You may notice the same book listed more than one time, but I included the book descriptions, as well as the book attribution, in each contributor’s own words separately, as something in the way one is framed may resonate differently with you. *Please note that the titles, descriptions and attributions are written in the words of the submitter and may not be portrayed exactly or as originally intended.
To pick up Carol’s book or any of the ones mentioned here, Carol suggests checking out, or similar sites that fulfill your books locally from independent, small business bookstores!

1. "You Will Own Nothing"
Carol Roth's new book,
"You Will Own Nothing: Your War with a New Financial World Order and How to Fight Back" is a must-read for every entrepreneur, business owner and well, everyone else this summer!
Personal wealth, and the freedom and independence that goes along with it, comes from ownership. Small business owners know this well. So, when Carol Roth first heard that the World Economic Forum, an organization littered with the global elite, was predicting the end of private property ownership in less than a decade, she thought it was a conspiracy theory. Then, she did the research.
In You Will Own Nothing¸ Roth reveals how world governments, globalist organizations, Big Tech, Wall Street and other powerful elites are proactively trying to control every finite resource and leave you with nothing in the process. This book is an essential guide to taking control to preserve your and your family’s freedom and wealth.

2. How to Deal With Big Bullies
"Lessons My Brothers Taught Me" is a hilarious, nearly unbelievable, and deeply sincere tale of the joys and trials of starting and leading a business. Charles McCarrick weaves together his experiences growing up with five brothers and the lessons in character he learned dealing with their pranks, experiments, and bullying with the experiences of trying to develop a business in the commutations industry where big-government sponsored companies use similar tactics to gain advantage over others.

3. My Favorite Business Book
"The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" is a "spin-off" of Stephen Covey's doctoral thesis, for which he looked at 200 years of successful American literature. He emphasizes personal development and workplace success throughout the book. The book advises readers to develop their character, speech, and initiative. These things are essential for leadership, teamwork, and personal success in the business world.

4. Basic Economics
"Basic Economics" by Thomas Sowell, a bestselling citizen's guide, offers a jargon-free understanding of how the economy works. Economist Thomas Sowell explores the underlying principles of various economic systems, enabling readers to assess policies based on their incentives rather than their proclaimed goals. With comprehensive explanations covering rent control, business dynamics, and international payments, this book is ideal for anyone seeking economic comprehension.

5. Rework
“Rework” by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson is an essential read for anyone in business. Starting a business can be daunting with hiring, paperwork, logistics, etc., but it’s not a reason to put your dreams on hold. “Rework” helps teach readers how to be more productive, market the business within a budget, and inspire new ideas. This book challenges what people think is required to start a business and pushes readers out of their comfort zone.

6. Learn From Disorder
I recommend "Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. This thought-provoking book explores the concept of antifragility, urging entrepreneurs to embrace uncertainty and volatility as opportunities for growth. It challenges conventional wisdom and offers unique insights into risk management and decision-making, making it essential reading for those seeking innovative strategies for success.

7. For All the Working Moms...
"I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time" by Laura Vanderkam
As President of a busy marketing agency and mom to four kids, I wish I read this book years ago!
This book is a must-read for moms trying to wrap their heads around how to achieve a fulfilling life as a working parent. It changed how I manage my time and reframed the lens through which I evaluate and critique my success as both a parent and a professional.

8. Veeck As In Wreck
"Veeck As In Wreck" by Bill Veeck
Every Day was Mardi Gras...
"The best way to tell you what we did to draw these crowds is to tell you what we did not do. We did not open the ticket windows and expect the citizenry to come rushing up with their money in their fists. We have never operated on the theory that a city owes anything to the owner of a baseball franchise."
Exactly, Veeck hammers a valuable lesson for every business. Our clients owe us nothing, we do not sell insulin.

9. Serving or Leading? Both!
Communications companies. Boy, do I have stories! They are the worst at communicating and serving their customers. And, they are so big, they don't care. Without telling you their names, I can say I've interacted with them lately, and they have cost me time and money. So, what's a business to do? Serve! Serve, lead, and care!
"Dare to Serve" by Cheryl Bachelder takes you on the inside to show how you lead from the inside out. When done well, the customers reap the fruit of great leadership.

10. Xponential Leadership
Today’s workforce has its own set of rules. To stay competitive as an employer, you need to be able to shift your approach and invest in your leadership development to not only attract, develop, and retain your winning team members, but increase your bottom line. "Xponential Leadership" by Chris Mayfield masterfully brings its readers into a new world of leadership training that creates a positive work culture and helps companies retain the best talent. Highly recommend this book!

11. Traction by Geno Wickman
"Traction" is an extremely actionable guide to systematizing and professionalizing your business. From how to structure and schedule meetings to marketing strategies to growing profitably, it's a hands-on guide for busy entrepreneurs and business executives. Easily the most practical and useful business book I've ever read.

"Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant" by by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne teaches entrepreneurs how to avoid the red, bloody, shark-infested waters and dominate clear blue ocean space. Blue ocean space is accomplished in business by rendering the competition irrelevant and creating new, shifted and uncontested market boundaries. Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Dunkin Donuts, Ulta Beauty, Etsy, and Trader Joe's all use this strategy.

13. Monetize Your Mind Book
"The Bank Your Brain Blueprint: 8 Elements to Monetize Your Professional Knowledge Brand" by Gaynor Hardy is a practical plan to help you adopt the right mindset, brand yourself or your company, and implement market strategies to build and monetize your professional knowledge.
This book walks you through the business plan for aligning your personal ambitions for educating your market with tactical methods for being paid to do so.

