As entrepreneurs and business owners, we are often the leaders that others look to for guidance, inspiration and motivation. But, even leaders need some motivation and inspiration at times. So, with that in mind, we reached out to the inspirational contributor network of business owners, experts, advisors and entrepreneurs and asked them to share their favorite leadership quotes. Their quotes are presented below in no particular order.
*Please note that the quotes and attributions are written in the words of the submitter and may not be portrayed exactly or as originally stated.

1. Practice What You Preach
"My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them." -Mitch Hedberg

2. Plans vs. Planning

3. Inspire More Leadership

4. Take Action!!!

5. Work and Success

6. Vision Without Action

7. #1 Thing Killing Your Business
When you are not branding, you are still branding."
Kevin Huhn
As a business leader, when you understand this quote - you truly know what it takes to have massive long term success in your business.

8. Do it, Too
David Martin, Manager of Labor Relations for Texaco at the time.

9. If You Want Something Done...
Attribution --> 1856 by Reverend W. J. Kennedy who was the Inspector of Schools for Lancashire and the Isle of Man in Britain.
I have always lived by this mantra. It's amazing how the busiest person in the office always seems to make the deadlines. They just won't have it any other way and will stay late if needed to get it done. As a manager, you just have to watch out for burnout.

10. Said Yoda:

11. Go Forth and Die

12. My Favorite Leadership Quote

13. Treat People Well
This quote inspires me to put my employees first and create a great culture and work environment where people can thrive in. Richard Branson’s mastery of marketing is wildly impressive, but I believe that the positive and productive relationship that he has with his team members is the secret to his success.

14. Leadership is a Responsibility

15. Saying NO

16. Dare to Do Mighty Things!

17. What's the Difference?

18. The Crown of a Mature Leader
Quoted by Damon "DaRil" Nailer

19. What's Your Objective?
Most leaders just want to crush the competition. I believe that by helping our employees to be the best that they can be, it will help our organization as a whole to be much better.

20. Secrets from the Shower!
Zig Ziglar

21. Leading for the Family First
— Judith Lowry, one of three second-generation sisters running Argosy Book Store, New York City
This quote reflects my own philosophy, because I run Central Valley Entertainment Systems along with my son and husband. At the end of the day, it's our family relationships that come first.

22. The Bible
This quote by King Solomon is one of my favorite leadership quotes of all time.
What makes people unhappy with respect to the concerns of their job? Not having a clear vision of why they are doing what they are doing. It is so important to communicate the vision of your company to your employees so that they feel part of the bigger picture.

23. My Data Centers Have Walls

24. Risky Business
"What is the worst thing that will happen to you if you proceed?"
His answer... Starve to Death. If you don't foresee starvation happening... then go for it.
He has led a life full of adventure and built an amazing business. He inspired me to live my life with an open heart and an open mind to all of the possibilities that are there for all of us.
Gordon Grindeland is an 85 year old & full of life.

25. Leadership Quotes
Adam Schulte
Quarks American Bento

26. Implementation Baby!
~Diane Conklin
I said inspires me because it's so true!

27. 2,000+ Years in the Making
In a world where technical marvels continue to impress and/or frighten us, in the end, every business is in the business of satisfying people. And despite superficial differences, people have not changed. The same desires, virtues & foibles exist now as they existed 10,000 years ago. This broader look at humanity helps me ignore distractions, analyze the deeper more relevant data, & act upon what is truly driving human behavior.

28. Dream Builder

29. No Such Thing As Perfection
Before starting my business, I trained as a classical musician & I carry those experiences with me every day. Musicians are taught that there is no such thing as perfection & today, I know that we can always work to achieve more in our business no matter how well we have done in the past. If I can bring this striving attitude to work with my team, I know we are on the right track.

30. Give Credit Where it's Due
Often, when young professionals reach a leadership position, they want to take the credit for the work their underlings have done. This inevitably creates a self-imposed glass-ceiling where their subordinates’ motivation is hampered because the “atta boys” were withheld from the deserving staff. Figure out how to skip this character flaw & your upward mobility becomes easier.

31. Opinions v Facts
Facts explain what is or what was. Facts are not subject to interpretation. They just are. Opinions, however, are interpretations of what is or what was.
A leader must know the difference.

32. Listen to All, Trust Yourself
Some business decisions you can make jointly; others you can’t. Defining your USP is one example of that. If you own a business, only you know why you started it & what you want to be known for. Listen to your customers to learn exactly what compelled them to pick you, but don’t pick a middle-of-the-road USP that’s meant to please everyone. In the end, you need to make a call. Listen to everyone, but trust yourself.

