I like to share inquiries of individuals so that others can learn. Here’s another recent question that I received (edited for the background).

“…what I can do better as a beginning blogger trying to create a community?”

Here was my response:

Who is your target community?  Where do those people spend their time?  Figure out other bloggers or media venues that reach those communities.  Start with those and become part of the community.  Comment on those blogs. Share them and have a dialogue with other community members on social media.  Start building up relationships with not only the influencers, but the other community members that you want to reach with your message.

Then, start sharing your content intermittently while you continue to share others’ content as well.  As it resonates, you will begin to attract like-minded folks (to build the community).

You have to start with baby steps and know it will take time, but hard work and consistency pay off.

In addition, another way to attract a community is by raising your profile.  This can include blogging for other outlets (ranging from blogs to larger platforms) to being quoted as an expert.

Best of luck!

What are your thoughts on creating community? How does a new blogger create a community from scratch? Share your suggestions below.