14. Finding Equality In Business
"Lean Out" by Elissa Shevinsky is my top pick! It looks at the startup world through a more equitable lens. It's packed with bold essays that challenge the way things are done in places like Silicon Valley.
Entrepreneurs should read this because it's not just about making it big, but also about making sure everyone has an equal chance to succeed. It's about creating fair spaces and that is something we should care much more about.

15. Being Different Is Powerful
It's not for everyone, but I was truly inspired by "The Queer Art of Failure" by J. Halberstam.
It touches on business principles but it also shifted my entire definition of success and failure. The author challenges normative structures and perceptions, and explains how being different can lead to innovation.
For entrepreneurs, it could help to think outside of the box, embrace diversity, and build businesses that celebrate our differences.

16. Never Lose a Customer Again
"Never Lose a Customer Again" by Joey Coleman is a powerful and necessary read for entrepreneurs this summer. This book isn’t just theory, it’s full of step-by-step actions you can take to reach (and keep) more of your client base. With inflation at 40-year highs and trepidation surrounding the economy over the next few years, businesses need to ensure that customers are sticking with them—and that this revenue stream doesn’t dry up. This book can help you do just that.

17. Motivational Book
Shortcuts to Success Series...
"55 Secrets to Create Winners & Engage People!" by Jennifer Webb
Excellent quick read for busy people by a top notch presenter.

18. Rework
"Rework" by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson offers a wealth of valuable business advice and fresh perspectives. Here are a few highlights from my personal notes: Prioritize essentials and embrace simplicity. Learn from successes, not just failures. Make decisions, stick to what's essential, and have a short menu. Break big tasks into small parts, focus on small wins, and be original! Focus on what you are going to do with the tools, not the tools themselves; it’s the swing that matters, not the club.

19. You Can Skip Harvard
Mark McCormick’s book, “What they Don’t Teach You at the Harvard Business School” is a wonderful guidance on selling, pricing, and personnel management. It’s a great read for anyone who is planning an entrepreneurial career.

20. Sell More, Sell Smarter
I recommend that you read David Newman’s new book, “Just Do It Selling!”
If you want to know how to qualify for the high end fee, this book gives you the play by play.

21. "The Lean Startup"-Eric Ries
"The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries is an excellent book for entrepreneurs. This book offers invaluable insights into building and growing a startup in an uncertain business landscape. By providing practical strategies and real-world examples that emphasize the importance of rapid experimentation and validated learning, "The Lean Startup" equips entrepreneurs with the tools to effectively manage resources, make data-driven decisions, and increase the likelihood of entrepreneurial success.

22. Permission Marketing
While "Permission Marketing" by Seth Godin was written in 1999, it’s still as relevant today as it was then, because the basics of marketing haven’t changed. The concept of permission marketing is that you get consent from customers before marketing to them, which makes them more receptive to your marketing. With customers today being bombarded with more advertising than ever, this book is a must-read to help improve your marketing so that it stands out from the crowd and gets noticed.

23. You Think You Have it Rough...
"Against the Odds" by James Dyson (the vacuum inventor). This is a hard book to find. Dyson wrote a later autobiography "Invention", but this earlier book is about the incredible grind, grit, and sheer determination it took to bring his vision to life. It's full of practical approaches and detailed stories of everything he had to overcome. Any day I feel like I'm up against it, I only have to look at a few highlighted passages to find help or at least some perspective on what I'm dealing with.

24. The Hard Thing
"The Hard Thing About Hard Things" by Ben Horowitz is a worthwhile book to read for those starting a business because it is honest. While creating a business can be exciting and empowering, the road to building it is rarely easy, and this book does not gloss over that. Furthermore, Horowitz uses lyrics from his favorite songs to convey his ideas, which is unique and effective. Finally, the insights given in this book can apply to both new and longtime entrepreneurs.

25. Share Your Story
My latest favorite business book is by WSJ bestselling author Kindra Hall, "Choose Your Story, Change Your Life." As an entrepreneur, it’s a great reminder that you don't get a choice in whether or not stories are being told about you and your business --like it or not, the story is happening--the good news is that the choice of which stories you tell is entirely yours. We each control our own narrative, so if you can change your story, you can change your life and your company, too.

26. Daniel H. Pink's WHEN Book
Time management skills are crucial to a business. Daniel H. Pink's "WHEN" book provides insight that analytical work is best performed in the morning, administrative duties like email follow-ups are best during the afternoon, and creative tasks like digital design are effective towards the end of the day. The time-consuming projects can be completed during the first few hours of the day with little interruption, while phone calls and messages can be handled with minimal focus.

27. Hit Refresh
"Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone" - Satya Nadella
Nadella's approach to leadership shapes the way we look at business. It creates a sense of purpose for employees and also motivates a team to understand consumers' needs in a more effective way. While your current offering may be succeeding in a specific market, it's vital to determine whether your products can resonate in another market.

28. "Essentialism" by Greg McKeown
"Essentialism" is a must read for any busy entrepreneur because it teaches you how to beat overwhelm, overcommitment, and being overworked. McKeown shares tips on how to identify and eliminate the many non-essential tasks that take over our days and contribute to all of the ‘overs’ we feel on a daily basis. You’ll learn how to reclaim control over where you spend your time and energy and stop letting things around you dictate your schedule.

29. Steal Like An Artist
"Steal Like An Artist" by Austin Kleon is a book on cultivating creativity. The biggest takeaway is that creativity is about taking inspiration from existing things and using those as a starting point to expand on, rather than always coming up with new ideas. The book is filled with idea prompts and activities to help you unlock your creative side in a variety of ways. It reminds us that there are no rules for creativity and the most important aspect is to just start something and see where it goes.

