As the editor of Business Unplugged, I have a question for you: What topics would you like to see covered here on the blog?
I know what gets shared the most, but what would you like to learn about? What could we cover in more depth? What do you come here to read?
Some things we have covered or could cover include:
- Marketing strategies
- Sales strategies
- Customer service techniques
- Mindset tips
- Work / life balance strategies
- Financial information for small business owners
- Blogging
- Content marketing
- Email marketing
- Website tips for small businesses
- ?
Often guest bloggers will ask me for topics that I would like them to cover – but it isn’t about me at all! It’s about you, and what you want to read here on the blog. So I thought I should ask you.
Please leave a comment below and tell me what you like and want more of, and what we could add into the mix.
I am looking forward to seeing your suggestions. Thank you!