I wrote recently about having a Balls-to-the-Walls Crazy Goal (The BTWC Goal) and I am now one step closer to mine by having it and owning it (signing a development deal for my own television show).
To celebrate having and achieving our goals, I invited my extensive network of experts and entrepreneurs to put it out there and share with us what their own BTWC business goal is what they plan to do to achieve it.
I am very proud of everyone who contributed and hope that by putting it out there, these goals will become more concrete for each and every contributor. If you have a way to help any of these entrepreneurs to achieve their goals, please reach out.

1. A Journey for Heroes
I had a heart attack at 35 despite being fit (I'd completed the London Marathon and a triathlon), not smoking and only drinking in moderation. I thought my sporting life was over. Now having seen Ranulph Fiennes run 7 marathons in 7 days and climb Mount Everest after his heart attack, I've realized there is a way back I thought was closed forever. When I create Kaizen Health, I will help heart attack sufferers achieve the dreams they thought were filed under 'not for me now'.

2. Number One in Year One
Getting on the best seller's list is typically at least a three year process. My Balls To the Wall Crazy Goal: Do it in a year!
What am I doing to get there? What am I not doing? Any publicity I can get my hands on, I want- it's a matter of getting my book out there through as many venues as possible. My only limitation is time, which makes this a BTWC Goal- but you asked for it. I'd love to be the first to beat the clock.

3. In Demand Productivity Expert
I wrote the award-winning book Work Smart, Not Hard! Organizational Tips & Tools That Will Change Your Life!, developed the Work Smart Workshop and now am on the road doing Work Smart one-on-one consulting. My goal in 2011 is to be in high demand as a national Work Smart productivity expert, being called upon by top executives who are struggling to keep a work/life balance and want to equate being successful to being happy, as well as wealthy.

4. My Goal & Making a Difference
I'm a Great Spokesperson & Problem Solver!
My desire is to continue doing great things with those who have a desire to help!
So, I will continue to build relationships & collaborate with businesses for future success.
I'm ready for the lead role in Film, TV & Talk Shows (I have the talent to do a great job).
I'm an Author, Expert, Consultant, Spiritual Counselor, Motivational Speaker, Athlete and Actor/Model. I love having deep discussions on the air to help improve people lives!

5. Bullies Beware Talk Radio Show
I have my book called, "Words Hit Hard as a Fist." It's being published with Balboa Press. Hay House is the parent company. I am working on Hay House picking up my book because their authors help the community in more ways than just publishing their books. They do the "Celebrate your Life Conferences" and "You Can Do It" is their theme. That is my theme as well. Next, I want to do an early morning talk radio show at 7:00 Wednesday mornings, where kids can call or write in with questions.

6. Change World; Talk Civility
My goal is to be on at least one national radio or television program pushing the idea of civility in the marketplace and Say Something Nice Day on June 1st. I will build my network on Linkedin.com, continue to write articles, continue to blog and continue to network like crazy. Perhaps there is someone in your audience who can help. Christian Civility in an Uncivil World, the book I edited and wrote a chapter for and my little booklet, Say Something Nice; Be a Lifter, are already out there.
Thanks to: Mitch Carnell of

7. Helping Others to Save Money
I have a healthcare report that shows both businesses and consumers what conditions raise the cost of healthcare and what can be done to lower those costs.
1. Reformatting the report to make it more user-friendly and professionally publishing the report
2. Creating marketing material
3. Hiring Sales Staff
4. Continue marketing the idea myself
5. Create a PowerPoint presentation describing the report
6. Create a presentation for greater employee involvement

8. Owning Goals, All New to Me
Every year for the past twenty I was asked, as part of my former life in the corporate world, to create business goals. Every year my mind was blank, I had no ambition, no business goals. I hated every single day of work, yet I could not afford to leave my job. Sound familiar? If it does, then my story will make sense.
Teach and lecture in New York City in 2011. I have two classes planned already: one at ICE and the other at the IACP in 2011.

9. A Million Ways to Celebrate!
By the end of 2011, I will have helped parents all over the world give their children the gift of financial independence by selling 1 million books.

10. $0 to $8k in 90 Days
This is crazy - taking my new business from no income to $8k/month in 90 days! The business is Birth for Men - birth education for guys to help them become the best birth partner they can be. Most birth education classes are in person, but I want to help the guys in small towns as much the big cities, so most of what I'll be offering will be online. My to-do list: write blogs, meet & help people on Facebook & Twitter, start a podcast, create a newsletter & online curriculum.

11. Build Three Companies!!
So, it's hard enough to build one good company, but Blank Label group is looking to create a conglomerate which consists of two different ecommerce businesses and one content business, which will all have the same goal to change the way people shop forever, but will be fighting that battle on different fronts. We're looking to create big teams for each company with ambitious goals for revenues from each business too.