33. What's Your Legacy?

34. Leadership in Pieces
by Bert Martinez

35. The Perfect Plan
George Patton famously said:
“I’d rather a half-baked plan executed today vigorously than a perfect plan executed tomorrow.”
In order to make it in today's fast-changing business environment, leaders must move quickly; however, I often see many budding entrepreneurs and leaders rush the elements of the business development process in the name of the lean startup movement.

36. Leadership Has its Limits
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

37. Leadership Quote

38. Leading With Your Sweat

39. Claim Your Seat
To me, this quote reminds me that a true leader empowers and develops others. And that ALL team members, no matter what seat we hold, have a responsibility to contribute our gifts, insights and best efforts to achieve the team's goals.

40. Do What You Can Do
John Wooden coached 10 teams (in 12 years) to NCAA Basketball National titles - including 7 in a row.
He was known as much for the life skills he instilled as the intensity of focus on getting the little things right.
I like this quote because when I stress out about things I can't control or aren't the best at, it keeps me focused on tackling what I can do that is often right in front of me.

41. Greater Vision & Achievement

42. Leadership Challenges

43. Unknown and Unknowable

44. Dwight Had it Right

45. My Favorite Leadership Quote
Even though we're creating brands, we're doing it not only with people, but also for people. Clients hire us because they want to work with us, but they also know that our work is really for their customers – it’s all about getting them to pick up the product off the shelf.

46. Does it Pass the Grandpa Test?

47. Save Your Excuses!
It pretty much sums up my entire work ethic. I started my skin care business just about 12 years ago on a dime, a wing and a prayer and never looked back. And, I never made excuses for the direction I was taking my business in. Even when it shifted direction twice.
So, put away your excuses and just do whatever it takes.

48. Now That's Old School!
-Admiral Ernest King [Attributed]
There are lots of management philosophies that tell you that if you just follow a few simple rules, you’ll have perfect results. But, it’s never that simple. Anybody can swing a bat, but that doesn’t mean anybody can be a major leaguer. It takes talent, temperament, and training. And sometimes, leadership is building a team of "Sons of Bitches" to get results.

49. The Ultimate Quality
Integrity is defined as one who does what is expected of him and what he says he will do. This varies from role to role, but is consistent with the qualities of a leader.

50. From the Master...

51. Change or Be Irrelevant
The only constant in business is change. Whatever advantage a business may have today will be quickly lost. Whatever is working well today will not be in the very near future.
The businesses that succeed in the long run are the ones who proactively manage change and constantly evolve in anticipation of their market, customers, and competition.

52. Production Over Perfection
John Quincy Adams stated,
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more you are a leader” The top priority as a leader is not ENVISIONING, it is EXECUTING ideas and becoming an EXAMPLE who challenges others to shift from stuck to unstoppable, taking one bold action step at a time!

53. Tomorrow is a New Day
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

54. Assess Your Failures
Our health is the greatest gift; yet so often, we take it for granted. The wisdom from this quote lies in how we should learn from our illnesses. While we may only see the successes of great entrepreneurs, they have made a multitude of errors along the way & they will all tell you that learning from these mistakes is the key to success.

55. Alleviate Their Fears
"A leader is a person you will follow to a place you would not go by yourself."

56. Leaders Boost Others
I truly believe in getting the most out of my team by putting the most into them. I recognize successes, I acknowledge greatness, and I work hard to re-enforce awesomeness at my company.

57. Be Grateful/Take Opportunities
"And there will come a day when you would give everything you have left to have what you have right now."
It motivates me toward: 1) being grateful for what I have today; and 2) taking opportunities I may not have again. Those two simple things have made me a better leader than any management theory or training.

58. The Power of Ideas
By Seth Godin
(Quote appears in Godin's book *Tribes*, page 108)

59. Prioritize
It's all too easy for entrepreneurs to get caught up in daily fires and ignore the bigger picture. Stephen Covey's quote reminds leaders to focus their time on taking the necessary steps to achieve their personal vision.

60. Grind it Out
Hard work will always get any individual where they want to be, but most are not willing to do what it takes.
My grandfather who barely spoke English told me that when I was younger and it has resonated with me ever since.
If your people don't see you working hard, your passion will not spread.

61. Leadership is Inspiration

62. Values Always Come First
"Hire character. Train skill." Peter Schultz (former president and CEO of Porsche)
Hiring skills without character eventually dooms the organization. Clients simply will not deal with companies they cannot trust.

63. Relate or Motivate?
This John C. Maxwell quote speaks to the importance of connecting to your team while staying 'at the head of the pack' to provide motivation. Your team is your most important asset.
"Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them."

64. Failure is Not an Option
Thinking about failure is useless unless you find a solution to your problem. Knowing how much Michael Jordan struggled to reach his goal inspires me to keep going. Don’t dwell on your mistake, but think about the next possible step.

