Learning publicity secrets for your business from Shawne Duperon, 5-time Emmy Award winning reporter and producer
I don’t like to promote things unless there is a good reason to do so, and I do strongly believe in information if it is good information. You have to do your homework and get up the learning curve on things that are outside of your current knowledge base. If you are like me, the area of PR and publicity is one of those subjects that presents a steep learning curve. Since every business can benefit from publicity (if you know what you are doing), I wanted to give a little shout out about a new info product from Shawne Duperon and one of her business colleagues, called The Complete Step-by-Step Insiders Guide To Generating Unlimited Free Press. I would summarize her style as law-of-attraction meets reality, so it is an interesting approach that gives you what you need to hear without b.s. in a positive format.
Here is what I know and what I don’t know:
What I know:
– While I haven’t taken this program in its entirety, I have used some of Shawne’s other material and she knows her stuff; plus she is a really genuinely good person and I always prefer to buy from someone who is solid them some a-hole;
-She is offering a lot, including a DVD, workbook a national media guide (tv-focused), online press kit and bunch of other bonus material;
-Her core competency is local television, so expect that to be a key focus of the program
-She is offering a money-back guarantee, so you have little risk in trying it out
What I don’t know:
-Any of the in-depth specifics, so check the site out and contact the email provided there for more information
If you need and want more publicity and are ready to get up the learning curve, go to: http://www.getunlimitedfreepublicity.com/ to learn more. Don’t be scared off by the infomercial-style landing page (not my personal style, but the style has become very popular in promoting info-products); as I said, her content is solid.