12. Live and In Person!
This year, my bold (BTWC) goal is to get my live retreats up and running. For as long as I could remember, this was something that I wanted to do. Now this year, I'm going to do them. I'm going to start small with a couple of one-on-one, VIP, all day intensives, and then I'm going to grow that to a couple of small group mastermind sessions. And once I've worked through some of the kinks...I'll host a much larger retreat! I can't wait! I know they're going to be fantastic and women will love them!!

13. Messages of Healing and Hope
My BTWC goal is my own reality TV show. I am getting closer, as I have a pending deal with a casino in downtown Reno for a regular show which can be filmed for a reality TV show. As an intuitive, medium and pet psychic, the messages I receive for my clients have been life-changing. I can also communicate with people who cannot. My goal is to spread the messages of healing and hope through the medium of television and potentially help millions of people lead happier, healthier, more abundant lives.

14. Global Domination Through Fun
Instead of using Force, as so many try, I plan on using the Fun component of PUTTLE to obtain my goal of World Domination. No small feat mind you, but by offering TheFirstPutt.org program of supporting education with Puttle tournaments, all children everywhere will be able to contribute to their local schools AND HAVE FUN, at the same time. According to google analytics, my ascendancy should happen by 2017. Sincerely, Mr Puttle
Thanks to: K.O. Kleppert of

15. $20 Mil a Month is My Goal!
My goal is to make $20 million a month- sounds CRAZY & OUTRAGEOUS... but I'm going to do it:) The money will come from my new Custom Personality Reports I created that detail the correlation between a name and its respective personality traits. Also, I have written a very funny romantic comedy called "Mama Mary"- it's Bruce Almighty meets Sound of Music- I'm going to be Mel Gibson about it- produce it myself/distribute through a major movie house- make more $ & make tons from ancillary products!

16. Greenhouse Dome on White House
My dream is to build a state-of-the-art greenhouse dome/garden on the White House lawn. The purpose is to create a universal symbol of healthy eating. I have had a serious Youtube campaign towards this end for three years and I have approached Michelle Obama's Let's Move organization to support our efforts to give commercial greenhouse domes to the schools and the White House. I am attracting strategic partners and public schools to join me in my dream.

17. Understanding the Unseen World
I was unemployed, poor, alone and not sure how I'd survive. During those two years, I wrote Wood's End. Thomas Nelson said it was too Stephen King for a Christian book. The book is informed by my calling as a preternatural interventionist. With lots of experience, I wanted to share what I've learned about the unseen world. I've written the screen play and raised money to do a video promo. My goal is to break down barriers, have a movie and distribution deal, while retaining control of the message and series.

18. Have You Heard of Me Yet?
For a year, I was tied for a publishing spot with my first novel. I lost because "no one had heard of me." My second novel is out and I'm determined that everyone is going to hear of me. I sent my book to 20 reviewers & received five star ratings. I'm blogging, I'm on social network sites, contributing and interacting. I'm contacting local bookstores for book signings. I'm contacting radio interview and book review shows. I've signed an option with amazonstudios.com. My goal is to get a movie deal.

19. Going National in 2011
My plan for 2011 is to take my online interactive one hour training sessions to a national audience. Having established my company locally, we are now focused on national exposure via a marketing and impact strategy approach. We will leverage SEO capability via our website, plus market our impactful one hour practical application sessions to 100+ employee organizations that are looking to enhance the skill sets of their workforce in timely and meaningful ways.
Thanks to: Myles Miller of

20. Pay it Forward
I've enjoyed the entrepreneur experience and doing pioneering work in my field. But that's nothing compared to my real goal...to hit the kind of revenue targets that would allow me to expand my non-profit work and take it to a whole other level. Making money is fun. Giving it away is even more fun. I want this coming year to be a way to use our excess revenues to help the non-profits we work with and make a significant difference in both their and thus, my life...now that's BTWC in my book!

21. NY Times Best-Seller Bound!
My outrageous business-related goal for 2011 is that I will be a New York Times Best-Selling Author. In addition to massive promotion, I will continue to give workshops on writing, do interviews/blogs, network with the release of my April 1st, 2011 Woman's Day Magazine interview about women who succeeded later in life, and continue my charity work. My life goal is to make a positive difference in other's lives. To help another to believe in themselves, their dream... there is no greater gift.

22. My BTW goal is...
...to write a fun book on business etiquette. So, writing a book is not crazy, that's why I took out the "C" in "BTWC". But, it's a big goal, as it will take lots of time. Thankfully, I'm a good writer and have much material from my blog and articles.
I am going to start by writing an outline and figuring out what I want to include in the book. I'll then tap the many people I know who have written books or are involved in book publishing/editing and figure out next steps. Yes!

23. Pay Me What I'm Worth!
Goal: Support 10,000,000 (or more) people to say (with all honesty), "I'm paid what I'm worth!" How? Get the only published, well-reviewed, highly rated book "Pay Me What I'm Worth" (See amazon.com for reviews). USE our interactive (facebook-like) online tools with our LIVE small-group (4-8 people) conference calls to WORK together to get paid what you're worth. Goal outcomes: YOU being paid what you're worth every day, one step, one day at a time.