30. Stay Out of the Courtroom
“The Law at Work - A Legal Playbook for Executives and Professionals” by Alan G. Crone is a must-read reference for entrepreneurs. Crone is an Employment Law Attorney and CEO/Founder who wrote this book for non-lawyers with helpful case study examples. He shares Best Hiring Practices with “top things to do” as a small business (who may not have HR). Stay out of the courtroom with insights on the 12 most common workplace issues (overtime pay, severances, hostile work environment, etc.).

31. Summer Book Recommendation
If you're an entrepreneur seeking summer reading that packs a punch, look no further than "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman. This captivating masterpiece delves into the fascinating realm of behavioral economics, exposing our cognitive biases and decision-making processes. It's a mind-bending journey that will equip entrepreneurs with invaluable insights into human behavior, helping them make smarter business choices. Get ready to challenge your thinking!

32. Best for Startups!
I recommend "Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future" by Peter Thiel. This book encourages aspiring businessmen and women to think innovatively and not simply focus on copying old ideas. It offers specific advice on how to create something entirely new that can be used in any context where traditional ideas have been exhausted. The stories of success included offer inspiration while staying grounded with valuable insights into competition and strategy formulation.

33. Unlocking Timeless Wisdom
Though Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" may not be an unconventional pick, its timeless wisdom is precisely what gives it its enduring appeal. This classic manual is an essential read for entrepreneurs as it decodes the intricacies of human relations, which is at the heart of any business.
From learning how to make people like you to becoming a persuasive communicator, the skills highlighted in this book are a potent arsenal for an entrepreneur.

34. Eye-opening for Sure!
My top recommendation is “The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas Stanley and William Danko. It's a fundamentally eye-opening book that will challenge your ideas of wealth. With case studies, statistics, and interviews from scores of millionaires, the authors provide an intimate look at what it takes to become financially independent. Readers learn how many millionaires have modest lifestyles with strict saving routines and frugal habits.
Thanks to: Michael Chen of

35. Powerful Productivity Hacks!
My top recommendation is, "The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving How to Achieve More with Less" by Richard Koch. This book provides a powerful framework that will give entrepreneurs the insight they need to save time and money while increasing their productivity. With an easy-to-understand concept, any entrepreneur can learn how to leverage this incredible rule for business success. Furthermore, the stories in this book allow readers to connect with real-life experiences.

36. Transform Your Life
My top recommendation is 'The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life' by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander. This book provides an inspiring and practical guide to achieving success in the world of business, while also focusing on personal growth. Through stories, anecdotes, and meditations, the Zanders provide insight into how to transform one's mindset in order to unlock a world of possibility.

37. Your Money Or Your Life
I strongly recommend "Your Money Or Your Life."
Authors Vicki Robin and Joseph Dominguez teach readers how to reassess their relationship with money. The book discusses financial independence and the beauty of simplicity.
And for entrepreneurs, it's a fresh take on wealth. It highlights the importance of balance and sustainability in business.
And it shows that business isn't just about the bottom line. Sometimes, it's about building something that can withstand the test of time.

38. "The 4-Hour Workweek"
My top recommendation is "The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich" by Tim Ferriss. This book provides an inspirational guide to redefining success on your own terms while still growing a successful business. It covers everything from setting up an automated income stream to the latest productivity hacks, showing readers how they can maximize their time and finances while creating financial stability in life.

39. "10x Is Easier Than 2X"
This book is from Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy, the same authors as "Who Not How" and expounds on the idea of the value of your time. Not just in business but in your relationships, your hobbies, etc. Money is not the end goal. Making money is just a tool to give us more freedom with our time, if we use it properly. More money isn't worth it if we don't use it to give us time freedom.

40. 'Eleven Rings' by Phil Jackson
Many business leaders are sports fans. And there are obvious connections between what we do in business and the professional sports world.
I think that's why I connected so much with Phil Jackson's 'Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success".
It details the work he put in and the obstacles he overcame to find success. This book shares a ton of valuable insights and is definitely worth reading if you're pursuing success in the business world. It's inspiring, educational, & entertaining!

41. "Lifeonaire"
"The typical American trades the vast majority of their time and energy for the hope that, someday, they will be free. Meanwhile, their intense pursuit of financial success is the very thing robbing them of freedom." This book by Steve Cook and Shaun McCloskey is an eye opener to every entrepreneur who keeps saying "Once I can accomplish... then I'll be able to slow down" but never actually does.

42. Don’t Wait for Disaster
As a construction company owner and lifelong resident of Louisiana, I’ve seen firsthand how a disaster can wreak havoc on the unprepared. But it’s not just natural disasters that businesses need to look out for. You need to be prepared for business-related catastrophes as well. “Prepare for the Worst, Plan for the Best: Disaster Preparedness and Recovery for Small Businesses” by Donna R. Childs is a great place to start.

43. "Who Not How"
"Who Not How" by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy is a book that changed how I operate my business. I thought that in order to scale my business I just had to work harder and longer. So not true. In fact, when I did that it held me back. This is not just a book about delegating or about systems. It's a mindset shift that will change your entire business.

44. It’s Only Human To Sell
Daniel Pink writes in his business book, "To Sell is Human", that selling is the act of convincing someone to do what they want to do; the customer becomes a full participant. They are better off for having our product; we have solved a problem they had. Heirloom Video Books enjoys thousands of happy customers once they see the value they personally receive from acquiring or gifting our product.

