seeking a positive environment. This happy team delivers excellent customer service, setting us apart in the industry. Unlike competitors, we remain locally owned, committed to our community and values, making a tangible difference every day.
Thanks to: John Kabel of SouthernDry.

65. Telling Your Own Story

You get the freedom to meet your market where they are, connect with people, and write your own story. In marketing, everything hinges on great storytelling, and small business owners have the means to communicate directly with customers and leverage that unique experience.

You also have the flexibility to pivot and adapt as customer preferences and market conditions change. Ultimately, you get to build a business prioritizing people in every aspect of your work.
Thanks to: Elisa Montanari of Wrike.

66. Vision

The best thing about being a small business owner is the ability to bring your vision to life and make meaningful decisions. You get to build something from the ground up, create a company culture, and have the flexibility to innovate. The direct impact you can have on your community and the personal growth that comes from overcoming challenges are incredibly rewarding. It's a journey of constant learning and adaptation, where your efforts directly contribute to your success.
Thanks to: Adam Lenhart of Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters.

67. The Creative Freedom

I believe the best thing about owning a small business is the creative freedom it allows for. Unlike larger corporations, you are not bound by rigid protocols or layers of bureaucracy. This flexibility empowers me to innovate and implement fresh ideas swiftly. Whether it's experimenting with unique marketing campaigns or customizing services for clients, the autonomy fuels my passion and drives our success. It's a dynamic environment where creativity truly thrives.
Thanks to: Emma Sansom of Flamingo Marketing Strategies.

68. The Journey!

I really enjoy the journey that owning a small business takes you on. Each day brings new challenges and opportunities, pushing me to grow and adapt continuously. From navigating market shifts to building relationships with clients worldwide, every step is a learning experience. This dynamic path keeps the work exciting and rewarding, as I witness firsthand the impact of our efforts and the progress we make over time.
Thanks to: Ben Whitmarsh of Generators For Export.

69. Your Business, Your Rules

The joy of being a small business owner is that you are free to make decisions alone. When things go right, you can bask in the glow of making the right decision. If things don’t go exactly as planned, you can analyze what went wrong, learn from the experience and fix whatever the problem was in order to avoid any repeats, without having to be subjected to partners trying to capitalize upon your misstep. As an owner of a small firm, it’s your show.
Thanks to: Matthew Biren of Biren Law Group.

70. Freedom, But Not like That...

You'll often hear that owning your own business means freedom and flexibility, such as setting your own hours. The reality is that your time, and more importantly, your focus, is often at the mercy of others, like your customers and your employees.

Where you really have freedom is in choice. You get to choose. What business you'll do or won't. Who to hire. Who to pass on.

The decisions aren't easy. They come with consequences. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, but it's your head.
Thanks to: Rich Edwards of Mindspan Systems.

71. Turning Passion into Impact

The best thing about being a small business owner is turning passion into impact. I work directly with entrepreneurs, helping them transform their expertise into published books that elevate their brand. This hands-on involvement ensures each project aligns with their vision. The flexibility to innovate and quickly adapt to market needs, coupled with the rewarding experience of seeing clients succeed and grow, makes owning a small business incredibly fulfilling.
Thanks to: Vanessa Campos of Broad Book Group, LLC.

72. Serving with Heart and Passion

Ever since I was young, I've wanted to dedicate my life to serving others, and through my businesses, I can do just that. Financial comfort is wonderful, but knowing my work brings joy and value to others' lives is the ultimate reward. Owning niche stores that align with my passions lets me connect with customers personally, offering products and experiences that elevate their hobbies and daily activities.
Thanks to: Sage Vaughn of Refined Traditions.

73. Cultivating Success

My favorite thing about owning my law firm is the direct correlation between my hard work and success. I grew up seeing the results of my labor working with plants and farm animals. It's incredibly rewarding to build something from the ground up and watch it flourish. Many life lessons translate into the professional. The business is a family for me and made me a mother before I had kids. Most of my employees have been with me for decades and we have grown together personally and professionally.
Thanks to: Lisa Lanier of Lanier Law Group, P.A.

74. Being Involved At Every Level

My favorite aspect of being an executive in a small, family-run business is the ability to get involved at every level. I love interacting with our customers and helping solve daily challenges alongside our team. This hands-on approach keeps me connected and grounded, allowing me to truly understand and appreciate our customers' needs and feedback.
Thanks to: Scott Levene of Levco.

75. Agile Advantage

My favorite thing about being a small business owner is having the ability to immediately take advantage of opportunities and quickly adjust and respond to potential problems. Not unlike the David v. Goliath scenario, a small business has the agility to out-maneuver a much larger but less nimble competitor who might seem at first blush to be unbeatable. This mindset coupled with a great culture is a huge advantage that many successful small business owners fully embrace.
Thanks to: Christopher Vernon of Vernon Litigation Group.