65. Make a Difference
-Dr. Nathan Mellor, CEO C3 Brands, President of Strata Leadership

66. Reading, Reading, Reading

67. Failure is Part of Success
The way you react to your mistakes separates you from those who reach their goals and those who don’t. I’m mostly inspired by real people and not their quotes. Serena has proved time and time again how you can lose and then get back up. Her actions show more than her words.

68. Don't Postpone, Just Go for it
Nick Vujicic is one of the most inspiring people for me because it’s amazing to see what he’s capable of. Most of us thought that the things he does now with confidence were impossible. He’s his own leader.

69. Keep Pushing On

70. Courage
Leaders need the courage to look into their mistakes straight in the eye. They need the courage to make tough decisions. And, they need to help others believe in themselves and step outside of their comfort zone.

71. Don't Ignore Your Mistakes
Ignoring failure is even worse because you simply make the same mistake over and over again. And, it takes time for people to understand what they did wrong. Nobody wants to hear it. So, you have to be patient. Simply pointing out a mistake is far from enough. You need to help people find their own solutions.

72. Bring Value to the Table
Thinking about what kind of value you can bring in first is the only way to choose the right project that inspires others to join you. And then, once you decide on one thing, stick to it. Motivation is a tricky thing; it comes and goes. Leaders know that and continue working whether they are really motivated that day or not.

73. It's Your Fault
As a leader, it's your job to take responsibility for everything. Blaming others for things that happen is admitting that others have control over your success. If you always take the fault, you also focus on what you control in the situation. For example, an employee may make a colossal mistake and it may seem like it was their fault. A great leader sees their own error in poor training or perhaps in poor hiring.

74. Listen. And Listen More
-Sir Richard Branson

75. Emerge

76. The Role of Leaders

77. Best Leadership Quote
― Winston Churchill, Harrow School, 1941.

78. Commitment, Not Plans
Peter Drucker, the founder of modern management theory, drives home a point we make every day discussing strategic planning and execution with our clients. Ideas are not actionable plans until you make the commitment to provide effort and budget, set measurements, define what a successful outcome looks like. In business, it’s not enough to have ideas, want success and hope for good luck.

79. Making Problems Interesting
Personally, when a problem is interesting to me, and the solution is productive and thought-provoking, I'm more willing to jump into the tasks at hand. When it comes to good leadership, passing that foundational sentiment along to my direct reports has been a important place for me to start.

80. 'Stellar Leadership'
"A camel is a horse designed by a team. A giraffe is a horse designed by a cross-functional team. A rhino is a horse designed by a self-directed team. And an elephant is a horse designed by a team led by the boss."
– Phil Stella, contemporary entrepreneur, consultant and executive coach

81. The Man in the Arena
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood."

82. Hire Motivated Employees

83. You Need Revenue First!
Joshua Waitzkin
When running a business, I need to be sure that I’m not making decisions that have fatal consequences. Many business owners don’t have a tactical plan for success & growth. They buy new equipment, hire unneeded staff or engage in non-revenue generating activities because that’s what their competitor did or that’s what they think they should do. Then one day, they wake up to no calls due to their lack of foresight & planning.

84. Do the Right Thing

85. It's All About Talent!
“Constantly being on the lookout for talent is a critical variable, I think, particularly in these emerging markets.” -Steve Case
What's wrong with leaders today?
Unlike Mr. Case, it seems as if leaders have forgotten that they have to work. They have to put the time in. "Nothing ventured; nothing gained," right? Who said that leadership is somehow a free ride to success?

86. Short and Sweet Advice

87. Inspire Like a Great Teacher

88. First Impressions are Critical
We're the #1 plumber in Seattle; we are part of the business "pop culture" here. In the plumbing industry, there are a lot of plumbers that just run & gun. At Beacon Plumbing, we work hard with a strong business ethic to make sure our plumbers don't have that mindset. On a daily basis, we have a team of callers that call our customers to confirm that they received the best plumbing service available!

89. Leading Selflessly
- Lao Tzu

90. Lead Ethically--By Example!
The quote that inspires or motivates me, on the topic of ethical leadership, is: "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." --John C. Maxwell

91. Strap on Your Brave!
“Tomorrow morning, as you are figuring out what to wear, try your Brave on. I hear it looks really good on you.”
Creative, inspired leadership is all about stepping out of your comfort zone into a space of daring courage, where you come from your most authentic self. Put that on, and you can go forth as your Inner Leader with compassion and greatness!

92. "Yes, and..."

93. Leading the Right Way
"Do what is right, not what is easy" -Unknown.
This makes a great leadership quote because it is up to the leader to demonstrate to others how to do the right thing. In a world like today, many people take the easy path; a leader paves the way by doing what is right. Not only do they do the right thing, a good leader also encourages and shows other how to do the same.