45. "Dare To Lead" by Brené Brown
I would recommend reading "Dare to Lead" by Brené Brown this summer. If you've already read it, then read it again. That's what I'll be doing this summer.
This is a book for leaders, team members, and potential entrepreneurs alike that could use some advice on interacting with others and being a team player.
Brené is an experienced business leader who has so much to share that can help you succeed in business. This is a must-read this summer if you haven't already.

46. A Must-read This Summer!
"The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It" by Michael E. Gerber.
I’ve had many business owners talk to me about this book and recommend it to me, only to have me reply and say "I’ve read it and I loved it!” It truly was a ground-breaker for me and it provided me with a ton of interesting insights about owning your own business and the reality of failure that is always present.
When you sit down with a book this summer, make it this one!

47. Mark Cuban's Book!
Mark Cuban has done a lot in his life and it's impossible to discredit his success. He's seemingly done it all.
That's why I jumped at the chance to borrow his book called "How to Win at the Sport of Business: If I Can Do It, You Can Do It"
If you want to win in business, Cuban's advice can help you do that, and this is a nice read. It's also quite light, which makes it the perfect summer read.

48. A Book By Chip and Dan Heath
'Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard' by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
I loved how much of this book focused on scaling the bright spots, people, and practices within your company instead of always focusing on problems.
This summer, while the sun is shining and all is good in the world, I recommend you read up on how you can do the same thing in your organization. Business is tough and sometimes we must pay attention to the good things and that's what this book can do for you.

49. The $100 Startup
Name of the Book: "The $100 Startup"
Author: Chris Guillebeau
The $100 Startup enables you to turn a common business idea into a money-maker and start enjoying your work and hobbies. According to the author, his work is not about the business itself, but about seeking freedom, independence, and well-being. This highly entertaining book is quick and light to read. Plus, it’s packed with helpful charts, checklists, and other easy-to-see content.
Thanks to: Sara Garcia of

50. "The Lean Startup"
"The Lean Startup" is the book for every entrepreneur because the writer, Eric Ries, has discussed a revolutionary approach to management, transforming how new products are created, developed, and released. The principles for continuous innovation discussed in the book are based upon groundbreaking strategies that, when applied, bring great results for garage startups and innovators in large companies.

51. 21 Irrefutable Laws Leadership
"The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" is a true learning experience, where each law contributes to the development of leadership techniques and practices. The author, John C. Maxwell, bridges leadership theories and their application in the real world, basing its laws on biographical sketches of some of the greatest leaders in history to clarify how a leader thinks, acts, and inspires those around him.

52. Be Wise!
A recommended read for all entrepreneurs is “The Wisdom of Bees: What The Hive Can Teach Business About Leadership, Efficiency, and Growth” by Michael O’Malley, Ph.D.
So many leadership lessons can be learned from bees. Worker bees. Bees work together to solve problems. Teamwork. Humming in harmony for the greater good. Responsibility. The greatest member of the bee colony is truly a servant leader. This thoughtful book breaks bee management styles into applicable lessons. Sweet!

53. The Things You Can See...
"The Things You Can See When You Slow Down" written by Haemin Sunim is such a great summer read for any entrepreneur or business owner. It's a lighthearted read that focuses on what your life could be like if you just slow down. I think as business owners, we sometimes get caught up in the hustle and bustle and it causes a lot of stress. This book takes a look into how you can overcome these stresses and simply enjoy each moment because life goes by so fast!

54. The Lean Startup
Building a company requires efficiency and creativity, two of the critical topics in “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries. This book helps entrepreneurs navigate the early stages of building a business to establish a strong foundation and build a sustainable business. This book teaches readers that it’s okay to experiment rather than always meticulously plan, and listening to customer feedback is just as important as intuition.

55. "The Power of Regret"
Everyone experiences regrets. And although they're uncomfortable to experience, Daniel Pink says that they are actually a powerful feeling that motivates us to be better. His book "The Power of Regret" is such a great read because it talks about how we need regrets in order to find peace and success. As an entrepreneur, I find regrets are really tough to avoid, but this book shows you how to use them as motivation and how over time, you actually come to regret less.

56. "The Power of Moments"
Big or small moments that happen to us have the power to change the direction of our lives, and this is no different when it comes to moments in business. This book, "The Power of Moments", written by Chip Heath and Dan Heath explores what is meant by a moment and how it can affect us both personally and professionally. This book talks about how you can improve things like customer experience simply by creating good moments with them. It is a must read for this summer.

57. The Crux
"The Crux: How Leaders Become Strategists" by Richard P. Rumelt
The Crux contains actionable advice to take you from theorizing to doing with plenty of real-world examples. While most leadership books focus on goals, this refreshing take helps you find the crux of any pivotal challenge and take real, decision action to surmount it.
This work isn't easy, but Rumelt helps leaders focus on the key issue, the crux, so you can progress quickly.
Thanks to: Marnix Broer of

58. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss
I would highly recommend entrepreneurs to read "Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers" by Tim Ferriss. This book provides an in-depth look into the success stories behind some of the world’s most influential business figures. Tools of Titans will give entrepreneurs insight into their own passions, understandings around entrepreneurship, decision making process as well as practical advice on how to succeed in a competitive market.

59. For the Unusual Entrepreneur
Many successful entrepreneurs have the common trait of thinking outside-the-box, and for those who want to peer into the way their minds work, “The Outsiders” by William Thondike is an excellent read. Most business books concentrate on the basics and rarely venture into unorthodox methodologies.
Instead, Thorndike looks at those whose use of unusual approaches led their companies to amazing success. For any entrepreneur who feels uncomfortable with traditional methods, this is the book.

