castle of sandSometimes a good offense really can be the best defense. You work hard to create a good name for your company – and you need to make every effort to protect it.

Carol recently wrote a post for titled “Prepare to Protect Your Online Reputation Before It’s Under Attack.” Carol begins:

“Everyone knows that businesses need to manage their reputation when something bad happens, whether it’s a negative Twitter comment, a poor Yelp review or something on a bigger scale. However, when crises strike, there is no magic pill that will save your online reputation.

 That’s why you need to take a proactive stance when it comes to digital reputation management. Your first impression online or any negative perception, whether accurate or not, can jeopardize your company’s appeal to current and future customers and partners, ultimately impacting its growth.

The court of public opinion is not fair but often final. To that end, here are a few steps that you can take right now to make sure that your business is well protected when it needs to be.”

As usual, Carol gives you some tactical suggestions on what you can do as a small business owner. You can read the rest of the post here.