The cost of a logo, depending on who does it for you, can vary widely. I know people who have paid thousands for full branding packages, and I know a lot more who have gone to Fiverr or some other site to hire a freelancer, or gone the DIY route with Canva or some other platform.
Do you need a logo? No. Maybe. It depends.
For a solo service business, I am not sure anyone cares. There are a lot of people who just do something with their initials. You need to figure out what works for you.
However, I know I need some visual identity for a new project to be excited about it. Just saying I am launching a new media project is fine, but when it has a logo and something visual for me to attach to it, I get sparked.
That is exactly what happened to me last week. I asked my colleague, Angie Rome Gonzalez, to try out her new Canva skills and see if she could create a logo for my next project, Evolving Working. (I want to talk to all sorts of people about how we can make working work for all of us because different professionals need to work differently.)
I tried to explain on a Zoom call what I wanted the logo to look like, but my hand gestures and words didn’t convey it well. I did a very childish sketch on paper, took a picture of it with my phone, and sent it to Angie. She is a visual thinker and got what I meant right away. Bonus points to her because it wasn’t very good…
When I saw the drafts of the logo she created, I had a visceral response – like when a little kid sees an ice cream cone coming toward them. Joy! I even laughed really hard. The logo was raucous and colorful and even better than what I had hoped for.
Being very creative, Angie took it even further and tied the logo into my logo for my business with the orange and blue colors and the green circle. Fantastic.
I was wondering if it was just me, so I tested the new logo out on my coaching group. They loved it and commented on its whimsical quality. Excellent.
This then sent me down the rabbit hole of creating logo bump videos to start teasing Evolving Working on LinkedIn and Facebook. There are few things I enjoy doing more than this. So fun.
This time, it was Angie who was surprised by my creativity.
So, do you need a logo?
Well, you may not, but I certainly do!