60. Teaching Through a Story
There are few business books that both teach and entertain and this is what makes "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable" by Patrick Lencioni such an unusual and special book. Unlike most in this genre that lay out basic concepts, Lencioni takes the unique approach in showing how a business team struggles through a story and shows what a leader needs to do to bring them back. It is one of the few business books whose entertainment value matches its teaching value.
Thanks to: Derek Flanzraich of

61. Layoff-Proof Your Career
"Bring Inner Greatness Out: Personal Brand" by Dr. Mansur Hasib.
Greatness is a choice. Greatness is achieved when we embrace our perceived weaknesses or imperfections and project these as our greatest strengths. You do not need to be perfect; you need to perfect your uniqueness. This unleashes the full monetary potential of your uniqueness. Compensation must be proportional to value produced. Do not look for a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow; ride the rainbow forever!

62. A Great Business Primer!
Calumet “K” by Samuel Merwin and Henry Kitchell Webster - it’s a 1901 novel about building a grain elevator outside Chicago under pressure. It’s an object lesson in how to get things done despite major difficulties. And it was
Ayn Rand’s favorite novel!

63. Peter Thiel's "Zero to One"
For those interested in entrepreneurship and creativity, I recommend Peter's book as a must-read. Thiel, a renowned entrepreneur and venture financier, urges entrepreneurs to pursue revolutionary ideas that build whole new markets, thereby challenging traditional knowledge. This book has some interesting ideas about how to create innovative businesses and gain an edge over the competition. It forces business owners to examine their strategies and aim for monopolies in their fields.

64. The Innovator's Dilemma
This one, in my opinion, is a must-read for entrepreneurs since author Clayton M. Christensen digs into the issues that established organizations confront when new technology emerge. Christensen provides reasons why even thriving businesses have a hard time adjusting to disruptive innovations and suggests ways to get through the "innovator's dilemma." In industries where incumbents are resistant to change, this book can help entrepreneurs learn how to recognize and capitalize on opportunities.

65. Charles's "The Power of Habit"
This one, in my opinion, is a must-read for entrepreneurs because Charles Duhigg analyzes the science behind habits and their impact on personal and professional success. This book can help entrepreneurs improve their productivity, creativity, and decision-making by teaching them new habits. Duhigg offers actionable advice for modifying behavior, establishing an encouraging work environment, and encouraging both individual and team achievement.

66. "Ca$hvertising"
"Your brain is being controlled-and you don't even know it."
That sums up this book perfectly before diving into the psychology used by ad agencies to sell anything to anyone.
For a consumer, it's helpful to understand what is being done to you. For a business owner and leader, it's insightful information that can help you market your brand.
Drew Eric Whitman packs a major punch with this one and it's a book you MUST be reading this summer!

67. The FutureHack of Scott Jarred
I think you'll enjoy Scott Jarred's book since he's prepared to show you the proven wealth tactics that have set countless business owners free. "FutureHack" teaches you how to become a prosperous thinker and how to fend off your critics. Get this book off the shelf when you're ready to start saving and investing like the pros.
Thanks to: Edward Mellet of

68. Building an Elite Organization
I think his book is great because it is only natural to want to replicate a successful method. Real estate industry pioneer Don Wenner keeps time to that beat. He thinks that any company can achieve greatness through strategic recruiting and progressive progress. Wenner details his journey toward proactive, data-driven leadership in "Building an Elite Organization". Reading Wenner's work is essential if your company's ultimate goal is to become the market leader in any field.

69. "The Power of Broke"
Amazing book. Because starting a business with no money inspires creativity, it forces improved asset management. It helps you connect with customers and market your ideas creatively. It makes you sincere, goal-oriented, and creative—qualities you need to create an everlasting mark. Daymond John uses his own experiences as an entrepreneur and branding consultant, Shark Tank BTS footage, and the stories of dozens of others to show how we can all use the power of broke to succeed.

70. Eli Schwartz "Product-Led SEO"
"Product-Led SEO" is a long-standing technical authority that provides a more in-depth look at how businesses can leverage SEO with cutting-edge strategies, which is why I adore it. This guide will teach you everything you need to know to make informed SEO choices for your own business. When coming up with marketing strategies, you should have this work close at hand. Put aside any preconceived notions you may have had about search terms and algorithm design.

71. "Damn Good Advice"
"Damn Good Advice (For People with Talent)" by George Lois is a great read for any entrepreneur. As the name suggests, it's chock-full of great advice and inspiration -- especially for those in advertising, marketing or communications. Lois gives a great set of tips for how to develop yourself creatively, as well as what traps to avoid in business. It's worth the read for any professional.

72. "Thinking In Bets"
Annie Duke's "Thinking in Bets" is insightful and enormously helpful for entrepreneurs. This book teaches you how to think about multiple outcomes and how to properly face risk. Because business leaders frequently have to choose between risky decisions that could greatly impact their company, having this skill is a powerful tool. This book can help any leader understand themselves better and make shrewder choices.

73. "The Most Important Thing"
"The Most Important Thing" by Howard Marks. This book was written by a renowned investor who cofounded Oaktree Capital Management. In it, Marks explains his thoughts on what the keys are to successful investing and how to avoid easy traps that can damage your career. Marks's book provides a valuable insight into investing concepts and risk assessment. Even if you aren't personally an investor, these concepts are applicable to running any business.
Thanks to: Josh Weiss of

74. Built to Last
“Built to Last” by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras is a wonderful book about business vision and insights. It is a practical guide for proven business strategies that successful companies have implemented and gained results. You will find the most relevant examples of business strategies with deeper concepts that everyone can apply for successful business growth. The unique thing about the book is that it has very concise content that is easy to digestible and thus, is more practical.