76. Respond to the Changing Market

The best thing about being a small business owner in the industrial floor paint and coatings industry is the ability to innovate and respond quickly to market needs. I enjoy the freedom to develop high-quality, customized products that meet specific client requirements. Building strong relationships with customers and seeing the direct impact of our solutions on their operations is incredibly rewarding. The flexibility to drive growth and make strategic decisions is unmatched.
Thanks to: Steve Britchford of Polycote.

77. Building a Team That Believes

As a business owner, you’re the captain of your ship. You get to decide what direction to sail and pick your own crew to navigate that journey. But my favorite thing about being a small business owner has to be seeing all employees believe in our purpose. As a law firm built for the sole purpose of helping people who are disabled get disability benefits from insurance companies, seeing the entire crew buy into the notion that our work changes lives is by far my biggest source of satisfaction.
Thanks to: Edward Dabdoub of Dabdoub Law Firm.

78. Creating Jobs for Others

The best aspect of entrepreneurship for me is the ability to create jobs for individuals who currently lack employment. Though I am a small business owner, I manage a team of 35 people. Directly contributing to someone's livelihood makes me feel more satisfied. Creating jobs helps society in several ways. For example, employment opportunities reduce unemployment rates and boost the economy by increasing consumer spending power.
Thanks to: Billy Parker of Gift Delivery.

79. Best Thing About Small Biz

The best thing about being a small business owner lies in the ability to provide personalized, high-quality service that truly meets the needs of our community. I love that we can build genuine relationships with our customers, offering solutions tailored to their needs, while ensuring they feel valued and cared for. We make a real difference in people’s lives resolving their plumbing problems effectively. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing a happy customer.
Thanks to: Allison Harrison of Goodbee Plumbing.

80. SMBs Are Stronger Together

One of my favorite things about being a small business owner is getting to support other small business owners. As a marketing consultant, I love learning about other small businesses, hearing their struggles and aspirations, and helping them promote and grow their wonderful small businesses. Their start-up stories and the goals they have for their businesses continue to inspire and push me with my own small business.
Thanks to: Lauren Galvez of

81. Teamwork is Everything

Being a small business owner is incredibly fulfilling for different reasons, but the aspect that stands out the most to me is the ability to create a close-knit team and foster a supportive work environment. This is not just about running a business; it’s about building a community where everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute their best. This environment encourages collaboration, innovation, and a shared sense of purpose that can be rare in larger corporate settings.
Thanks to: Anna Blood of Blood Law, PLLC.

82. Serving Wide Communities

The best part of running Pelicoin is the flexibility to serve many different communities. We strive to improve Bitcoin trading accessibility in the Gulf South, and we do so by servicing Bitcoin ATMs in local grocery stores, gas stations, and more. Whereas larger companies struggle with expanding their storefronts, we can reach wider audiences due to the on-the-go nature of our business. We’re proud that our company’s framework has allowed us to place 40 Bitcoin ATMs in four different states.
Thanks to: Natalie Gales of Pelicoin.

83. Master of My Own Domain

One of the most gratifying things about being a small business owner is having the freedom and autonomy to solve problems and develop creative solutions to ensure the business is running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. It’s satisfying to be able to brainstorm and implement an approach or strategy along with my team that rectifies an issue. I appreciate the flexibility that a small business affords to shift rapidly and be more responsive when a need arises, which occurs often.
Thanks to: Lewis Landerholm of Pacific Cascade Legal.

84. Innovation = Growth

The best thing about being a small business owner is undoubtedly the freedom to innovate. This ownership isn't simply about running a business; it's about the opportunity to identify problems and devise solutions in the unique way I envisage. It's the liberty to introduce new ideas, take risks, learn from failures, and continuously evolve.

Being deeply involved in every aspect of my business gives me a profound sense of personal fulfillment.
Thanks to: Nick Drewe of Wethrift.

85. Marketing & Providing Jobs

My favorite thing about being a small business owner is marketing and growing the business. It's incredibly satisfying to be able to help more people and provide jobs to a bigger group of team members as business increases.
Thanks to: Duane Coker of Coker, Robb & Cannon.

86. Personalized Impact Ownership

As CEO of SEO for Cleaning Services, my favorite aspect of owning a small business is the ability to create personalized, impactful connections with clients. Unlike larger firms, we tailor SEO strategies to each cleaning business’s unique needs, ensuring their online presence reflects their strengths and values. This close interaction fosters trust and lets us witness our clients' growth and success firsthand, which is incredibly rewarding.
Thanks to: Zeeshan Siddiqui of SEO For Cleaning Services.