24. Goal: STOP Allergy to ASTHMA!
For 1 in 3 INFANTs, Allergy MARCH = Allergy Parents > Allergy INFANT / Birth > Eczema (Egg / Cow Milk Allergy) > GI /Colic (Food) > Ear > Respiratory Wheezing > Rhinitis > Allergic ASTHMA Entrenchment Age 4-8.
Vs medicating Symptoms, Allergic ASTHMA can be challenged / prevented via Infant Allergy Blood Testing with offending FOODs addressed via DIET and Inhalants neutralized via Drug FREE Immuno-Allergy DROPs, Custom Formulated to neutralize SOURCE of Test ID'ed offending Allergens.

25. Create a Sea-to-Sea Trail
My goal is to create a transcontinental, hiking Sea-to-Sea Route. I will: develop the Pacific Northwest segment; map out and gain support for the Montana portion and the Vermont portion; attract hikers (for publicity) to hike the 7700-mile route; obtain funding; and write a guidebook to the North Country Trail portion. I am already well along in this process; next year will be crucial because OSU Press will publish my memoir, Pathfinder: Blazing a New Wilderness Trail in Modern America.

26. Be a Philanthropist in 2011!
Having owned my own business successfully for the past 31 years, my current dream is to become a major philanthropist. To accomplish this goal, I have partnered with the Salvation Army to help feed starving children around the world AND create residual income for myself and other entrepreneurs/philanthropists/fundraisers at the same time.
With that income, I will fund my existing 501C3 with half of my gross income to be distributed to other worthy charitable causes.

27. Science Camp Moves to Jamaica
I am the owner of Cub Creek Science Camp. CCSC is the only overnight summer camp in the country with its own zoo (USDA licensed). Campers play with monkeys, walk llamas, hold wallabies and even pet porcupine. My BIG goal for science camp is to create: Animal Camp Jamaica, a take-off of our unique theme, but in a much more tropical location. The step I plan to take in the very near future is to purchase a piece of ocean front property on which to build this camp.

28. Balls to the Wall Goals
My Goal is to generate $1 million in the next 12 months! How?
I'm launching two products:
1. Your SEO Coach - This product is a do-it-your-self-SEO course for business owners who are sick of paying $1000's of dollars per year for worthless SEO work.
Step1. Build a Membership Site - done
Step 2. Create Content - in process
Step 3. Launch Product - planned for January - yourseocoach.com
2. Mind Shift 101 - This course is for employees who want to become entrepreneurs.

29. Web TV - Wave of the Future
My goal is a Web TV show. I built my first million dollar business at 26, lost it, and then re-built. My show is designed to help new entrepreneurs avoid the dangers most new start ups face. The show is stage 3 of a 5 part plan based on my book - "Why Bankruptcy Rocks and Success is Over-Rated!"
Partner organizations will become contributors on the show, while my book will become a lead generation tool for them. Merchandise and offline interests will extend the reach of the online program.
Thanks to: Michael D. Russo of

30. Going for the Pinnacle
My goal is to reach the top echelon (think Jim Collins) of business speakers. For 2010, I plan to sign a publishing contract for my second book, expand on Twitter beyond 50,000 followers and beyond 10,000 Linked-in and Facebook connections. I am targeting to do 24 radio and 8 television interviews in my target topic areas of business strategy, marketing and how to create profitable growth. I am also targeting to be the keynote speaker at 12 business conferences with wide, mass audiences.

31. BTWC for 2011
Here's my crazy, this is too outrageously big to actually happen, goal for 2011. I want Henrietta Sharp, my book and web site for kids, to be picked up by Pixar and made into a movie.
So, what am I going to do to make it happen once I realize I'm really saying this in public?
1. Partner with a literary agent, finding the right publishing home
2. Find celebrity advocates to support the web site's healthy kids Food Detective Club
3. Get lots of advice and actually take some of it

32. A Gripping Movie Proposal!
A tourist lands in New Orleans as the Saints are playing an exhibition game in the Superdome. Two days later, unable to get out of town because the Airport, Amtrak, and Greyhound have all shut down, the tourist is stuck in the bowels of the Superdome.
Marketing includes sending copies of my memoir to various producers, directors, screenwriters, and actors.
Placing ads on Facebook directed at those in the business.
Commenting on news articles/blogs related to Katrina.
Radio/TV interviews.

33. Beyond the Border
My BTWC business goal for AGC is to expand my export sales operation worldwide. Yes, I have some current buyer/seller relationships, but I want connections in every corner of the Earth. My next step is to complete research on high performing markets, send inquiries to contacts I have never done business with before and build dialect and do test market sales. I'm excited just getting prepared!

34. Little Man - Gigantic Dream
I am the author of the "Dane" novels, based on my real life as an international bounty hunter for the FBI and CIA. I want to have my books become famous and become a household name to all. To achieve this dream, media plays a large part in that and I seek out all who would move me closer to my goal to have my books turned into a tv series, a big screen movie, and seen worldwide in the media. I am contacting any who could move me closer. I lived a life few have ever known, much less written about.