75. "Freakonomics"
"Freakonomics" written by Steven Levitt is among the few business and economics books that are hard to resist. The style makes it unique, the content makes it irresistible, and the insights via storytelling make it a memorable economics chronicle. It is a gem for beginners who get bored with the numbers in economics books and a refresher for seniors who want more grip on the subject with a new perspective.
Thanks to: Emrah Akdeniz of

76. Sinek Says Inspire
Many entrepreneurs have wondered how some businesses innovate while others remain stagnant, and you can solve this puzzle by reading Simon Sinek’s book “Start with Why”. Those who are able to inspire are people who can influence through their words and actions.
This book challenges us to look at our own behaviors objectively, and how they can either deter or motivate. Sinek asks us “why” we react the way we do and forces us to assess whether we are inspiring or just managing.
Thanks to: Alexandre Bocquet of

77. Go Behind the Glossy Cover!
The back of "Risk & Resilience" by Lisa Messenger explains perfectly why I love it, “...Lisa reveals the tough lessons she learnt during the hardest 18 months of her entrepreneurial journey. And, the courageous steps she took to survive, thrive and prosper afterwards.”
In a world of instant gratification & social media highlight reels, it's easy to get caught up in a world of comparison. This book uncovers the raw and honest truth behind the glossy cover, which is something we rarely get to see but need to.

78. Reward is More Than Money
Business is not just about money, it is about finding a purpose and this is the reason why “Beyond Happiness: How Authentic Leaders Prioritize Purpose and People for Growth and Impact” by Jenn Lim is such an amazing book. Too often, people start a business for the wrong reasons and fail to understand that the “true purpose” component is its greatest reward. Lim offers a unique and refreshing look at leaders who made this discovery and why they obtain a success far beyond a paycheck.
Thanks to: Cody Candee of

79. Chief Growth Officer Book Rec
“Healthcare Disrupted: Next Generation Business Models and Strategies” by Jeff Elton and Anne O'Riordan
All entrepreneurs should read it; whether your business is healthcare or not, success as an entrepreneur is all about disrupting your industry. This book helps you think outside the box to see your potential and boldly take the steps needed to make your mark.

80. "Shoe Dog" by Phil Knight
Despite being a business book, it reads like a novel. This book illustrates how a company is built from the ground up. Phil Knight has gone above and beyond to convey the Nike narrative. Because of the honesty, it feels like a story, but in fact, the author drags us along on the journey, where an issue seems to be addressed every time, and he shows us how to cope with them.

81. "Influence" by Robert Cialdini
This book provides valuable insights for marketers and sales professionals. It offers practical techniques for persuading others ethically, such as using social proof, leveraging authority, and crafting persuasive messages. Overall, "influence" is a valuable resource for anyone involved in business. It provides a deeper understanding of human behavior and equips individuals with practical strategies to convenience others effectively while maintaining ethical standards.

82. Achieve 10x More, Easily
I think "10x Is Easier Than 2x" by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy is a great summer read for entrepreneurs! It implores you to shift your mindset that achieving such growth is daunting and near impossible, and to explore the ability we all have to produce high quality work while maintaining the freedom to have what we want and need. With summer comes hopefulness and imagination, and this book is ideal for entrepreneurs needing an extra push to clearly visualize and act upon their goals without hesitation.

83. Why Compete Over Thin Margins?
I've found tremendous value in "Blue Ocean Strategy" by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne. This book challenges traditional competitive strategy concepts and encourages entrepreneurs to create their own market space— a "blue ocean"— rather than battling competitors in an existing industry or "red ocean".
Thanks to: Bryan Clayton, CEO of

84. Steve Magness-"Do Hard Things"
I must recommend: "Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong And The Surprising Science Of Real Toughness" by Steve Magness.
In the summer, when you are energized and ready to take on the world, this book will be your fuel to get up and do incredible things.
You must be tough in business and Magness' book will inspire you to be resilient through those times where you need it most.
Bottom line: this is a must-read!

85. Playing to Win!
One year ago, I read "PLAYING TO WIN: HOW STRATEGY REALLY WORKS" by A.G. Lafley and Roger L. Martin and it proved to be an excellent Summer kick-off book.
This is a playbook to create a winning strategy for your company and, at the start of a new busy season full of expected growth and advancement, it was perfect.
Before the actual work and deployment, you must strategize. And that's what this book is all about. I highly recommend it!

86. Crypto ATM Consultant Book Rec
“The Future Economy: A Crypto Insider's Guide to the Tech Dismantling Traditional Banking” by Brandon Zemp.
Why read it? The economy is changing as technologies such as blockchain transform the way we do business. All entrepreneurs need to be aware of the direction of the economic environment in which they do business, and this book will help them understand the economy of the future.

87. "Girl Code" By Cara Alwill
As both a woman in business and a female entrepreneur, I’ve seen firsthand how challenging it can be. But when women come together and support one another, amazing things can happen. While women may often feel in competition with one another, it’s important to realize more success will be found in empowering others rather than competing with them. “Girl Code” helps women understand what they need to do in business, handle jealousy, manage self-care, and define success.

88. Improve Your Exhibit
If you’re looking to get your name or product out there, make meaningful connections, and drive business, expos can be a great opportunity. But it will cost thousands of dollars to claim a space, rent a booth, and transport everything you need. Make sure that’s money well spent. Whether you’re new to exhibiting or simply looking to up your game, Marlys K. Arnold’s “Build a Better Trade Show Image” gives you a solid foundation with actionable insights.