94. Leading & Learning

95. First Things First!
Leaders who express genuine concern for others and make them feel like they matter to create a culture of caring, respect, and inclusivity. Communicate authentic interest in the lives of those you work with, invest in nurturing those relationships and they will reciprocate with interest, passion, and commitment to what you want to do, as a leader. People first and inevitably success follows.

96. Champion by Choice
When you change your thinking, you will change your life!
From - Don Sardella @ The Institute for Leadership Development

97. Innovation Makes the Leader

98. Empower for Productivity
"People who produce good results feel good about themselves."
~Ken Blanchard

99. Fear is for Fools
Running a business is like being on a roller coaster ride. You can feel like you're on top of the world when things are going right, but you can also feel helpless and even panic when things begin to go south. Whenever I'm at one of my low points, this quote reminds me of the importance of staying strong before those that need my strength and support more than maybe even myself.

100. Facing Challenges
The key to being a remarkable leader shines through when faced with adversities. Most business owners and entrepreneurs know and understand the great stress and pressures that come with the job.
But, if you're going into business for calmness, stability and comfort, you're doing the wrong thing in life.

101. Best Leadership Quote
"Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline."

102. Toughen Up
With how cutthroat the business world can be, I admit that I'm sometimes too soft-hearted to make the tough decisions - even when they might be the right ones. This quote gives me courage by reminding me that sometimes it's necessary to voice an unpopular opinion or step on a few toes if it means getting one step closer to finding success. Great leaders should be able to win back the people they piss off anyways, right?

103. Inspire Synchrony of Purpose

104. Dreams are Lovely...
"Dreams are lovely. But they are just dreams. Fleeting, ephemeral, pretty. But dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It's hard work that makes things happen. It's hard work that creates change."

105. Embrace the Struggle!
“It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it.”
This is a quote by Tom Hanks in A League of Their Own.
And the second is;
“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.” -Jeff Olson
These quotes help me embrace doing the 'hard things' that need to be done and make me realize that it's a necessary part of success.

106. The Human Touch
I am motivated by this quote; it encompasses of two paths that stand out - a philanthropic and social responsibility towards human development. It inspires the notion of responsibility, to be consistent with my passion, to go deeper as investing in another's growth means they trust in you, to lead and inspire. It's humbling, to be part of something bigger than myself.

107. Act Now, Adjust Later
Instead of waiting for your big break or more funding from a VC, just start working right now. I understand sometimes you want everything to be perfect, but if no one ever sees your final product/service, then what good is it? Just start now and perfect it later!

108. Great Leadership Advice
Business leaders constantly make decisions. While most decisions work out fine, it's also likely that a few won't. But, many leaders suffer from what psychologists call "escalation of commitment" -- and can't alter course when decisions go bad. In Welch's vernacular, they "can't cut bait." And, sticking to a bad plan can be disastrous!

109. The Best Business Quote
"The extraordinary business does not require good management."
This quote provides a counterintuitive insight about business. As managers, we focus on ourselves -- our roles and how they affect our business outcomes. Yet Buffett makes the point that if the business system is excellent, each individual doesn't need to be.
I try to stay humble in working with my team, as I know that alone, I am only a part of what makes us successful.

110. Why Do People Follow You?
Make sure as a leader, your actions are filled with empathy, passion and authenticity. People follow great leaders out of respect and people follow poor leaders out of fear. What kind of leader would you rather be?

111. Make a Difference
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."
-Winston Churchill

112. Think Big for Change

113. Hiring Talent
Lou Adler - Hire with your head

114. Mistakes & Turning Points
"Don't let 'no' be your stopping point, let it be your turning point." Quote by Melodie Narain, the founder of SoleSavers in a January 2017 interview with the Huffington Post.

115. The Masterpiece Team
As business leaders - so much focus is on the FINAL RESULT. If that is all we look at, we miss the rest of the story. It's the small steps, the small learnings, the small sacrifices, the details, the contribution from each person... and no shortcuts that ultimately make the masterpiece of the team.

116. Favorite Leadership Quote

117. Prepare for Change
Change will always occur. Like the seasons, it is something we have virtually no control over, and which arrives whether we want it or not. A good leader prepares by adopting the right state of mind, which then translates into positive action. This quote stresses the role of one’s personal philosophy in dealing with adversity, finding strength, and harnessing one’s true power.

118. Leadership Quote
― Josh Rushing
As a trial attorney, someone that decided to also obtain an MBA thereafter, and lastly, as someone that is looking into helping veterans with their VA appeals pro-bono, this quote reminds me you have to follow your own moral & entrepreneurial compass to get to your destination.
Do you know an inspiring leadership quote that wasn’t included? Please share it below. And, as always, many thanks to everyone that contributed to this article!
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