35. Increase Gross Sales $1M
My goal is to help 50,000 entrepreneurs increase gross sales by $1 million. I will use the consulting process contained in Best Practices of High Performance Entrepreneurs. Our clients, Protingent Staffing and HyGen Pharmaceuticals were both Inc 500 honorees. I have arranged with a select group of Sunbelt Business Brokers to underwrite a $66 million grant for SBDCs to use the system for free. We will train the 1,000 advisors to use the system and each support 50 fledgling businesses.

36. Your Personal "Barcode"
Our goal is to have 1,000,000 people in 2011 using their own Jumpscan QR code to connect instantly with their friends, family and co-workers. With your personal QR code, you don't need to say "Friend me" or type in a phone number or remember an email address. Just display your QR code and anyone with a smart phone can scan it and have your contact information in a nano second. Point. Click. Connect. It's really that easy.

37. Mental Health Blog Challenge
My BTWC goal for this year is to get the top bloggers to write about mental health during May 2011 - Mental Health Month.
Imagine the empathy, anger, compassion, fear, frustration and insight that the best thinkers out there would bring to mental health in all its forms on the illness-wellness continuum.
I’ll be reaching out via my contacts to ask them and their colleagues to help bring awareness to mental wellness and reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Interested? Email me.

38. Jane Will Enjoy Buying Murder
I write the Regan McHenry Real Estate Mysteries series.
My outrageous goal is to have Patrick Jane, the character that actor Simon Baker plays on TV's "The Mentalist,” reading one of my books while he reclines on his sofa.
I need your help. I'm a great believer in the six degrees of separation theory. I bet you know someone who knows someone on the show? Finding out who Simon Baker’s Realtor is and how to reach him would also help.
So…who do you know?

39. My Own TV Show
My BTWC goal is to have my own reality television series in 2011. I have a concept and title for a reality show based on my work as a mentalist. (It's not what you think.)
My concrete action item is writing a 3-5 page outline featuring my top 6 episode concepts.

40. Tawk, Tawk, and More Tawk
Learning something usable immediately is worth its price in gold. Being a NYer, I can tawk. My goal is to travel across the country in a small RV speaking weekly to business owners and executives. I see myself speaking at company retreats, helping the participants create and execute strategic business and marketing plans. I'm conducting multiple workshops at conferences. I'm helping companies grow strategically all year long - by tawking.

I propose a TV show that helps people reinvent. MAKE A YOU-TURN is for the fearful and frozen. As a doctor of psychology, clinical hypnotist and author of YOU-TURN, I know for a fact that we are all born to win; we learn how to fail and that can be un-learned. I help to dissolve the negative programming and free the "Inner Winner." Many think that change is hard and scary. I say it can be creative and fun! I also say that "Change is inevitable; you can either effect it or accept it."

42. What's it Going to Take?
As the author of a new book "Landlord Marketing Secrets", my BIG outrageous goal is to sell 10,000 copies of the book. To reach that goal, I know it's going to take a mix of targeted marketing like direct mail, emails, some media publicity, print advertising, word-of-mouth marketing and ultimately speaking engagements.
But marketing is what I love. And it's all about reaching landlords and property managers through the ways and in the places where they spend time.

43. Outrageous but Obtainable
The one outrageous BTWC business goal that I would like to achieve is to be a NEW YORK TIMES best-selling author. My published book, A Field Trip to Hell, was released on November 1, 2010. Along with my business website, I used free social media to promote and market my book. The main highlight as an author was being invited on the TRINITY BROADCASTING NETWORK for an interview which aired worldwide on November 12, 2010. I am an author who is out to share my life changing message with the world.

44. Become Dr. Phil of Parenting
My goal is to host a television talk show on a major network that will feature experts, as well as parents making progress. Here is my plan I have been working on:
1. Write and publish a parenting course (completed 2006)
2. Publish a parenting book (completed Fall of 2008)
3. Conduct keynotes at state level conferences (completed)
4. Obtain my second degree in psychology (graduation date March 7, 2011)
5. Produce and host a parenting talk show on cable (first taping scheduled for Jan. 2011)

45. Dirty Mind Pickles
Ghosts, Poets & Entrepreneurs is handling marketing and merchandising for the product launch of "Dirty Mind Pickles" complete with a cartoon icon and Superbowl commercial in development. It has a unique, green market and internet-based business model.

46. Public Trust Betrayed
Like thousands of other hard-working, honest, and ethical appraisers, I have had to watch my career evaporate because of the greed and bad judgment of others.
As the release date of my book nears, I am struck with how large my next goal is: to help make the transition to true independence for the appraiser by making the general public, regulators, and Congress take notice and make changes to the system in order to save it from the greedy fingers of those that abuse the system.

47. The End of Suffering Tour
My dream in 2011 is to do a 30 city tour, "The End of Suffering", promoting my forthcoming book "Heaven is Now: How to End Suffering in Your Life Once and For All" which will be finished in early spring. The tour will include a seminar where the focus will be on the fact that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. It will include dance, which has played a role in helping me permanently heal "emotional aspects" that were controlling my life, as dance helps to be balanced in the body.