89. For All Entrepreneurs
In my opinion, the greatest book for any entrepreneur to read this summer is "Rework" by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson. It ignores a lot of the conventional wisdom out there and goes straight for the just-do-mentality. And it does so brilliantly, in a very easy to understand manner. It will inspire you and possibly provoke you, but above all, it will entertain you and provide you with countless fascinating light bulb moments.

90. Psychiatrist’s Business Book
“The Medical Entrepreneur: Pearls, Pitfalls and Practical Business Advice for Doctors” by Steven M. Hacker, MD
All entrepreneurs should read it because the basic business skills described in this book will serve all beginning entrepreneurs well. In particular, professionals who are experts in their field, but may feel unequipped to start their own practice, can benefit from this excellent business advice.

91. Fast and Slow 2 Ways To Go
I highly recommend entrepreneurs to read "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman. It provides invaluable insights into human decision-making and cognitive biases. Understanding how our minds work can greatly impact the way entrepreneurs approach problem-solving, risk assessment, and strategic planning. The book explores the two systems of thinking that drive human decision-making: the fast and intuitive System 1 and the slow and deliberative System 2.

92. Become More Mindful
Something most entrepreneurs and business leaders could benefit from is setting aside time to slow down, relax, reflect, and become more mindful. This can reduce your stress and make you a stronger, more resilient, and more productive leader. It also sets a great example for your staff. “Creating Mindful Leaders” by Joe Burton can be a good place to get started. It shares the science behind mindfulness as well as actionable techniques and advice.

93. "Scaling Up" By Verne Harnish
"Scaling Up" emphasizes the importance of execution and provides strategies for implementing plans effectively. Harnish highlights common challenges businesses face during scaling and offers practical solutions to overcome them. The book provides insights into managing priorities, streamlining processes, and ensuring that the organization stays on track toward its growth goals.

94. Businesses Need Consistency
"The E Myth Revisited" by Michael E. Gerber is the medicine every business needs. In a world of distractions, we all want to stand out & we often underestimate the power of consistency. Being a chef taught me this lesson first; great food starts with great quality, & quality really boils down to consistency. Having processes ensures expectations are set & met, everyone knows their job & customers get quality service. It’s not an exciting idea, but it builds trust & loyalty with customers.

95. The Impact of Hiring
"Who: A Method for Hiring" by Geoff Smart & Randy Street is a must-read for all businesses, which explores the impact hiring the right (& the wrong) people can have on a business & how to leverage the hiring process to find the right people & weed out the wrong ones quickly. First, know the outcome of a role & use the job description to explain expected tasks, achievements & milestones. This will lead you to the right candidates & deepen your understanding of your business needs for new roles too.

96. Finding Joy in All Situations
"The Joy Guide: Finding Your Joy In A World Of Crap" by Jennifer Dawn explores the concept of finding joy and happiness amidst the challenges and negativity of modern life. The book offers practical advice, insights, and strategies to help readers discover and cultivate their joy, regardless of external circumstances. It encourages readers to shift their perspective, embrace gratitude, practice self-care, and engage in activities that bring them joy.

97. The Innovator's Dilemma
Check out "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton M. Christensen. This book touches on industry disruption and how to navigate these drastic changes when running a business. Christensen provides insightful ideas regarding how to stay afloat and embrace new trends in your industry rather than feeling left behind.
Thanks to: Brandon Adcock of

98. Business Development Manager
“The Business Case for AI: A Leader's Guide to AI Strategies, Best Practices & Real-World Applications” by Kavita Ganesan
Entrepreneurs should read this because AI is here and it’s changing business as we know it. This book is a great way for entrepreneurs to understand the business potential of AI, to avoid getting left behind at a critical time in the development of AI for business.

99. Book by Michael Bungay Stanier
"How to Work with (Almost) Anyone: Five Questions for Building the Best Possible Relationships" by Michael Bungay Stanier
This is a book just recently published and one I read pretty quickly. Bottom line: this book talks about the secret to successful work relationships as discussed by a thought leader in coaching, which really convinced me of the validity of the insight in this book.
Not every relationship will be a good one, and this book discusses what that means and how to navigate them.

100. "Value(s)" by Mark Carney
In "Value(s)", Carney, an economist and former banker, provides a powerful critique of the misallocation of value in financial markets. He emphasizes the need to prioritize value for the majority and addresses market deficiencies that have led to public distrust. Through practical solutions, Carney proposes radical changes to realign the market with human value, tackling crises like the Global Financial Crisis, the Global Health Crisis, Climate Change, and the 4th Industrial Revolution.

101. "Good to Great"
“Good to Great" by Jim Collins is an excellent book to read poolside this summer. It explores what distinguishes successful companies from mediocre ones, and how businesses can transition from good to great. Plus, it’s an easy read for any level.

102. Atomic Habits
"Atomic Habits" by James Clear
This book helps you understand how to build good habits and break bad ones. It's a great read for anyone who wants to be more productive and achieve their goals.
Thanks to: Daniel Osman of

103. Through Your Why Comes the How
My book recommendation for entrepreneurs to read this summer is "Start With Why" by Simon Sinek.
It will give you clarity on your goals and you'll understand why you're doing what you're doing in both the short term and long term.
You will also be able to explain the purpose of their work to your employees. This will motivate them to work harder, better and feel like they're making a real contribution.