87. Freedom to Innovate

The one best thing I cherish about being a small business owner is the profound sense of autonomy I possess in steering the company's direction. This freedom to shape my own destiny, to innovate and experiment, is incredibly exhilarating. I am inherently responsible for the choices that lead to the company's advancements and setbacks, and this direct connection between effort and outcome infuses my work with a deep sense of purpose.
Thanks to: Saugat Adhikari of Magical Nepal.

88. Build Your Own Wealth

For me, this comes down to building your own wealth, instead of someone else's. When you run your own business, every ounce of effort you put in directly contributes to your own financial future. You're not working for a paycheck or furthering someone else's interests. Finding success isn't easy, but if you can make it work, the rewards are incomparable.
Thanks to: Stéphane Bottine of

89. Creating Connections

What’s best about being a small business owner in the trade show industry is the opportunity to form close, personal relationships with people from all backgrounds and all over the world. We provide on-site services to customers, which can create strong, long lasting partnerships while also enabling us to be more responsive to their unique needs. I also get the chance to talk to other people at shows, including speakers, organizers, show staff, exhibitors, and attendees.
Thanks to: Thomas Samuels of Cardinal Expo Exhibit Rentals.

90. Marketing!

One of the best things about being a small business owner is the opportunity to market yourself creatively. You get to have fun with your brand, experiment with different strategies, and truly make it your own. It's all about embracing the challenge and doing whatever it takes to stand out. This freedom allows you to connect with your audience in unique ways and build a business that reflects your vision and passion.
Thanks to: Alex Smith of Overlook Boots.

91. Passion Fuels Purpose

The joy and confidence that our services bring to our clients underscore the essence of why I embarked on this entrepreneurial journey. Every satisfied client, every sparkle in their eyes when they see their finished piece, reaffirms that the heart and soul we pour into this business is worthwhile.
Thanks to: Jonathan Goldberg of Kimberfire.

92. Direct Impact

If I were to pinpoint the single best aspect of being a small business owner, it would undoubtedly be the profound ability to make a direct impact. In my work at Colorado Relationship Recovery, the opportunity to personally guide couples toward better communication and stronger bonds is incredibly gratifying. There's a certain satisfaction in observing individuals as they navigate through their challenges and ultimately find harmony, thanks to the therapeutic strategies we employ.
Thanks to: Jason Polk of Colorado Relationship Recovery.

93. The Power of Flexibility

It's all about flexibility-- it is paramount to the success of my company. Especially in the ever-changing electronics industry. It allows me to tailor unique solutions for our clients, innovate without constraints, and swiftly adapt our strategies to meet the dynamic market needs. This agility is something I deeply value, as it enables us to provide exceptional service and stay ahead in a competitive landscape.
Thanks to: Robin Luo of Rantle East Electronic.

94. Empowerment & Creative Freedom

If I had to single out the most rewarding aspect of being a small business owner, without a trace of doubt, I would emphasize the unparalleled sense of empowerment that it brings. It's the ability to turn my creative visions into reality—exactly as I imagine them—without the constraints typically found in larger corporate environments.
Thanks to: June Escalada of IllustratorHow.

95. Being the CEO

It's this delightful blend of creative freedom, the ability to rapidly implement ideas, and the profound impact these decisions have on Srlon and our customers that I find most rewarding as a small business owner. It's more than just running a company; it's about leading a charge towards innovation and setting new standards in our industry, and that's what truly excites me.
Thanks to: Tony Chen of Srlon.

96. The Power of Education

The most fulfilling aspect of my entrepreneurial journey has been the opportunity to empower millions of students by providing them with accessible, high-quality educational resources. This directly aligns with my passion for education and my belief in its power to shape the future.
Thanks to: Riccardo Ocleppo of OPIT.

97. Empowerment of Independence

This sense of independence is more than just the ability to steer your own ship; it embodies the essence of being deeply involved in shaping the company's vision and being the catalyst of its evolution. It is the empowerment that comes with making strategic decisions, innovating solutions, and navigating through the commercial ecosystem to carve out a distinct path for your business.
Thanks to: Elyn-Aisin Lim of ELEHEAR.

98. The Pioneering Spirit

For me, the single best thing about being a small business owner is the sheer freedom to innovate and pioneer in my field. This autonomy doesn't just allow me to infuse my personality and values into every aspect of my business; it lets me rapidly implement new ideas and respond to the ever-changing landscape of travel and digital nomadism.
Thanks to: Yulia Saf of Miss Tourist.

99. Crafting Success from Scratch

It's that indescribable feeling of satisfaction and pride when you witness the transformation of a mere idea into a thriving, competitive enterprise. Each victory, big or small, fuels my passion to push the boundaries of what's possible.
Thanks to: Gianluca Ferruggia of DesignRush.

100. Entrepreneurial Fulfillment

The best part of being an entrepreneur is watching your dream benefit everyone in the organization.
Thanks to: Spencer Steliga of shuddl.