48. Best Selling Ever!
My goal is to make my book, How to Attract Money Using Mind Power, the best-selling self-help book ever and to do it within my lifetime. Next year, I’ll have a new cover done; I’ll have a new website built; I’ll have an ad for me and my book in a media-guest magazine which is mailed to thousands of TV, radio and print producers. That’s new stuff. Also, I will continue to do radio interviews, write articles, build my mailing list and work my social-networking pages and so on.

49. Car Thieves Crying "FOUL"
One of the best kept secrets in vehicle security is now available to everyone! The Auto-Bolt is an invisible, remote controlled dead bolt specifically designed and engineered for vehicle doors. With the push of a button, all doors are DEAD BOLTED shut! Contractors have used them for the past decade to lock up thousands of dollars worth of tools and equipment. This year, we intend to make The Auto-Bolt a household word by having the auto manufacturers use The Auto-Bolt as factory installed security!

50. I Intend to Win a Genius Grant
My goal is quite simple: To win a MacArthur Fellowship (genius grant).
It's also almost as hard as winning a Nobel. The committee members and nominators are anonymous.
What will I do in 2011? My book The Leonardo Trait comes out April 17th. I will promote my book heavily and create a change in the world with it.
The only way to win a genius grant is to get noticed by the right people. Since I have no idea who they are, I want to be noticed by as many people as possible.

51. Dying to Get In?
My BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is to build a business/FX school for aspiring haunted attraction owners that adjoins a 20,000 s.f., high tech haunted house. Student curriculum is enhanced with hands-on work in the haunted attraction; the haunt gains gratis labor for the upcoming season. An artistic presentation for a well-known horror author is half done. With his approval, the title and characters from one of his books will be our Haunt's theme. This will hook investors and students alike.

My goal is to find financing for my Patented and Patent Pending Flying Car project. It will eventually produce private space launchers! I need an initial $300K for the first two steps. One of the things I will do next year is to set up a social website for flying cars with a monthly membership fee. I will have to publicize it to get interested and interesting members. Maybe some of them will actually be able to physically help with the build. Low cost access to space for the AVERAGE person!

53. SMELL a Difference
I would like to, in an outrageous manner, get together all professional perfumers GLOBALLY and design a fragrance that would be completely from our hearts and donate ALL of the proceeds from the sales to go to help save the dolphins, whales and the animals that are being 'skinned alive' in China. I know it sounds crazy because a lot of the perfumers and perfume companies are in competition, but I believe it can be done. Any perfumers interested?

54. 1000 Paying Markets:New Column
I have just launched a self-syndicated monthly column called Green And Profitable. I have two paying markets so far, one in the US and one in Australia. My goal by the end of 2012 is to have 1000, and for the end of 2011, at least the first 300.
I found a database of business publications, starting by querying them.
I'm the primary author of Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green: Winning Strategies to Improve Your Profits and Your Planet (Wiley, 2010).

55. New Book Author's Big Plans
Outrageous Business Goal: Double or triple my income, including sales of 1,000-2,000 books.
Methods: 1) Extensive book marketing via speaking events; joint ventures; bulk sales; trade shows; social networking; podcast; 2) Cultivate referrals in person and via social networking for my services; 3) Produce at least 2 new info products related to my book; 4) Improve my use of online advertising (e.g., Google Adwords); 5) Start and sustain a Mastermind group of entrepreneurs in related businesses.

56. Define, Design, & Live!
I am committed to my journey toward ideal Life Design and that commitment has manifested itself into one concrete goal: A Life Design Agency where women in various stages of their lives can come in and "shop" our cadre of resources created to help them create their best-case scenario lives. Coaches, therapists, and wellness experts will meet with the women, and a "foreman" will walk them through the process. They'll also be assigned a "tracer" who helps with accountability as they journey.

57. New Author Shoots For #1
I have decided that my lofty idea is to hit the #1 spot on the New York Times Bestseller list. My novel was published in July. Amongst the strategies I am utilizing, I have entered it into 4 contests, I am engaging reviewers, and pitching various media. I have based my writing on 4 years of lucid dreaming and I am utilizing that as an area of interest for media coverage. I am working with my publisher to enhance my very ambitious goal and we will be on a conference call next week about it.

58. Hats Off to Exclusivity!
To license or sell the Patent Rights to the Side-cap(R) to a company or celebs J-Lo and Marc Anthony who will be starting a line for Kohl's.
-Update website
-Create a video, show the cashmere Side-cap w/ special visor and a newsboy crown, explain many uses of the Utility Patent good into 2018
-Mail min. of one sample/week WITH calls approx. 1 week before and after each mailing
**Get a partner (pay a commission, share with them royalties or ownership) if they can help get this product launched!!