104. Nudge
"Nudge" written by Nobel winner Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein, explores decision-making and ways to improve it. Thaler and Sunstein draw on examples and behavioral science research to demonstrate that choices are never neutral and that biases can result in poor decisions. However, understanding human thinking enables the use of "choice architecture" to gently guide individuals towards optimal decisions while preserving freedom of choice for individuals, families, and society.

105. Manias, Panics and Crashes
In "Manias, Panics and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises," Charles Kindleberger explores the causes of financial explosions across different time periods. This classic economics book delves into speculations, crises, and lending, examining financial crashes worldwide. It is a renowned resource for studying the causes and consequences of economic recessions and depressions throughout history.

106. Small is Beautiful
E.F. Schumacher's "Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered" is a highly influential book divided into four parts. It covers various interconnected topics, including the modern world, resources, the third world, and organization and ownership. Schumacher eloquently examines the dehumanization of labor resulting from the profit-driven nature of contemporary organizations.

107. Individuals and Economic Order
Friedrich Hayek's "Individuals and Economic Order" is a remarkable economics book featuring critical essays published in the 1930s and 1940s. It addresses the challenges faced by developing and former socialist nations. Highly recommended, the book examines the contrasting perspectives of free markets and socialist planned economies, shedding light on this important issue.

108. The Reckoning
Jacob Soll, a historian and MacArthur Genius Grant recipient, explores the history of global economics in "The Reckoning: Financial Accountability and the Rise and Fall of Nations." Starting with the origins of accountancy during the Medici era, Soll delves into well-known historical events like the Italian Renaissance, the French Revolution, and the 2008 recession, revealing the intricate role of bookkeeping and accounting.

109. Factfulness
In their book "Factfulness," Hans Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund, and Ola Rosling aimed to combat widespread ignorance about the state of the world. They found that people across different classes, nations, and cultures were generally mistaken about global conditions, perceiving them to be worse than they actually were based on available data. "Factfulness" gained immense popularity, becoming a New York Times Best Seller and a highly regarded economics book.

110. Economic Emergence of Women
"The Economic Emergence of Women" by Barbara Bergmann is a prominent feminist economics book that explores women's role in various economic advancements. It highlights the ongoing struggle for gender equality within the patriarchal system. The book delves into topics such as discrimination, women's labor, and marriage, making it an essential read in understanding feminist theory and its implications in economics.

111. The Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" is a seminal work in classical economics, examining the elements that drive wealth and prosperity in developed nations. It offers valuable insights into developmental economics, taking a comprehensive approach to studying economies. By challenging mercantilism, Smith discusses key themes including free markets, productivity, and the division of labor. This book is highly recommended for those interested in understanding the foundations of economics.

112. Last Phase in Transformation
Michal Kalecki's "The Last Phase in Transformation" is a compilation of six essays offering valuable insights into political economy. Originally written between 1935 and 1967, this book explores the role of social relations, including group and class conflicts, as influential economic factors. It is a recommended read for those interested in understanding the dynamics of economic transformation.
Thanks to: Emre Güzeldal of

113. Development as Freedom
Amartya Sen's "Development as Freedom", published in 1999, is an essential economics book by the Nobel prize-winning economist. Sen's main thesis is that development is closely intertwined with freedom, particularly political, economic, and opportunity-based freedoms. This book underscores the critical connection between freedom and development.

114. Wealth, Poverty and Politics
In "Wealth, Poverty, and Politics", Thomas Sowell explains the fundamental principles of free-market economics, emphasizing the importance of wealth creation often overlooked in debates about income inequality and public policy. Through historical examples and societal trends, Sowell illustrates the influence of various factors on the economic outcomes of nations and individuals, highlighting their ongoing significance.

115. Governing the Commons
In "Governing the Commons", Elinor Ostrom explores the economics of common resources, examining their nature, evolution, and self-governance. With its four chapters, the book is a popular choice for studying the dynamics of shared public property, including self-organization, self-governance, and processes of change.

116. Poor Economics
"Poor Economics" by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo provides a fresh perspective on global poverty and its solutions. Drawing on their extensive study, the Nobel prize-winning authors delve into the thought processes and decision-making of those living in poverty, offering insightful approaches to combat this issue.

117. Creature from Jekyll Island
"The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin uncovers the secrets behind money creation, delves into the mechanisms that shape our financial system, and reveals the grand illusion of money. With the pace of a detective story, this eye-opening book explores the true causes of wars, economic cycles, inflation, and more. This will have your worldview transformed as you grasp the magnitude of this historic scam.

118. Never Split the Difference
"Never Split the difference", Written by one of FBI's famed International Hostage negotiators, Chriss Voss, decodes the human mind, what makes it tick, and how to use this information in business negotiations. Whether handling a demanding customer or managing interpersonal conflict, this handbook of behavioral science can help you understand human emotions and use active listening, tactical empathy, body language and collaboration to get exactly what you want while keeping all stakeholders happy.

119. "How to Be a Power Connector"
This eye-opening book on business networking by Judy Robinett revolves around strategic relationship planning. If nurturing quality connections sounds complex, this easy-read manual lists steps like adding value and giving to others first, building a personal connection, and becoming an interlinking connector between diverse relationships to become a people magnet. There are easy tips on starting conversations with strangers, eliciting and holding interest, and the importance of following up.

120. Lessons My Brothers Taught Me
"Lessons My Brothers Taught Me: How to Transform Your Personal Qualities into a Successful Business" by Charles McCarrick is a hilarious take on transmuting childhood trauma and the pranks brothers play on one another into a sound business book. The author's transformation helps business owners transform their personal experiences into thriving enterprises. The book is full of hilarious anecdotes the author uses to reinforce his hypothesis. He is the founder of a $200 million company himself.