101. Freedom to Design Your Life

The best part of being a small business owner is having the freedom to design a life that works for me and my family.

My husband and I are able to set our own hours and create a flexible work-life balance that allows us to work fewer hours, achieve more, and prioritize our well-being and personal goals.

What I love most about this freedom is that we've been able to travel extensively and live in various countries over the past few years while growing a business.
Thanks to: Carey Bentley of Lifehack Method.

102. Small Business, Big Life

When you look into the eyes of enterprising business owners, what do you see?

When Conor Neill, IESE Business School, talks about the distinction between "freedom from & freedom to" & "making choices & making decisions", small business owners know well what he means. One best thing about being a small business owner is having the "freedom to" and having "choice"!

We choose to have "freedom to". We put ourselves out there, living in confidence, not fear.
Thanks to: Jean Chow of MsBizWiz.

103. You Steer the Ship

As an entrepreneur, you decide on the direction and focus of your company. You choose what to focus on, what strategies to test, and how to measure the results. You are the boss and, therefore, responsible for the outcome of your organization. You steer the ship, set your schedule, and choose when to work vs when to rest. Your business is the canvas; you are the painter. Make it a masterpiece that provides excellent value to your clients, gives back to others, and supports your family.
Thanks to: Michael Guberti of Marketing That Clicks.

104. Cultivate a Company Culture

To me, the best thing about being a small business owner is the ability to create and implement a company culture that truly reflects your values and vision. This aspect is powerful because it allows you to shape an environment where both you and your team can thrive, fostering a sense of shared purpose and engagement. With a culture that aligns with your ideals, you can attract like-minded individuals, retain talent, and create a work atmosphere that’s not only productive but also fulfilling.
Thanks to: Thomas Medlin of JumpMD.

105. Rapid Learning and Adaptation

I like that a small business allows you to learn quickly from your experiences and make swift adjustments. This dynamic environment encourages constant growth and improvement, pushing you to become more innovative and responsive to market demands. To me, the ability to pivot and evolve at a pace that keeps you ahead of competitors isn’t only exciting but also gives a tangible sense of progress and accomplishment.
Thanks to: Alexander Brandrup of Neurogan Health.

106. The Privilege of Being Picky

What I love about being a small business owner is that it gives me the flexibility to work with the clients I want, how I want. The ability to choose which clients' message I am elevating is a privilege I know I would not get to enjoy in the corporate world. This level of discernment in who I put my talents to work for is one of the things I most value about being an entrepreneur.
Thanks to: Trish Stukbauer of ie marketing, llc.

107. The Ability to Innovate

As the founder of Makenstitch, I cherish the creativity and community that define the crafting space. Being a small business owner allows me to connect personally with customers, bringing their unique visions to life. I love the flexibility to innovate and the satisfaction of seeing handcrafted pieces bring joy to others. Each day is an opportunity to blend passion with purpose, fostering a supportive and inspiring environment for all creators.
Thanks to: Gabriela Statie of Makenstitch.

108. Being Part of a Niche Industry

What I love about being a small business owner in the niche spirits industry is the ability to craft unique, high-quality products that reflect my passion and vision. It’s incredibly fulfilling to connect with customers who appreciate the artistry behind each bottle. Being a part of a niche market allows for creativity and innovation, and I enjoy the close-knit community and personalized experiences that larger companies often can’t provide.
Thanks to: Steven Mitts of IVeinte Spirits.

109. Freedom with Responsibility

Business owners have responsibilities to customers, staff and suppliers. I commit to this role and rely on each group to maintain high standards. I also enjoy the freedom to choose business partners, hire staff, and decide how products are made, delivered, and marketed. This combination of freedom and responsibility means accepting accountability in how I operate and respond to those around me. Embracing this role brings great pride and satisfaction. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Thanks to: Carrie West of Carrie West.

110. No Day Is Ever the Same!

The best thing about being a small business owner is having variety in your occupation. Some days you're wearing the metaphorical marketing hat, and other days you're doing bookkeeping. No day is ever the same, so it never gets boring. Sure, there are some duties of running the business that you may not love doing, but the good thing is that there are plenty of other tasks you'll love. There aren't many jobs where you have as much variety throughout your day as being a small business owner.
Thanks to: Holly Habeck of Thiandro Equestrian Products.

111. You Get More Hands-on Impact

While being a small business owner has its ups and downs, one of the perks is you get to be more hands-on in your business operations. You can be directly involved in the quality of your product or services, which is not always true when owning a large business. This feeling of involvement can give you a feeling of satisfaction which attracts a lot of people to owning their business in the first place.
Thanks to: Khanh Tran of Italy Villa-Finder.

As always, many thanks to everyone that contributed to this article!

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