59. Real Healthcare Change
My goal is to reorganize our entire healthcare system. I know how to do that!
All medical care is local and states license most doctors. Therefore, states are responsible to regulate the practice of medicine, hospital medical staffs and surgery centers and every state is irresponsible in their failure to do so. I can show any state how to reorganize their healthcare system, harness their medical expertise, improve the quality of patient care and reduce federal intrusion. Challenge anyone?

60. Vision Quest in a Trilogy
My new Urban Fantasy novels based on the character, Mythological Sam, will give Harry Potter a run for his money. Where Harry Potter takes readers deeper into the dark side with magic and fantasy, Mythological Sam will raise readers outside of themselves with his quest to help his guardian angel save mankind by unearthing untold secrets long buried in myths, miracles and men. I will use ALL social media outlets--TV, radio, Internet, and my agent's superb talents to cause a pre-publication buzz.
Thanks to: Kathleen Pickering.

61. Two Steps At A Time™
The VOS™ brand and initial product line would like to transform how consumers view the sandal industry. We’re doing so by providing consumers an affordable eco-friendly product line and a Two Steps At A Time™ social initiative. The giving of footwear to individuals in need is implemented in partnership with Soles4Souls, the international shoe charity. Basic health care & education is initially provided in partnership with AgroSalud Guatemala and the Guatemalan National Rubber Association.
Thanks to: José Alejandro Flores of

62. Dream Big. Succeed Big.
I want to be a successful children's author in North America. My first book was published in 2009. One story was picked up by a U.S. publisher for release in 2011. I still write and submit stories for publication, for exposure and to grow my audience. I'm on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and yes, I blog.
Most of my characters are animals. Where do they come from? I don't know. They won't let me be until I put pen to paper. The magic of creativity perhaps? I am grateful for this magic.

63. Uniqueness
My one BTWC business goal is to get help to produce my product. My product is the Zipper Nursing Bra and it gives nursing mothers two options for feeding. It has a zipper that unzips in the center and unique adjustable button straps. I had a company make a prototype of it which I love and now, I plan on pitching it to bra companies to see if they would be interested.
Thanks to: Angela Mitchell.

64. Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Goals are dreams fulfilled. My goal is to produce a charted hit song. I've built a foundation by study, work, natural business sense, and overflowing desire to succeed. Marketing & selling my music is the major focus of my quest.
Making a quality product came naturally to me; now getting through the political jungle of the music business is the last mountain I must climb. Getting radio to play my music is paramount to getting a hit record. Publicity and Promotion are the next steps to success.

65. Inspirations of a Diva.....
As a single mom residing in a poverty filled urban community, struggling with mental illness, I was able to overcome my impairments and create for you several titles and other literary content; I have started my own production company, which is now at ground level, but be it God's plan, I will excel!
PBP Productions Inc brings to you developments such as Wrong Moves 1 and 2, Days of my life 1 and 2, and Inspirations, with Hood Divas, The Big Tip, and Let Sheedom Ring coming soon...

66. Sweet Sweet Fundraising!
Sweet Sweet Records has an ENORMOUS goal of raising $10,000,000 in the next 12 months to get up and moving!
We've been busy going through extensive research and training behind the scenes to bring my record label and brand to the forefront, independently. Now, we are hunting down the DOUGH!
Sweet Sweet Records offers women a new sensual sound and a journey into the forbidden. Come and take a listen to the future of music!

67. The 2011 Wellness Paradigm
My goal is to help people regain health from the majority of their medical/hormonal problems without pharmaceutical drugs by use of a detailed nutritional analysis and evaluation in kinesiology to find the cause of their health problem. I can determine the correct nutrition and educate the client on lifestyle changes in order to clear toxins, so that they can restore optimal health. Sales of my books, lectures, teleseminars, and growth of my clinic restore health and educate thousands yearly.

68. Changing the World
My personal business goal for 2011 is to change the world one person or company at a time through a cult like following. With my knowledge, education, skills, and experiences, not to mention my ambition, desire and compassion towards helping others, I can actually make this happen and become possible.

69. Being Lionhearted
Courage comes from many places and many sources, but must come from within to be sustained.
I'm writing a book about building courage – from the inside out. I'm demonstrating courage as I write.
The book is written in a unique, conversational style - containing stories, as well as quirky humor.
I've scheduled an electronic "black out" period to write, refocused my coaching practice, redesigned my business model, begun promotions, and set a date to get it in my editor's hands.

70. Book Sales Top 100,000
My book "Minding Your Own Business: The Solo and Small Firm Lawyer's Guide to a Profitable Practice" was published by the ABA in May. My goal: 100,000 copies sold by 12/31/11. The ABA thinks I'm nuts! I've developed a marketing plan for the book, and I'm talking to law schools, malpractice insurers, bar assns, and doing public speaking to help me get it to the attorneys who need it most. It's now on the Amazon.com equivalent in India! It will happen!!

71. Visionary Business Network
My goal -- slay the stereotypical industry rhetoric stifling creative solutions. In January of 2011 my partner and I are launching RepWork.net -- a visionary network facilitating global sales channels to prosper. RepWork augments conventional Professional Organizations by providing unique ideas stimulating creative solutions; interactive forums for discussing and exploring; and bold tools to implement new business models insuring future channel solvency.

72. ThinkWalk
I've created a program called ThinkWalk, where you can literally walk your way to good health and great wealth.
Basically, it's a walking program where you carry a pen and paper and utilize your walking time productively. You focus your mind to work out problems and issues at hand.
I am currently working on a book for said program and once it's finished, I can see myself flogging it on Oprah!!
This book is going to help people. Period.

73. Speaking on a Panel
I own and operate a video production, video marketing, video editing and video consulting company. My big goal for myself and my business is to be on a panel at a HUGE Women's Small Business Conference where I can share my passion for branding and using on-line social media with women. My BIG GOAL for my business is to highlight my business at this event.

74. My Novel Goes Hollywood!
I am 79 years old and retired. I was born in London, England, grew up in South Africa, and immigrated to the US in 1972 as a practicing physician. I have written a novel about a neurosurgeon that is abducted and taken to a planet in a universe in parallel to ours. My goal is to have my story made into a movie and I think that if this is done, it will be extremely popular.
My novel is titled ON THE WAY HOME and look forward to it gaining critical acclaim on CarolRoth.com!
Thanks to: Selwyn D. Goodwin.

75. From No Sale to Best Seller
Starting as the unknown, self-published author of Good Management Is Not Firefighting, my outrageous goal is to have my book appear on a National Best Seller list before the end of 2011.
To succeed, I have: created a website, a blog, a line of posters related to the book and have written and called CEOs and former Cabinet members for testimonials. I plan to promote my book on radio and TV and start my own WebTV to promote the book. I will speak anywhere, anytime, to anyone to promote the book.

76. AudioBooks + Exercise = Fun!
I want to partner with a top national women's exercise/gym chain to give away an AudioLark Audio Book free to every one of their members.
AudioLark publishes romance audio books in a variety of genres with prices ranging from $3.49 to $12.99. Our DRM-Free mp3 format makes it easy to download our audio books to any device that can play an mp3.
Whether lifting weights, spinning, or jogging on a treadmill, women exercise longer when they listen to an audio book!

77. Publishing My First Book
I have been working on manuscripts for several years now and finally I have a formula that is working. In addition, I have lined up a publisher and the funding to self publish. Ready, set and go- here I come........PUBLISHED AUTHOR.

78. BTW Sell it All C!!!
My BTWC business goal is to sell MethuselahsDiet.com for $20M. The concept makes it the next major player in the online diet market! Have you ever heard of a diet that achieves permanent weight loss, heals Dis-ease, and potentially doubles your life span? What will make it stand out is that Methuselah lived for 969 years on his diet and it is a no brainer to want to emulate his diet for this reason. The rights to the Dietbook, Cookbook, Online comprehensive program with three price points, $20M!

79. Louise + Martha = Julia Hidy
I'd like to be the Louise Hay of positive living and the Martha Stewart of healthy food. In 1996, a friend said I'd set up a business empire similar to Martha's. I was blown away. In 2007, an intuitive who'd read Louise before she wrote "You Can Heal Your Life" said I'd set up a publishing empire. My goal is to reach 1 billion folks to think, feel, live and eat better. I launch an 8-title book series, Instant Energy for Your Life, in June 2011, and am developing Foods for Your Life for web TV.

80. Post-Recession Success
I was motivated by the "global financial crisis" and inundation of society by the bleak financial forecasts, to utilize the knowledge that I have gained in over a decade of service in the non-profit and for-profit sectors to show aspiring entrepreneurs how to become hugely successful both in spite of, and by way of, the recession. I have written a book and travel nationally and globally with seminars, workshops, and lectures, where I teach unique strategies for international success.

81. Reason Backwards for Success
Goal: Sell 1,000,000 copies of my book, Reasoning Backwards: Sherlock Holmes’ Guide to Effective Problem Solving. It teaches best practice strategy and tools to high school & college students for the first time. I will establish partnerships with corporations, foundations, non-profits & schools, create affiliate marketing programs, author tours, speaking engagements, workshops, a media publicity campaign as a sponsor spokesman, internal usage by sponsors, and book club, library & trade sales.

82. Survival Chance 5%
I had a motorbike accident 1986 that left me in a coma for 7-months. I was given a 5% chance of surviving the first night in ICU. I've now got 6 Uni qualifications! How did I do it? (I've been delivering speeches since 2004).
I've got brain-damage. I don't know how to update the webpage. My story is true - just google my name for up-to-date contact details.

83. Changing Tomorrow Today
Fashion Has No Borders(TM) is positioned to become the new industry standard in promoting the fashion/beauty industry. Real women model & express their individuality on the runway, expanding the definition of a traditional runway model- showcasing a woman's inner-strength & individuality. Fashion experts assist models of all sizes, ages & cultures, finding the perfect look reflecting their personality & promoting self-belief-style-be who you want to be, moving beyond outer beauty- 2011 US Expansion.

84. Movie Book Looking for Popcorn
I published—with no help, money or clue— MOVIES AND THE MEANING OF LIFE, and then started writing book #2. It quickly became clear marketing was a priority, so I took classes, entered contests, partnered with nonprofits, & pitched my book to any Movie Lover who’d listen. After two years, I’ve returned to writing about movies I love & still spend time every day pursuing new ideas-like this one-and focus on my “pie-in-the-sky” thinking of making ONE BIG SALE to a big popcorn company!

85. sLOVEenian Love in Potica
Rocky Mountain Potica is actively looking for Slovenian American active military in Afghanistan. We have reached out to Polka Radio and Cleveland Style Polkas. In 2008, we sent a Potica to one in Afghanistan. In 2009, we received a thank you note from his non-Slovenian girlfriend accompanied with a certificate declaring Nov. 29, 2009 Rocky Mountain Potica Day in Afghanistan. Much to our tearful surprise, she sent us the flag flown and a photo certificate. Yes, we sent her one too, to Afghanistan.

86. Beautiful "POUR" People
"Pour Models and Promotions"- Beautiful models that are available as private and special event bartenders, promotional models, and also fashion/commercial models. In 2011, I will begin working to secure liquor brands to coordinate their events using our models and services. As we get brands/events secured, we will begin interviewing the "Pour Models", males and females in the area who will become a part of the company. By the end of 2011, my goal is to have a company net worth of $100,000.

87. Global reach & syndication
Often business and personal goals complement one another. As a testament, my 2011 BTWC goal has two sides. Business influence: taking specific clients – global. Blueprint: timely execution of strategic communication and business plans. Related personal influence: securing a syndicated column and publishing the communications book. Strategy: expand readership in channels, further editorial relationships, and complete book milestones. Clearly, 2011 is shaping up to be another exciting year!

88. Work Life Balance is DEAD
My big goal in 2011 is becoming the winner of the Next Top Self-Help Author competition and being on Amazon and NY Times Best Seller lists. I have a unique perspective on the issue of work-life-balance. It integrates the corporate needs for productive and committed workers and individual needs for self fulfillment and balancing work & personal life. It shows how they both can be achieved through one unified set of strategies and shows the corporation and the individual as allies, not adversaries.

89. The Upside Down Coach
I want to be hired as The Upside Down Coach by a global company for a daily rate of $15,000, helping them to grow more strategic thinkers and doers. My steps are:
1. Train people to deepen my understanding of their strategic challenges (monthly).
2. Share my approach with leaders in the field and learn from them (Q1-4).
3. Write an eBook (Q2) with actionable advice and sell it to a global company.
4. Become a certified somatic coach (Q3, 4) to refine my coaching approach.

90. The Father of Hollywood
H J Whitley, my great-grandfather is the Father of Hollywood. My goal is to attend the Academy awards. The Father of Hollywood will be made into an academy award winning movie. The tipping point to obtaining this goal is to have H J Whitley in the California Hall of Fame. Please help me by nominating him at http://www.californiamuseum.org/exhibits/halloffame/nomination-form. Ask your friends to nominate him too! Many already have. I have appeared on radio, television, newspapers etc.

91. Green Is the New...Brownstone
Brooklyn, New York, is full of stunning and historic architecture that includes statuesque brownstone homes. Many of these beautiful homes are a hundred years old or more, and many are being renovated. Unfortunately, the majority of these renovations do not include environmentally friendly or green upgrades. Our goal is to renovate these homes to appeal to environmentally conscious buyers, while maintaining their architectural integrity- one eye on the future; one eye on the past.

92. Comeback Kid(ney)
I have end stage kidney failure. It is my mission to spread the word about the hidden epidemic of chronic kidney disease. My goal is to start Kidney Awareness Day on Mar. 10, 2011 here in Connecticut. This will give the illness even more recognition & hopefully will make people realize the importance of early testing. To that end, I am going to achieve this goal by getting a proclamation from my state representative & have media coverage showing this event as an educational tool for the public.
Thanks to: Charlie Wachtel.

93. Globe-Trotting Public Speaker
Two of my life goals have been to travel the world & have an exciting and rewarding career. For a while, I was making it happen, but a personal tragedy and complete career change meant starting over again. My BTWC goal for 2011 is to renew & merge my life goals by taking my business experience & sharing it with other entrepreneurs through speaking engagements across the globe. This year, I gave several talks on marketing & social media in Maryland, so I need to make connections to speak worldwide.

94. Pinch Me Moments
I would like to write a book, e-book or App about how to shop the flea markets of Europe and how to ship your goods home. I would like to use this as a back-up for my speaking events. I want to share the exciting "thrill of the hunt" through the back roads of France, Germany and Italy!

95. Materials Matter
I want to produce a ton of materials for my students. My plan is to get my students to help.
Do you have a BTWC business goal? If you have one, please share it below. As always, many thanks to everyone who contributed to this article and here’s to achieving crazy goals!